C# Класс SignificantTradeSSRepository.SPs

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AspnetAnyDataInTables ( int TablesToCheck ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_AnyDataInTables Procedure

AspnetApplicationsCreateApplication ( string ApplicationName, System.Guid ApplicationId ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication Procedure

AspnetCheckSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion Procedure

AspnetMembershipChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPasswordQuestion, string NewPasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer Procedure

AspnetMembershipCreateUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Password, string PasswordSalt, string Email, string PasswordQuestion, string PasswordAnswer, bool IsApproved, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, System.DateTime CreateDate, int UniqueEmail, int PasswordFormat, System.Guid UserId ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_CreateUser Procedure

AspnetMembershipFindUsersByEmail ( string ApplicationName, string EmailToMatch, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail Procedure

AspnetMembershipFindUsersByName ( string ApplicationName, string UserNameToMatch, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetAllUsers ( string ApplicationName, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetNumberOfUsersOnline ( string ApplicationName, int MinutesSinceLastInActive, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, string PasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetPassword Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetPasswordWithFormat ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, bool UpdateLastLoginActivityDate, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByEmail ( string ApplicationName, string Email ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByName ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, bool UpdateLastActivity ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName Procedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByUserId ( System.Guid UserId, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, bool UpdateLastActivity ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId Procedure

AspnetMembershipResetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPassword, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, string PasswordSalt, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, int PasswordFormat, string PasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword Procedure

AspnetMembershipSetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPassword, string PasswordSalt, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, int PasswordFormat ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_SetPassword Procedure

AspnetMembershipUnlockUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser Procedure

AspnetMembershipUpdateUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Email, string Comment, bool IsApproved, System.DateTime LastLoginDate, System.DateTime LastActivityDate, int UniqueEmail, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser Procedure

AspnetMembershipUpdateUserInfo ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, bool IsPasswordCorrect, bool UpdateLastLoginActivityDate, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, System.DateTime LastLoginDate, System.DateTime LastActivityDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo Procedure

AspnetPathsCreatePath ( System.Guid ApplicationId, string Path, System.Guid PathId ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Paths_CreatePath Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationDeleteAllState ( bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, int Count ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationFindState ( bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, int PageIndex, int PageSize, string Path, string UserName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationGetCountOfState ( int Count, bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, string Path, string UserName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetSharedState ( int Count, string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetUserState ( int Count, string ApplicationName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate, string UserName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersGetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersResetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersSetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path, byte PageSettings, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationGetApplicationId ( string ApplicationName, System.Guid ApplicationId ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserGetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserResetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserSetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, byte PageSettings, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings Procedure

AspnetProfileDeleteInactiveProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles Procedure

AspnetProfileDeleteProfiles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles Procedure

AspnetProfileGetNumberOfInactiveProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles Procedure

AspnetProfileGetProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, int PageIndex, int PageSize, string UserNameToMatch, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles Procedure

AspnetProfileGetProperties ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetProperties Procedure

AspnetProfileSetProperties ( string ApplicationName, string PropertyNames, string PropertyValuesString, byte PropertyValuesBinary, string UserName, bool IsUserAnonymous, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_SetProperties Procedure

AspnetRegisterSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion, bool IsCurrentVersion, bool RemoveIncompatibleSchema ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion Procedure

AspnetRolesCreateRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_CreateRole Procedure

AspnetRolesDeleteRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName, bool DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole Procedure

AspnetRolesGetAllRoles ( string ApplicationName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles Procedure

AspnetRolesRoleExists ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_RoleExists Procedure

AspnetSetupRemoveAllRoleMembers ( string name ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers Procedure

AspnetSetupRestorePermissions ( string name ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions Procedure

AspnetUnRegisterSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion Procedure

AspnetUsersCreateUser ( Guid ApplicationId, string UserName, bool IsUserAnonymous, DateTime LastActivityDate, Guid UserId ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Users_CreateUser Procedure

AspnetUsersDeleteUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, int TablesToDeleteFrom, int NumTablesDeletedFrom ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Users_DeleteUser Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesAddUsersToRoles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames, string RoleNames, DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesFindUsersInRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName, string UserNameToMatch ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesGetRolesForUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesGetUsersInRoles ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesIsUserInRole ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole Procedure

