C# Класс SpilGames.Unity.Helpers.SpilGameDataHelper

This is the business object that the developer can use to work with Spil Game Data (Currencies, Items, Bundles, Shop). Much easier to work with than the raw data!
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Bundles List
Currencies List
Items List
Promotions List
Shop Shop

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetBundle ( int bundleId ) : Bundle

Helper method that returns the Bundle for a given bundleId Returns null if no bundle was found

GetCurrency ( int currencyId ) : Currency

Helper method that returns the Currency for a given currencyId Returns null if no currency was found

GetItem ( int itemId ) : Item

Helper method that returns the Item for a given itemId Returns null if no item was found

RefreshData ( SpilUnityImplementationBase Instance ) : void
SpilGameDataHandler ( ) : void
SpilGameDataHelper ( SpilUnityImplementationBase Instance ) : System

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddDataToHelper ( List currencies, List items, List bundles, List shop, List promotions ) : void
UpdateSpilGameData ( ) : void

Описание методов

GetBundle() публичный Метод

Helper method that returns the Bundle for a given bundleId Returns null if no bundle was found
public GetBundle ( int bundleId ) : Bundle
bundleId int
Результат Bundle

GetCurrency() публичный Метод

Helper method that returns the Currency for a given currencyId Returns null if no currency was found
public GetCurrency ( int currencyId ) : Currency
currencyId int
Результат Currency

GetItem() публичный Метод

Helper method that returns the Item for a given itemId Returns null if no item was found
public GetItem ( int itemId ) : Item
itemId int
Результат Item

RefreshData() публичный Метод

public RefreshData ( SpilUnityImplementationBase Instance ) : void
Instance SpilUnityImplementationBase
Результат void

SpilGameDataHandler() публичный Метод

public SpilGameDataHandler ( ) : void
Результат void

SpilGameDataHelper() публичный Метод

public SpilGameDataHelper ( SpilUnityImplementationBase Instance ) : System
Instance SpilUnityImplementationBase
Результат System

Описание свойств

Bundles публичное свойство

public List Bundles
Результат List

Currencies публичное свойство

public List Currencies
Результат List

Items публичное свойство

public List Items
Результат List

Promotions публичное свойство

public List Promotions
Результат List

Shop публичное свойство

public Shop,SpilGames.Unity.Helpers Shop
Результат Shop