C# Класс Simulator.SimulatedPasswords

This class tracks information about passwords to be used by the simulator. Specifically, it reads in a password distribution for simulating user's password choices.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
OrderedListOfMostCommonPasswords List

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution ( ) : string

Gets a password from a realistic password distribution.

LoadKnownPopularPasswords ( string pathToPreviouslyKnownPopularPasswordFile ) : void

This method loads in the file containing passwords that StopGuessing knew were popular before the simulation begins

PrimeWithKnownPasswordsAsync ( BinomialLadderFilter freqFilter, int numberOfTimesToPrime ) : void

This method will prime the simulator with known-popular passwords so that they are treated as if the simulator had already observed them (or been configured with them)

SimulatedPasswords ( DebugLogger logger, ExperimentalConfiguration config ) : System

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
LoadPasswordSelector ( string pathToWeightedFrequencyFile ) : void

Given the path of a file containing a count, followed by a space, followed by a password, this method reads in the distribution and creates a password selector that can provide passwords sampled from that distribution.

Описание методов

GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution() публичный Метод

Gets a password from a realistic password distribution.
public GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution ( ) : string
Результат string

LoadKnownPopularPasswords() публичный Метод

This method loads in the file containing passwords that StopGuessing knew were popular before the simulation begins
public LoadKnownPopularPasswords ( string pathToPreviouslyKnownPopularPasswordFile ) : void
pathToPreviouslyKnownPopularPasswordFile string
Результат void

PrimeWithKnownPasswordsAsync() публичный Метод

This method will prime the simulator with known-popular passwords so that they are treated as if the simulator had already observed them (or been configured with them)
public PrimeWithKnownPasswordsAsync ( BinomialLadderFilter freqFilter, int numberOfTimesToPrime ) : void
freqFilter StopGuessing.DataStructures.BinomialLadderFilter
numberOfTimesToPrime int
Результат void

SimulatedPasswords() публичный Метод

public SimulatedPasswords ( DebugLogger logger, ExperimentalConfiguration config ) : System
logger DebugLogger
config ExperimentalConfiguration
Результат System

Описание свойств

OrderedListOfMostCommonPasswords публичное свойство

public List OrderedListOfMostCommonPasswords
Результат List