AspnetUsersInRolesRemoveUsersFromRoles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames, string RoleNames ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles Procedure

AspnetWebEventLogEvent ( string EventId, DateTime EventTimeUtc, DateTime EventTime, string EventType, decimal EventSequence, decimal EventOccurrence, int EventCode, int EventDetailCode, string Message, string ApplicationPath, string ApplicationVirtualPath, string MachineName, string RequestUrl, string ExceptionType, string Details ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent Procedure

GetAClassList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAClassList Procedure

GetAFamilyList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAFamilyList Procedure

GetAGenusList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAGenusList Procedure

GetAPhylumList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAPhylumList Procedure

GetASpeciesList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getASpeciesList Procedure

GetASpeciesListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getASpeciesListSearch Procedure

GetAllPALibExtra ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllPALibExtra Procedure

GetAllReviewsByCountry ( int CountryID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsByCountry Procedure

GetAllReviewsByFreeSearch ( string genus, string species ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsByFreeSearch Procedure

GetAllReviewsBySearchAll ( int PhaseID, string Kingdom, int GenusID, int SpeciesID, int CountryID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsBySearchAll Procedure

GetCountriesByTaxonSearch ( int TaxonID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getCountriesByTaxonSearch Procedure

GetCountriesbyTaxon ( int TaxonID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getCountriesbyTaxon Procedure

GetPFamilyList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getPFamilyList Procedure

GetPGenusList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getPGenusList Procedure

GetPSpeciesList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getPSpeciesList Procedure

GetPSpeciesListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getPSpeciesListSearch Procedure

GetParagraphActionDetails ( int PALibID, int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getParagraphActionDetails Procedure

GetTaxonSelected ( int ReviewID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getTaxonSelected Procedure

GetTaxonSelected2 ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the getTaxonSelected2 Procedure

SpGetAGenusSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetAGenusSearch Procedure

SpGetAOrderList ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetAOrderList Procedure

SpGetASpeciesByGenusSearch ( int GenusID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetASpeciesByGenusSearch Procedure

SpGetASpeciesbyGenusList ( int genusID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetASpeciesbyGenusList Procedure

SpGetClassbyPhylum ( int PhylumID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetClassbyPhylum Procedure

SpGetCommentsbyID ( int SourceID, int SourceType, string RoleAccess ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCommentsbyID Procedure

SpGetCountriesReport2 ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCountriesReport2 Procedure

SpGetCurrentSigtradeTaxons ( string taxon ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCurrentSigtradeTaxons Procedure

SpGetDeadlineForReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the sp_getDeadlineForReview Procedure

SpGetDocumentsByID ( int SourceID, int SourceType, string RoleAccess ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetDocumentsByID Procedure

SpGetGenericReport ( int country, int phase, int PALibID, int concern, string actors, int kingdom, int taxonid ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetGenericReport Procedure

SpGetNextParagraphDetails ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetNextParagraphDetails Procedure

SpGetPGenusListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPGenusListSearch Procedure

SpGetPSpeciesByGenusSearch ( int GenusID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPSpeciesByGenusSearch Procedure

SpGetPSpeciesbyGenusList ( int genusID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPSpeciesbyGenusList Procedure

SpGetParagraphStagePerReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetParagraphStagePerReview Procedure

SpGetReportByCountries ( int country ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetReportByCountries Procedure

SpGetReportTest ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetReportTest Procedure

SpGetSingleReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetSingleReview Procedure

SpGetTaxonsBySpecies ( int SpcRecID, int kingdom ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetTaxonsBySpecies Procedure

SpMeetingLibTest ( int MeetingLibID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spMeetingLibTest Procedure

SpReportGetCountries ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spReportGetCountries Procedure

SpReportParagraphActions ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the spReportParagraphActions Procedure

SpResetCurrentConcernForReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the sp_resetCurrentConcernForReview Procedure

StoredProcedure1 ( int MeetingLibID ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the StoredProcedure1 Procedure

