C# Класс SharpMap.CoordinateSystems.GeographicTransform

The GeographicTransform class is implemented on geographic transformation objects and implements datum transformations between geographic coordinate systems.
Наследование: Info, IGeographicTransform
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
EqualParams ( object obj ) : bool

Checks whether the values of this instance is equal to the values of another instance. Only parameters used for coordinate system are used for comparison. Name, abbreviation, authority, alias and remarks are ignored in the comparison.

Forward ( List points ) : List

Transforms an array of points from the source geographic coordinate system to the target geographic coordinate system.

Inverse ( List points ) : List

Transforms an array of points from the target geographic coordinate system to the source geographic coordinate system.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GeographicTransform ( string name, string authority, long code, string alias, string remarks, string abbreviation, IGeographicCoordinateSystem sourceGCS, IGeographicCoordinateSystem targetGCS ) : System

Описание методов

EqualParams() публичный Метод

Checks whether the values of this instance is equal to the values of another instance. Only parameters used for coordinate system are used for comparison. Name, abbreviation, authority, alias and remarks are ignored in the comparison.
public EqualParams ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
Результат bool

Forward() публичный Метод

Transforms an array of points from the source geographic coordinate system to the target geographic coordinate system.
public Forward ( List points ) : List
points List On input points in the source geographic coordinate system
Результат List

Inverse() публичный Метод

Transforms an array of points from the target geographic coordinate system to the source geographic coordinate system.
public Inverse ( List points ) : List
points List Input points in the target geographic coordinate system,
Результат List