C# Класс SharpArch.Web.Http.Castle.WindsorDependencyResolver

Наследование: IDependencyResolver
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BeginScope ( ) : IDependencyScope

Begins the scope.

Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes the container.

GetService ( Type serviceType ) : object

Gets the service for the specified type.

GetServices ( Type serviceType ) : IEnumerable

Gets all services for the specified type.

WindsorDependencyResolver ( [ container ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the WindsorDependencyResolver class.

Описание методов

BeginScope() публичный Метод

Begins the scope.
public BeginScope ( ) : IDependencyScope
Результат IDependencyScope

Dispose() публичный Метод

Disposes the container.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

GetService() публичный Метод

Gets the service for the specified type.
public GetService ( Type serviceType ) : object
serviceType System.Type Type of the service.
Результат object

GetServices() публичный Метод

Gets all services for the specified type.
public GetServices ( Type serviceType ) : IEnumerable
serviceType System.Type Type of the service.
Результат IEnumerable

WindsorDependencyResolver() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the WindsorDependencyResolver class.
public WindsorDependencyResolver ( [ container ) : System
container [ The container.
Результат System