StoredProcedure5 ( ) : StoredProcedure

Creates an object wrapper for the StoredProcedure5 Procedure

Описание методов

AspnetAnyDataInTables() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_AnyDataInTables Procedure
public static AspnetAnyDataInTables ( int TablesToCheck ) : StoredProcedure
TablesToCheck int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetApplicationsCreateApplication() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication Procedure
public static AspnetApplicationsCreateApplication ( string ApplicationName, System.Guid ApplicationId ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
ApplicationId System.Guid
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetCheckSchemaVersion() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion Procedure
public static AspnetCheckSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion ) : StoredProcedure
Feature string
CompatibleSchemaVersion string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPasswordQuestion, string NewPasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
NewPasswordQuestion string
NewPasswordAnswer string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipCreateUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_CreateUser Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipCreateUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Password, string PasswordSalt, string Email, string PasswordQuestion, string PasswordAnswer, bool IsApproved, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, System.DateTime CreateDate, int UniqueEmail, int PasswordFormat, System.Guid UserId ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Password string
PasswordSalt string
Email string
PasswordQuestion string
PasswordAnswer string
IsApproved bool
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
CreateDate System.DateTime
UniqueEmail int
PasswordFormat int
UserId System.Guid
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipFindUsersByEmail() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipFindUsersByEmail ( string ApplicationName, string EmailToMatch, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
EmailToMatch string
PageIndex int
PageSize int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipFindUsersByName() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipFindUsersByName ( string ApplicationName, string UserNameToMatch, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserNameToMatch string
PageIndex int
PageSize int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetAllUsers() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetAllUsers ( string ApplicationName, int PageIndex, int PageSize ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
PageIndex int
PageSize int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetNumberOfUsersOnline() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetNumberOfUsersOnline ( string ApplicationName, int MinutesSinceLastInActive, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
MinutesSinceLastInActive int
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetPassword() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetPassword Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, string PasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int
PasswordAttemptWindow int
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
PasswordAnswer string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetPasswordWithFormat() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetPasswordWithFormat ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, bool UpdateLastLoginActivityDate, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
UpdateLastLoginActivityDate bool
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByEmail() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetUserByEmail ( string ApplicationName, string Email ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
Email string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByName() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetUserByName ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, bool UpdateLastActivity ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
UpdateLastActivity bool
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipGetUserByUserId() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipGetUserByUserId ( System.Guid UserId, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, bool UpdateLastActivity ) : StoredProcedure
UserId System.Guid
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
UpdateLastActivity bool
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipResetPassword() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipResetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPassword, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, string PasswordSalt, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, int PasswordFormat, string PasswordAnswer ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
NewPassword string
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int
PasswordAttemptWindow int
PasswordSalt string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
PasswordFormat int
PasswordAnswer string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipSetPassword() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_SetPassword Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipSetPassword ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string NewPassword, string PasswordSalt, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, int PasswordFormat ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
NewPassword string
PasswordSalt string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
PasswordFormat int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipUnlockUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipUnlockUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipUpdateUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipUpdateUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Email, string Comment, bool IsApproved, System.DateTime LastLoginDate, System.DateTime LastActivityDate, int UniqueEmail, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Email string
Comment string
IsApproved bool
LastLoginDate System.DateTime
LastActivityDate System.DateTime
UniqueEmail int
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetMembershipUpdateUserInfo() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo Procedure
public static AspnetMembershipUpdateUserInfo ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, bool IsPasswordCorrect, bool UpdateLastLoginActivityDate, int MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, int PasswordAttemptWindow, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc, System.DateTime LastLoginDate, System.DateTime LastActivityDate ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
IsPasswordCorrect bool
UpdateLastLoginActivityDate bool
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int
PasswordAttemptWindow int
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
LastLoginDate System.DateTime
LastActivityDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPathsCreatePath() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Paths_CreatePath Procedure
public static AspnetPathsCreatePath ( System.Guid ApplicationId, string Path, System.Guid PathId ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationId System.Guid
Path string
PathId System.Guid
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationDeleteAllState() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationDeleteAllState ( bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, int Count ) : StoredProcedure
AllUsersScope bool
ApplicationName string
Count int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationFindState() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationFindState ( bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, int PageIndex, int PageSize, string Path, string UserName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure
AllUsersScope bool
ApplicationName string
PageIndex int
PageSize int
Path string
UserName string
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationGetCountOfState() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationGetCountOfState ( int Count, bool AllUsersScope, string ApplicationName, string Path, string UserName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure
Count int
AllUsersScope bool
ApplicationName string
Path string
UserName string
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetSharedState() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetSharedState ( int Count, string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure
Count int
ApplicationName string
