C# Класс Selenol.SelectorAttributes.TagNameAttribute

The Tag Name selector attribute. Can be used for dynamic selection of elements or controls by the tag name. An Element must be derived from BaseHtmlElement or it can be a collection assignable from ReadOnlyCollection{T}. A Control must be derived from Control or it can be a collection assignable from ReadOnlyCollection{TControl}. And used as an auto-property of class derived from BasePage.
Наследование: BaseSelectorAttribute
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Метод Описание
TagNameAttribute ( string tagName ) : System.Collections.ObjectModel

Initializes a new instance of the TagNameAttribute class.

Описание методов

TagNameAttribute() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the TagNameAttribute class.
public TagNameAttribute ( string tagName ) : System.Collections.ObjectModel
tagName string The tag name.
Результат System.Collections.ObjectModel