C# Класс Shaspect.BaseAspectAttribute

Наследование: System.Attribute
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Initialize ( MethodBase method ) : void

Called once at application startup for every method the aspect is applied for.

OnEntry ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void

Called on target method is starting execution

OnException ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void

Called on unhandled exception occured in target method.

OnExit ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void

Called on target method finished execution either successfully or with exception. Called after OnSuccess and OnException

OnSuccess ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void

Called on target method successfully finished execution.

Описание методов

Initialize() публичный Метод

Called once at application startup for every method the aspect is applied for.
public Initialize ( MethodBase method ) : void
method System.Reflection.MethodBase
Результат void

OnEntry() публичный Метод

Called on target method is starting execution
public OnEntry ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void
methodExecInfo MethodExecInfo
Результат void

OnException() публичный Метод

Called on unhandled exception occured in target method.
public OnException ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void
methodExecInfo MethodExecInfo
Результат void

OnExit() публичный Метод

Called on target method finished execution either successfully or with exception. Called after OnSuccess and OnException
public OnExit ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void
methodExecInfo MethodExecInfo
Результат void

OnSuccess() публичный Метод

Called on target method successfully finished execution.
public OnSuccess ( MethodExecInfo methodExecInfo ) : void
methodExecInfo MethodExecInfo
Результат void