Path string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetUserState() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAdministrationResetUserState ( int Count, string ApplicationName, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate, string UserName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure
Count int
ApplicationName string
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
UserName string
Path string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersGetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersGetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
Path string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersResetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersResetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
Path string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersSetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationAllUsersSetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string Path, byte PageSettings, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
Path string
PageSettings byte
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationGetApplicationId() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationGetApplicationId ( string ApplicationName, System.Guid ApplicationId ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
ApplicationId System.Guid
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserGetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationPerUserGetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Path string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserResetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationPerUserResetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Path string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetPersonalizationPerUserSetPageSettings() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings Procedure
public static AspnetPersonalizationPerUserSetPageSettings ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string Path, byte PageSettings, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Path string
PageSettings byte
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileDeleteInactiveProfiles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles Procedure
public static AspnetProfileDeleteInactiveProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
ProfileAuthOptions int
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileDeleteProfiles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles Procedure
public static AspnetProfileDeleteProfiles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserNames string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileGetNumberOfInactiveProfiles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles Procedure
public static AspnetProfileGetNumberOfInactiveProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
ProfileAuthOptions int
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileGetProfiles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles Procedure
public static AspnetProfileGetProfiles ( string ApplicationName, int ProfileAuthOptions, int PageIndex, int PageSize, string UserNameToMatch, System.DateTime InactiveSinceDate ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
ProfileAuthOptions int
PageIndex int
PageSize int
UserNameToMatch string
InactiveSinceDate System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileGetProperties() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_GetProperties Procedure
public static AspnetProfileGetProperties ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetProfileSetProperties() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Profile_SetProperties Procedure
public static AspnetProfileSetProperties ( string ApplicationName, string PropertyNames, string PropertyValuesString, byte PropertyValuesBinary, string UserName, bool IsUserAnonymous, System.DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
PropertyNames string
PropertyValuesString string
PropertyValuesBinary byte
UserName string
IsUserAnonymous bool
CurrentTimeUtc System.DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetRegisterSchemaVersion() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion Procedure
public static AspnetRegisterSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion, bool IsCurrentVersion, bool RemoveIncompatibleSchema ) : StoredProcedure
Feature string
CompatibleSchemaVersion string
IsCurrentVersion bool
RemoveIncompatibleSchema bool
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetRolesCreateRole() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_CreateRole Procedure
public static AspnetRolesCreateRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
RoleName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetRolesDeleteRole() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole Procedure
public static AspnetRolesDeleteRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName, bool DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
RoleName string
DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty bool
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetRolesGetAllRoles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles Procedure
public static AspnetRolesGetAllRoles ( string ApplicationName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetRolesRoleExists() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Roles_RoleExists Procedure
public static AspnetRolesRoleExists ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
RoleName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetSetupRemoveAllRoleMembers() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers Procedure
public static AspnetSetupRemoveAllRoleMembers ( string name ) : StoredProcedure
name string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetSetupRestorePermissions() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions Procedure
public static AspnetSetupRestorePermissions ( string name ) : StoredProcedure
name string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUnRegisterSchemaVersion() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UnRegisterSchemaVersion Procedure
public static AspnetUnRegisterSchemaVersion ( string Feature, string CompatibleSchemaVersion ) : StoredProcedure
Feature string
CompatibleSchemaVersion string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersCreateUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Users_CreateUser Procedure
public static AspnetUsersCreateUser ( Guid ApplicationId, string UserName, bool IsUserAnonymous, DateTime LastActivityDate, Guid UserId ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationId Guid
UserName string
IsUserAnonymous bool
LastActivityDate DateTime
UserId Guid
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersDeleteUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_Users_DeleteUser Procedure
public static AspnetUsersDeleteUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, int TablesToDeleteFrom, int NumTablesDeletedFrom ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
TablesToDeleteFrom int
NumTablesDeletedFrom int
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesAddUsersToRoles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesAddUsersToRoles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames, string RoleNames, DateTime CurrentTimeUtc ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserNames string
RoleNames string
CurrentTimeUtc DateTime
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesFindUsersInRole() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesFindUsersInRole ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName, string UserNameToMatch ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
RoleName string
UserNameToMatch string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesGetRolesForUser() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesGetRolesForUser ( string ApplicationName, string UserName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesGetUsersInRoles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesGetUsersInRoles ( string ApplicationName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
RoleName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesIsUserInRole() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesIsUserInRole ( string ApplicationName, string UserName, string RoleName ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserName string
RoleName string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetUsersInRolesRemoveUsersFromRoles() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles Procedure
public static AspnetUsersInRolesRemoveUsersFromRoles ( string ApplicationName, string UserNames, string RoleNames ) : StoredProcedure
ApplicationName string
UserNames string
RoleNames string
Результат StoredProcedure

