C# Класс SobekCM.Library.AggregationViewer.Viewers.Tiles_Home_AggregationViewer

Наследование: abstractAggregationViewer
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
selectedTiles List

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add_Search_Box_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Add the HTML to be displayed in the search box

Add_Secondary_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Add the HTML to be displayed below the search box

This adds the search tips by calling the base method abstractAggregationViewer.Add_Simple_Search_Tips

Tiles_Home_AggregationViewer ( RequestCache RequestSpecificValues, AggregationViewBag ViewBag ) : System

Описание методов

Add_Search_Box_HTML() публичный Метод

Add the HTML to be displayed in the search box
public Add_Search_Box_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Textwriter to write the HTML for this viewer
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
Результат void

Add_Secondary_HTML() публичный Метод

Add the HTML to be displayed below the search box
This adds the search tips by calling the base method abstractAggregationViewer.Add_Simple_Search_Tips
public Add_Secondary_HTML ( TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
Output TextWriter Textwriter to write the HTML for this viewer
Tracer Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
Результат void

Tiles_Home_AggregationViewer() публичный Метод

public Tiles_Home_AggregationViewer ( RequestCache RequestSpecificValues, AggregationViewBag ViewBag ) : System
RequestSpecificValues RequestCache
ViewBag AggregationViewBag
Результат System

Описание свойств

selectedTiles защищенное свойство

protected List selectedTiles
Результат List