C# Класс Sholo.Web.Security.Authentication.User.Provider.CacheUserAuthenticationTicketProvider

An IUserAuthenticationTicketProvider implementation that relies on the ASP.NET Caching model for ticket storage. Generally this implies that the ticket storage is maintained locally on the web server (either in memory or on disk). A limitation of this model is that it will not support clustered, load balanced, or round-robin style configurations.
Наследование: UserAuthenticationTicketProviderBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ContainsTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : bool

Indicates whether or not the ticket store contains the supplied userAuthenticationTicketKey

GetAllTicketKeys ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves all UserAuthenticationTicket keys in the ticket store that have not already expired.

GetAllTicketedUsers ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves a list of all users that have non-expired ServerAuthenticationTickets.

GetAllTickets ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves all tickets in the ticket store that have not already expired.

GetTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : UserAuthenticationTicket

Retrieve a UserAuthenticationTicket from the ticket store by it's ticket key

GetUserTicketKeys ( string username ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves all non-expired UserAuthenticationTicket keys in the ticket store associated with the username supplied.

GetUserTickets ( string username ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves all non-expired tickets in the ticket store associated with the username supplied.

Initialize ( string name, NameValueCollection config ) : void

Initializes the CacheUserAuthenticationTicketProvider module.

InsertTicket ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket, System.DateTime expiration ) : void

Inserts a UserAuthenticationTicket to the ticket store with a corresponding ticket expiration date.

RemoveExpiredTickets ( ) : void

Removes expired entries from the ticket store

RevokeTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : void

Removes the ticket from the collection if it exists. If the ticket does not exist in the ticket store, just return (do not throw an exception).

RevokeUserTickets ( string username ) : void

Revoke all tickets corresponding to the supplied Username.

UpdateTicketExpiration ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket, System.DateTime newExpiration ) : void

Updates the expiration date and time for an existing ticket. If the ticket does not exist in the ticket store, just return (do not throw an exception).

VerifyTicket ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket ) : bool

Verify that the supplied UserAuthenticationTicket exists in the ticket store

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetCacheKey ( string ticketKey ) : string

Converts a ticketKey to a corresponding key in the ticket store (cache provider).

Описание методов

ContainsTicket() публичный Метод

Indicates whether or not the ticket store contains the supplied userAuthenticationTicketKey
userAuthenticationTicketKey is null userAuthenticationTicketKey is empty
public ContainsTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : bool
userAuthenticationTicketKey string The ticket to check for
Результат bool

GetAllTicketKeys() публичный Метод

Retrieves all UserAuthenticationTicket keys in the ticket store that have not already expired.
public GetAllTicketKeys ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetAllTicketedUsers() публичный Метод

Retrieves a list of all users that have non-expired ServerAuthenticationTickets.
public GetAllTicketedUsers ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetAllTickets() публичный Метод

Retrieves all tickets in the ticket store that have not already expired.
public GetAllTickets ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetTicket() публичный Метод

Retrieve a UserAuthenticationTicket from the ticket store by it's ticket key
userAuthenticationTicketKey is null userAuthenticationTicketKey is empty
public GetTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : UserAuthenticationTicket
userAuthenticationTicketKey string The ticket key generated by the server
Результат UserAuthenticationTicket

GetUserTicketKeys() публичный Метод

Retrieves all non-expired UserAuthenticationTicket keys in the ticket store associated with the username supplied.
username is null username is empty
public GetUserTicketKeys ( string username ) : IEnumerable
username string The username to search the collection for
Результат IEnumerable

GetUserTickets() публичный Метод

Retrieves all non-expired tickets in the ticket store associated with the username supplied.
username is null username is empty
public GetUserTickets ( string username ) : IEnumerable
username string The Username to search the collection for
Результат IEnumerable

Initialize() публичный Метод

Initializes the CacheUserAuthenticationTicketProvider module.
public Initialize ( string name, NameValueCollection config ) : void
name string
config System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Результат void

InsertTicket() публичный Метод

Inserts a UserAuthenticationTicket to the ticket store with a corresponding ticket expiration date.
UserAuthenticationTicket is null
public InsertTicket ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket, System.DateTime expiration ) : void
ticket UserAuthenticationTicket The UserAuthenticationTicket to insert
expiration System.DateTime The date and time at which the ticket expires
Результат void

RemoveExpiredTickets() публичный Метод

Removes expired entries from the ticket store
public RemoveExpiredTickets ( ) : void
Результат void

RevokeTicket() публичный Метод

Removes the ticket from the collection if it exists. If the ticket does not exist in the ticket store, just return (do not throw an exception).
userAuthenticationTicketKey is null userAuthenticationTicketKey is empty
public RevokeTicket ( string userAuthenticationTicketKey ) : void
userAuthenticationTicketKey string The ticket to remove from the ticket store
Результат void

RevokeUserTickets() публичный Метод

Revoke all tickets corresponding to the supplied Username.
The username supplied is null The username supplied is empty
public RevokeUserTickets ( string username ) : void
username string The Username to revoke tickets for
Результат void

UpdateTicketExpiration() публичный Метод

Updates the expiration date and time for an existing ticket. If the ticket does not exist in the ticket store, just return (do not throw an exception).
UserAuthenticationTicket is null
public UpdateTicketExpiration ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket, System.DateTime newExpiration ) : void
ticket UserAuthenticationTicket The UserAuthenticationTicket to insert
newExpiration System.DateTime The new expiration date and time
Результат void

VerifyTicket() публичный Метод

Verify that the supplied UserAuthenticationTicket exists in the ticket store
public VerifyTicket ( UserAuthenticationTicket ticket ) : bool
ticket UserAuthenticationTicket The UserAuthenticationTicket to verify
Результат bool