AspnetWebEventLogEvent() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent Procedure
public static AspnetWebEventLogEvent ( string EventId, DateTime EventTimeUtc, DateTime EventTime, string EventType, decimal EventSequence, decimal EventOccurrence, int EventCode, int EventDetailCode, string Message, string ApplicationPath, string ApplicationVirtualPath, string MachineName, string RequestUrl, string ExceptionType, string Details ) : StoredProcedure
EventId string
EventTimeUtc DateTime
EventTime DateTime
EventType string
EventSequence decimal
EventOccurrence decimal
EventCode int
EventDetailCode int
Message string
ApplicationPath string
ApplicationVirtualPath string
MachineName string
RequestUrl string
ExceptionType string
Details string
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAClassList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAClassList Procedure
public static GetAClassList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAFamilyList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAFamilyList Procedure
public static GetAFamilyList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAGenusList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAGenusList Procedure
public static GetAGenusList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAPhylumList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAPhylumList Procedure
public static GetAPhylumList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetASpeciesList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getASpeciesList Procedure
public static GetASpeciesList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetASpeciesListSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getASpeciesListSearch Procedure
public static GetASpeciesListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAllPALibExtra() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllPALibExtra Procedure
public static GetAllPALibExtra ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAllReviewsByCountry() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsByCountry Procedure
public static GetAllReviewsByCountry ( int CountryID ) : StoredProcedure
CountryID int
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAllReviewsByFreeSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsByFreeSearch Procedure
public static GetAllReviewsByFreeSearch ( string genus, string species ) : StoredProcedure
genus string
species string
Результат StoredProcedure

GetAllReviewsBySearchAll() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getAllReviewsBySearchAll Procedure
public static GetAllReviewsBySearchAll ( int PhaseID, string Kingdom, int GenusID, int SpeciesID, int CountryID ) : StoredProcedure
PhaseID int
Kingdom string
GenusID int
SpeciesID int
CountryID int
Результат StoredProcedure

GetCountriesByTaxonSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getCountriesByTaxonSearch Procedure
public static GetCountriesByTaxonSearch ( int TaxonID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure
TaxonID int
TaxonType string
Kingdom string
Результат StoredProcedure

GetCountriesbyTaxon() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getCountriesbyTaxon Procedure
public static GetCountriesbyTaxon ( int TaxonID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure
TaxonID int
TaxonType string
Kingdom string
Результат StoredProcedure

GetPFamilyList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getPFamilyList Procedure
public static GetPFamilyList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetPGenusList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getPGenusList Procedure
public static GetPGenusList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetPSpeciesList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getPSpeciesList Procedure
public static GetPSpeciesList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetPSpeciesListSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getPSpeciesListSearch Procedure
public static GetPSpeciesListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

GetParagraphActionDetails() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getParagraphActionDetails Procedure
public static GetParagraphActionDetails ( int PALibID, int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
PALibID int
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

GetTaxonSelected() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getTaxonSelected Procedure
public static GetTaxonSelected ( int ReviewID, string TaxonType, string Kingdom ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
TaxonType string
Kingdom string
Результат StoredProcedure

