C# Класс ScrewTurn.Wiki.RecentChanges

Manages the Wiki's Recent Changes.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddChange ( string page, string title, string messageSubject, System.DateTime dateTime, string user, Change change, string descr ) : void

Adds a new change.

GetAllChanges ( ) : ScrewTurn.Wiki.PluginFramework.RecentChange[]

Gets all the changes, sorted by date/time ascending.

Описание методов

AddChange() публичный статический Метод

Adds a new change.
public static AddChange ( string page, string title, string messageSubject, System.DateTime dateTime, string user, Change change, string descr ) : void
page string The page name.
title string The page title.
messageSubject string The message subject.
dateTime System.DateTime The date/time.
user string The user.
change Change The change.
descr string The description (optional).
Результат void

GetAllChanges() публичный статический Метод

Gets all the changes, sorted by date/time ascending.
public static GetAllChanges ( ) : ScrewTurn.Wiki.PluginFramework.RecentChange[]
Результат ScrewTurn.Wiki.PluginFramework.RecentChange[]