C# Класс SobekCM.Library.ItemViewer.Viewers.Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper

Directory item viewer prototyper, which is used to check to see if a user has access to view the full file list from the directory for a digital resource, and to create the viewer itself if the user selects that option
Наследование: iItemViewerPrototyper
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add_Menu_items ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, List MenuItems, bool IpRestricted ) : void

Gets the menu items related to this viewer that should be included on the main item (digital resource) menu

Create_Viewer ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : iItemViewer

Creates and returns the an instance of the Directory_ItemViewer class for showing the list of all files in the resource directory during execution of a single HTTP request.

This method is called whenever a request requires the actual viewer to be created to render the HTML for the digital resource requested. The created viewer is then destroyed at the end of the request

Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper ( ) : System.Collections.Generic

Constructor for a new instance of the Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper class

Has_Access ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, bool IpRestricted ) : bool

Flag indicates if the current user has access to this viewer for the item

Include_Viewer ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem ) : bool

Indicates if the specified item matches the basic requirements for this viewer, or if this viewer should be ignored for this item

Override_On_Checkout ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem ) : bool

Flag indicates if this viewer should be override on checkout

Описание методов

Add_Menu_items() публичный Метод

Gets the menu items related to this viewer that should be included on the main item (digital resource) menu
public Add_Menu_items ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, List MenuItems, bool IpRestricted ) : void
CurrentItem SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource object, which can be used to ensure if and how this viewer should appear /// in the main item (digital resource) menu
CurrentUser SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who may or may not be logged on
CurrentRequest SobekCM.Core.Navigation.Navigation_Object Information about the current request
MenuItems List List of menu items, to which this method may add one or more menu items
IpRestricted bool Flag indicates if this item is IP restricted AND if the current user is outside the ranges
Результат void

Create_Viewer() публичный Метод

Creates and returns the an instance of the Directory_ItemViewer class for showing the list of all files in the resource directory during execution of a single HTTP request.
This method is called whenever a request requires the actual viewer to be created to render the HTML for the digital resource requested. The created viewer is then destroyed at the end of the request
public Create_Viewer ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : iItemViewer
CurrentItem SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource object
CurrentUser SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who may or may not be logged on
CurrentRequest SobekCM.Core.Navigation.Navigation_Object Information about the current request
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
Результат iItemViewer

Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper() публичный Метод

Constructor for a new instance of the Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper class
public Directory_ItemViewer_Prototyper ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
Результат System.Collections.Generic

Has_Access() публичный Метод

Flag indicates if the current user has access to this viewer for the item
public Has_Access ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem, User_Object CurrentUser, bool IpRestricted ) : bool
CurrentItem SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource to see if the current user has correct permissions to use this viewer
CurrentUser SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who may or may not be logged on
IpRestricted bool Flag indicates if this item is IP restricted AND if the current user is outside the ranges
Результат bool

Include_Viewer() публичный Метод

Indicates if the specified item matches the basic requirements for this viewer, or if this viewer should be ignored for this item
public Include_Viewer ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem ) : bool
CurrentItem SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource to examine to see if this viewer really should be included
Результат bool

Override_On_Checkout() публичный Метод

Flag indicates if this viewer should be override on checkout
public Override_On_Checkout ( BriefItemInfo CurrentItem ) : bool
CurrentItem SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource to examine to see if this viewer should really be overriden
Результат bool