C# Класс SharpNeat.DomainsExtra.SinglePoleBalancingSwingUp.SinglePoleBalancingSwingUpView

View class for the box2d single pole balancing domain.
Наследование: SharpNeat.DomainsExtra.Box2D.Box2dDomainView
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SinglePoleBalancingSwingUpView ( IBlackBox>.IGenomeDecoder genomeDecoder ) : System

Construct with the provided IGenomeDecoder, this is used to decode genome(s) into IBlackBox controllers.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateSimulationWorld ( ) : SimulationWorld

Create a Box2D simulation world.

InvokeController ( ) : void

Invoke any required control logic in the Box2D world.

Описание методов

CreateSimulationWorld() защищенный Метод

Create a Box2D simulation world.
protected CreateSimulationWorld ( ) : SimulationWorld
Результат SharpNeat.DomainsExtra.Box2D.SimulationWorld

InvokeController() защищенный Метод

Invoke any required control logic in the Box2D world.
protected InvokeController ( ) : void
Результат void

SinglePoleBalancingSwingUpView() публичный Метод

Construct with the provided IGenomeDecoder, this is used to decode genome(s) into IBlackBox controllers.
public SinglePoleBalancingSwingUpView ( IBlackBox>.IGenomeDecoder genomeDecoder ) : System
genomeDecoder IBlackBox>.IGenomeDecoder
Результат System