GetTaxonSelected2() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the getTaxonSelected2 Procedure
public static GetTaxonSelected2 ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetAGenusSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetAGenusSearch Procedure
public static SpGetAGenusSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetAOrderList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetAOrderList Procedure
public static SpGetAOrderList ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetASpeciesByGenusSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetASpeciesByGenusSearch Procedure
public static SpGetASpeciesByGenusSearch ( int GenusID ) : StoredProcedure
GenusID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetASpeciesbyGenusList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetASpeciesbyGenusList Procedure
public static SpGetASpeciesbyGenusList ( int genusID ) : StoredProcedure
genusID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetClassbyPhylum() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetClassbyPhylum Procedure
public static SpGetClassbyPhylum ( int PhylumID ) : StoredProcedure
PhylumID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetCommentsbyID() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCommentsbyID Procedure
public static SpGetCommentsbyID ( int SourceID, int SourceType, string RoleAccess ) : StoredProcedure
SourceID int
SourceType int
RoleAccess string
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetCountriesReport2() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCountriesReport2 Procedure
public static SpGetCountriesReport2 ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetCurrentSigtradeTaxons() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetCurrentSigtradeTaxons Procedure
public static SpGetCurrentSigtradeTaxons ( string taxon ) : StoredProcedure
taxon string
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetDeadlineForReview() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the sp_getDeadlineForReview Procedure
public static SpGetDeadlineForReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetDocumentsByID() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetDocumentsByID Procedure
public static SpGetDocumentsByID ( int SourceID, int SourceType, string RoleAccess ) : StoredProcedure
SourceID int
SourceType int
RoleAccess string
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetGenericReport() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetGenericReport Procedure
public static SpGetGenericReport ( int country, int phase, int PALibID, int concern, string actors, int kingdom, int taxonid ) : StoredProcedure
country int
phase int
PALibID int
concern int
actors string
kingdom int
taxonid int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetNextParagraphDetails() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetNextParagraphDetails Procedure
public static SpGetNextParagraphDetails ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetPGenusListSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPGenusListSearch Procedure
public static SpGetPGenusListSearch ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetPSpeciesByGenusSearch() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPSpeciesByGenusSearch Procedure
public static SpGetPSpeciesByGenusSearch ( int GenusID ) : StoredProcedure
GenusID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetPSpeciesbyGenusList() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetPSpeciesbyGenusList Procedure
public static SpGetPSpeciesbyGenusList ( int genusID ) : StoredProcedure
genusID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetParagraphStagePerReview() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetParagraphStagePerReview Procedure
public static SpGetParagraphStagePerReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetReportByCountries() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetReportByCountries Procedure
public static SpGetReportByCountries ( int country ) : StoredProcedure
country int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetReportTest() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetReportTest Procedure
public static SpGetReportTest ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetSingleReview() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetSingleReview Procedure
public static SpGetSingleReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpGetTaxonsBySpecies() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spGetTaxonsBySpecies Procedure
public static SpGetTaxonsBySpecies ( int SpcRecID, int kingdom ) : StoredProcedure
SpcRecID int
kingdom int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpMeetingLibTest() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spMeetingLibTest Procedure
public static SpMeetingLibTest ( int MeetingLibID ) : StoredProcedure
MeetingLibID int
Результат StoredProcedure

SpReportGetCountries() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spReportGetCountries Procedure
public static SpReportGetCountries ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpReportParagraphActions() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the spReportParagraphActions Procedure
public static SpReportParagraphActions ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure

SpResetCurrentConcernForReview() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the sp_resetCurrentConcernForReview Procedure
public static SpResetCurrentConcernForReview ( int ReviewID ) : StoredProcedure
ReviewID int
Результат StoredProcedure

StoredProcedure1() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the StoredProcedure1 Procedure
public static StoredProcedure1 ( int MeetingLibID ) : StoredProcedure
MeetingLibID int
Результат StoredProcedure

StoredProcedure5() публичный статический Метод

Creates an object wrapper for the StoredProcedure5 Procedure
public static StoredProcedure5 ( ) : StoredProcedure
Результат StoredProcedure