C# Класс Smrf.NodeXL.GraphDataProviders.Facebook.FacebookGroupNetworkAnalyzer

Gets networks of Facebook fan page.
Use GetNetworkAsync to asynchronously get a undirected network of a Facebook fan page.
Наследование: FacebookNetworkAnalyzerBase
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
txt String

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AssertValid ( ) : void
ConvertToDateTime ( double unixTimeStamp ) : System.DateTime

Method for converting a UNIX Timestamp to a System.DateTime value

FacebookGroupNetworkAnalyzer ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the class.

GetNetwork ( String s_accessToken, String sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : XmlDocument
GetNetworkAsync ( String s_accessToken, String sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : void

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
BackgroundWorker_DoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void
CreateGraphMLXmlDocument ( bool>.Dictionary attributes, List netTypes ) : GraphMLXmlDocument
GetFanPageNetworkInternal ( string sAccessToken, string sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : XmlDocument
GetNetworkDescription ( List streamPosts, String fanPageUsernameID, List netTypes, Int32 iFromPost, Int32 iToPost, System.DateTime fromDate, System.DateTime endDate, GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument ) : String

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddAttributes ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, XmlNode &oVertexXmlNode, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddCommenterVertices ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary commentersComments, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues, object>.Dictionary statusUpdates, object>.Dictionary wallPosts ) : void
AddEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMlXmlDocument, List netTypes, Dictionary commentersComments, Dictionary likersPosts, List streamPosts, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddLikerVertices ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary likersPost, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues, object>.Dictionary statusUpdates, object>.Dictionary wallPosts ) : void
AddPostDateRangeToNetworkDescription ( List streamPosts, NetworkDescriber oNetworkDescriber ) : void
AddPostPostCommentsEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary commentersComments ) : void
AddPostPostLikesEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary likersPosts ) : void
AddPostVertices ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, List streamPosts ) : void
AddStatusUpdates ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, XmlNode &oVertexXmlNode, string userID, object>.Dictionary statusUpdates ) : void
AddUserPostCommentsEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary commentersComments, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddUserPostLikesEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary likersPosts, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddUserUserCommentsEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary commentersComments, List streamPosts, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddUserUserLikesEdges ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary likersPosts, List streamPosts, JSONObject>.Dictionary attributeValues ) : void
AddVertices ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, JSONObject>.Dictionary &attributeValues, bool>.Dictionary attributes, List netTypes, Dictionary commentersComments, Dictionary likersPosts, List streamPosts ) : void
AddWallPosts ( GraphMLXmlDocument &oGraphMLXmlDocument, XmlNode &oVertexXmlNode, string userID, object>.Dictionary wallPosts ) : void
CallGraphAPIWithRelogin ( string sRelativePath ) : Facebook.JSONObject
ConcatenateNetworkTypes ( List netTypes ) : string
ConvertToTimestamp ( System.DateTime value ) : int

Method for converting a System.DateTime value to a UNIX Timestamp

DownloadComments ( List streamPosts ) : Dictionary>>
DownloadLikes ( List streamPosts ) : List>.Dictionary
DownloadPosts ( string sGroupID, int iFromPost, int iToPost, System.Boolean includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : List
ExecuteFQLMultiqueryWithRetryRelogin ( string>.Dictionary oQueries, string sProgress, bool bForcePrevent ) : Facebook.JSONObject
ExecuteFQLWithRelogin ( string sQuery, bool bForcePrevent ) : Facebook.JSONObject
GetHashtags ( string txt, char concatenator ) : string

Returns the hashtags found in a string

GetStatusUpdates ( List userUIDs ) : Dictionary>>
GetURLs ( string txt, char concatenator ) : string

Returns the URLs found in a string

GetWallPosts ( List userUIDs ) : Dictionary>>
ManageDisplayNames ( string usersName, string usersID ) : string
ManageDisplayNames ( JSONObject>.Dictionary &attributes ) : void
ManageDuplicateNames2 ( JSONObject>.Dictionary &attributes ) : void
Relogin ( ) : void
ReloginMethod ( ) : void
getAttributes ( bool>.Dictionary attributes, List users ) : Dictionary>

Gets the selected attributes for all the friends

Описание методов

AssertValid() публичный Метод

public AssertValid ( ) : void
Результат void

BackgroundWorker_DoWork() защищенный Метод

protected BackgroundWorker_DoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs
Результат void

ConvertToDateTime() публичный статический Метод

Method for converting a UNIX Timestamp to a System.DateTime value
public static ConvertToDateTime ( double unixTimeStamp ) : System.DateTime
unixTimeStamp double
Результат System.DateTime

CreateGraphMLXmlDocument() защищенный Метод

protected CreateGraphMLXmlDocument ( bool>.Dictionary attributes, List netTypes ) : GraphMLXmlDocument
attributes bool>.Dictionary
netTypes List
Результат Smrf.XmlLib.GraphMLXmlDocument

FacebookGroupNetworkAnalyzer() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the class.
public FacebookGroupNetworkAnalyzer ( ) : System
Результат System

GetFanPageNetworkInternal() защищенный Метод

protected GetFanPageNetworkInternal ( string sAccessToken, string sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : XmlDocument
sAccessToken string
sGroupID string
netTypes List
iFromPost int
iToPost int
attributes bool>.Dictionary
getStatusUpdates bool
getWallPosts bool
includeOthers bool
startDate System.DateTime
endDate System.DateTime
Результат System.Xml.XmlDocument

GetNetwork() публичный Метод

public GetNetwork ( String s_accessToken, String sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : XmlDocument
s_accessToken String
sGroupID String
netTypes List
iFromPost int
iToPost int
attributes bool>.Dictionary
getStatusUpdates bool
getWallPosts bool
includeOthers bool
startDate System.DateTime
endDate System.DateTime
Результат System.Xml.XmlDocument

GetNetworkAsync() публичный Метод

public GetNetworkAsync ( String s_accessToken, String sGroupID, List netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, bool>.Dictionary attributes, bool getStatusUpdates, bool getWallPosts, bool includeOthers, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate ) : void
s_accessToken String
sGroupID String
netTypes List
iFromPost int
iToPost int
attributes bool>.Dictionary
getStatusUpdates bool
getWallPosts bool
includeOthers bool
startDate System.DateTime
endDate System.DateTime
Результат void

GetNetworkDescription() защищенный Метод

protected GetNetworkDescription ( List streamPosts, String fanPageUsernameID, List netTypes, Int32 iFromPost, Int32 iToPost, System.DateTime fromDate, System.DateTime endDate, GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument ) : String
streamPosts List
fanPageUsernameID String
netTypes List
iFromPost System.Int32
iToPost System.Int32
fromDate System.DateTime
endDate System.DateTime
oGraphMLXmlDocument Smrf.XmlLib.GraphMLXmlDocument
Результат String

Описание свойств

txt публичное свойство

public String txt
Результат String