C# Класс Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools.AttachmentCloneExtensions

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetClone ( this o, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked ) : Attachment

Clones the attachment.

GetClone ( this o ) : BoundingBoxAttachment
GetClone ( this o ) : MeshAttachment

Returns a clone of the MeshAttachment. This will cause Deform animations to stop working unless you explicity set the .parentMesh to the original.

GetClone ( this o ) : PathAttachment
GetClone ( this o ) : RegionAttachment
GetLinkedClone ( this o, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment
GetLinkedMesh ( this o, Sprite sprite, Shader shader, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment

Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to an AtlasRegion generated from a Sprite. The AtlasRegion will be mapped to a new Material based on the shader. For better caching and batching, use GetLinkedMesh(string, AtlasRegion, bool)

GetLinkedMesh ( this o, string newLinkedMeshName, AtlasRegion region, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment

Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to the AtlasRegion provided.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CloneVertexAttachment ( VertexAttachment src, VertexAttachment dest ) : void

Описание методов

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

Clones the attachment.
public static GetClone ( this o, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked ) : Attachment
o this
cloneMeshesAsLinked bool
Результат Attachment

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

public static GetClone ( this o ) : BoundingBoxAttachment
o this
Результат BoundingBoxAttachment

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

Returns a clone of the MeshAttachment. This will cause Deform animations to stop working unless you explicity set the .parentMesh to the original.
public static GetClone ( this o ) : MeshAttachment
o this
Результат MeshAttachment

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

public static GetClone ( this o ) : PathAttachment
o this
Результат PathAttachment

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

public static GetClone ( this o ) : RegionAttachment
o this
Результат RegionAttachment

GetLinkedClone() публичный статический Метод

public static GetLinkedClone ( this o, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment
o this
inheritDeform bool
Результат MeshAttachment

GetLinkedMesh() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to an AtlasRegion generated from a Sprite. The AtlasRegion will be mapped to a new Material based on the shader. For better caching and batching, use GetLinkedMesh(string, AtlasRegion, bool)
public static GetLinkedMesh ( this o, Sprite sprite, Shader shader, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment
o this
sprite UnityEngine.Sprite
shader UnityEngine.Shader
inheritDeform bool
Результат MeshAttachment

GetLinkedMesh() публичный статический Метод

Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to the AtlasRegion provided.
public static GetLinkedMesh ( this o, string newLinkedMeshName, AtlasRegion region, bool inheritDeform = true ) : MeshAttachment
o this
newLinkedMeshName string
region AtlasRegion
inheritDeform bool
Результат MeshAttachment