C# Класс Saleae.SocketApi.ExportDataStruct

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
AnalogChannelsToExport int[]
AnalogFormat AnalogOutputFormat
BinaryBitShifting BinaryBitShifting
BinaryOutputMode BinaryOutputMode
BinaryOutputWordSize BinaryOutputWordSize
CsvDelimiterType CsvDelimiterType
CsvDensity CsvDensity
CsvDisplayBase CsvBase
CsvIncludeHeaders CsvHeadersType
CsvOutputMode CsvOutputMode
CsvTimestampType CsvTimestampType
DataExportMixedExportMode DataExportMixedModeExportType
DataExportType DataExportType
DigitalChannelsToExport int[]
EndingTime double
ExportChannelSelection DataExportChannelSelection
FileName String
SamplesRangeType DataExportSampleRangeType
StartingTime double

Описание свойств

AnalogChannelsToExport публичное свойство

List channel indexes of analog channels to export. Only required if you select "SpecificChannels"
public int[] AnalogChannelsToExport
Результат int[]

AnalogFormat публичное свойство

ADC values or floating point voltages. Required for all export types that include analog channels
public AnalogOutputFormat AnalogFormat
Результат AnalogOutputFormat

BinaryBitShifting публичное свойство

Only required for digital only Binary mode
public BinaryBitShifting BinaryBitShifting
Результат BinaryBitShifting

BinaryOutputMode публичное свойство

Only required for digital only Binary mode
public BinaryOutputMode BinaryOutputMode
Результат BinaryOutputMode

BinaryOutputWordSize публичное свойство

Only required for digital only Binary mode
public BinaryOutputWordSize BinaryOutputWordSize
Результат BinaryOutputWordSize

CsvDelimiterType публичное свойство

Required for all CSV exports
public CsvDelimiterType CsvDelimiterType
Результат CsvDelimiterType

CsvDensity публичное свойство

Only required when exporting digital only CSV data. CsvTransition produces a smaller file where only transition timestamps are exported CsvComplete includes every single sample
public CsvDensity CsvDensity
Результат CsvDensity

CsvDisplayBase публичное свойство

Required when exporting analog samples as raw ADC value. Also Required when exporting digital only data in "CsvSingleNumber" format
public CsvBase CsvDisplayBase
Результат CsvBase

CsvIncludeHeaders публичное свойство

Required for all CSV exports.
public CsvHeadersType CsvIncludeHeaders
Результат CsvHeadersType

CsvOutputMode публичное свойство

Required only when exporting digital only CSV. Does not apply when exporting analog and digital or analog only.
public CsvOutputMode CsvOutputMode
Результат CsvOutputMode

CsvTimestampType публичное свойство

Only applies when exporting digital only CSV Does not apply when exporting analog and digital or analog only. (time values used)
public CsvTimestampType CsvTimestampType
Результат CsvTimestampType

DataExportMixedExportMode публичное свойство

This option is only required & applied IF your capture contains digital and analog channels, AND you select "Specific Channels" for the channel selection option. i. e. If you then select digital only, you will get the native, digital only interface for an export mode.
public DataExportMixedModeExportType DataExportMixedExportMode
Результат DataExportMixedModeExportType

DataExportType публичное свойство

Primary export type. Always required
public DataExportType DataExportType
Результат DataExportType

DigitalChannelsToExport публичное свойство

List channel indexes of digital channels to export. Only required if you select "SpecificChannels"
public int[] DigitalChannelsToExport
Результат int[]

EndingTime публичное свойство

End time of export. Only appies if "RangeTimes" is set. Relative to trigger sample, can be negative.
public double EndingTime
Результат double

ExportChannelSelection публичное свойство

This option allows you to export all channels in the capture, or only specific channels. Alaways required
public DataExportChannelSelection ExportChannelSelection
Результат DataExportChannelSelection

FileName публичное свойство

The fully qualified path to the target file. Folder must exist. Path must be absolute. Always required features like ~/ and %appdata% are not supported. You can exand those first before passing the path.
public String FileName
Результат String

SamplesRangeType публичное свойство

Export all time, or just export a specific range of time. Always required Command will NAK if a custom time range extends past captured data.
public DataExportSampleRangeType SamplesRangeType
Результат DataExportSampleRangeType

StartingTime публичное свойство

Start time of export. Only appies if "RangeTimes" is set. Relative to trigger sample, can be negative.
public double StartingTime
Результат double