C# Класс SobekCM.Core.UI_Configuration.Citation.CitationFieldSet

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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add_Translation ( Web_Language_Enum Language, string Value ) : void

Add a new translation for the heading term

Append_Element ( CitationElement NewElement ) : void

Adds a new citation element to the end of the current elements in this field set

If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first.

CitationFieldSet ( ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the CitationFieldSet class.

Clear_Elements ( ) : void

Clear the elements in this field set

Insert_Element_After ( CitationElement NewElement, string RelativeElementID ) : void

Adds a new citation element after an existing elements in this field set

If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first. If the ID provided to add this element after does not exist, this is just appended to the very end.

Insert_Element_Before ( CitationElement NewElement, string RelativeElementID ) : void

Adds a new citation element before an existing elements in this field set

If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first. If the ID provided to add this element after does not exist, this is just appended to the very end.

Remove_Element ( string MetadataTerm ) : void

Removes a single citation element from this field set, if it exists

ShouldSerializeHeading ( ) : bool

Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Heading property if it is empty

ShouldSerializeTranslations ( ) : bool

Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Translations property if it is empty

Описание методов

Add_Translation() публичный Метод

Add a new translation for the heading term
public Add_Translation ( Web_Language_Enum Language, string Value ) : void
Language Web_Language_Enum Language in which this value is represented
Value string Value in provided language
Результат void

Append_Element() публичный Метод

Adds a new citation element to the end of the current elements in this field set
If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first.
public Append_Element ( CitationElement NewElement ) : void
NewElement CitationElement New citation element to add
Результат void

CitationFieldSet() публичный Метод

Constructor for a new instance of the CitationFieldSet class.
public CitationFieldSet ( ) : System
Результат System

Clear_Elements() публичный Метод

Clear the elements in this field set
public Clear_Elements ( ) : void
Результат void

Insert_Element_After() публичный Метод

Adds a new citation element after an existing elements in this field set
If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first. If the ID provided to add this element after does not exist, this is just appended to the very end.
public Insert_Element_After ( CitationElement NewElement, string RelativeElementID ) : void
NewElement CitationElement New citation element to add
RelativeElementID string MetadataTerm for the element after which the new citation element should be inserted
Результат void

Insert_Element_Before() публичный Метод

Adds a new citation element before an existing elements in this field set
If an element exists with the same MetadataTerm, it is removed first. If the ID provided to add this element after does not exist, this is just appended to the very end.
public Insert_Element_Before ( CitationElement NewElement, string RelativeElementID ) : void
NewElement CitationElement New citation element to add
RelativeElementID string MetadataTerm for the element before which the new citation element should be inserted
Результат void

Remove_Element() публичный Метод

Removes a single citation element from this field set, if it exists
public Remove_Element ( string MetadataTerm ) : void
MetadataTerm string Unique identifier for the citation element to remove
Результат void

ShouldSerializeHeading() публичный Метод

Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Heading property if it is empty
public ShouldSerializeHeading ( ) : bool
Результат bool

ShouldSerializeTranslations() публичный Метод

Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Translations property if it is empty
public ShouldSerializeTranslations ( ) : bool
Результат bool