C# Класс Spine.Unity.Modules.SkeletonRagdoll2D

Наследование: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
disableOtherConstraints bool
disableUpdateBones bool
flipYInitially bool
gravityScale float
rootMass float
spawnKinematic bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Apply ( ) : void

Instantiates the ragdoll simulation and applies its transforms to the skeleton.

GetRigidbody ( string boneName ) : Rigidbody2D
Remove ( ) : void

Removes the ragdoll instance and effect from the animated skeleton.

SetSkeletonPosition ( Vector3 worldPosition ) : void

Set the transform world position while preserving the ragdoll parts world position.

SmoothMix ( float target, float duration ) : Coroutine

Transitions the mix value from the current value to a target value.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AttachBoundingBoxRagdollColliders ( Bone b, GameObject go, Skeleton skeleton ) : List
FlipScale ( bool flipX, bool flipY ) : Vector3
GetPropagatedRotation ( Bone b ) : float
OnDrawGizmosSelected ( ) : void
RecursivelyCreateBoneProxies ( Bone b ) : void

Generates the ragdoll simulation's Transform and joint setup.

SmoothMixCoroutine ( float target, float duration ) : IEnumerator
Start ( ) : IEnumerator
UpdateSpineSkeleton ( ISkeletonAnimation animatedSkeleton ) : void

Performed every skeleton animation update to translate Unity Transforms positions into Spine bone transforms.

Описание методов

Apply() публичный Метод

Instantiates the ragdoll simulation and applies its transforms to the skeleton.
public Apply ( ) : void
Результат void

GetRigidbody() публичный Метод

public GetRigidbody ( string boneName ) : Rigidbody2D
boneName string
Результат UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D

Remove() публичный Метод

Removes the ragdoll instance and effect from the animated skeleton.
public Remove ( ) : void
Результат void

SetSkeletonPosition() публичный Метод

Set the transform world position while preserving the ragdoll parts world position.
public SetSkeletonPosition ( Vector3 worldPosition ) : void
worldPosition UnityEngine.Vector3
Результат void

SmoothMix() публичный Метод

Transitions the mix value from the current value to a target value.
public SmoothMix ( float target, float duration ) : Coroutine
target float
duration float
Результат UnityEngine.Coroutine

Описание свойств

disableOtherConstraints публичное свойство

public bool disableOtherConstraints
Результат bool

disableUpdateBones публичное свойство

public bool disableUpdateBones
Результат bool

flipYInitially публичное свойство

public bool flipYInitially
Результат bool

gravityScale публичное свойство

public float gravityScale
Результат float

rootMass публичное свойство

public float rootMass
Результат float

spawnKinematic публичное свойство

public bool spawnKinematic
Результат bool