C# Класс SitPerfect.SkeletonExtensions

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CalculateAngleBetweenJoints ( Microsoft.Kinect.Joint joint1, Microsoft.Kinect.Joint joint2 ) : double

Calculates the angle between two joings

CalculateAngleBetweenTwoPoints ( float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2 ) : double

Calculates the angle between two points

GetAngleHeadShoulderCenter ( this skel ) : double
GetAngleHeadShoulderRight ( this skel ) : double

Описание методов

CalculateAngleBetweenJoints() публичный статический Метод

Calculates the angle between two joings
public static CalculateAngleBetweenJoints ( Microsoft.Kinect.Joint joint1, Microsoft.Kinect.Joint joint2 ) : double
joint1 Microsoft.Kinect.Joint The first joint
joint2 Microsoft.Kinect.Joint The second joint
Результат double

CalculateAngleBetweenTwoPoints() публичный статический Метод

Calculates the angle between two points
public static CalculateAngleBetweenTwoPoints ( float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2 ) : double
X1 float The X coordinate of the first point
Y1 float The Y coordinate of the first point
X2 float The X coordinate of the second point
Y2 float The Y coordinate of the second point
Результат double

GetAngleHeadShoulderCenter() публичный статический Метод

public static GetAngleHeadShoulderCenter ( this skel ) : double
skel this
Результат double

GetAngleHeadShoulderRight() публичный статический Метод

public static GetAngleHeadShoulderRight ( this skel ) : double
skel this
Результат double