C# Класс Sakura.AspNetCore.Mvc.Generators.CurrentUriBasedLinkGenerator

Provide the common feature for current uri based pager item link generator.
Наследование: IPagerItemLinkGenerator
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GenerateLink ( PagerItemGenerationContext context ) : string

Generate the link url for the specified PagerItem.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
HandleUriCore ( [ currentUri, [ context ) : string

The core method for handling the current uri.

Most URI handling method requirest the URI be absolute format, however in the view page relative URI is recommended. The currentUri argument in this method has been handled and is ensured to be absolute. The generator will correctly recover it to the original format after handling.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetCurrentUriWithQuery ( ViewContext viewContext ) : string

Описание методов

GenerateLink() публичный Метод

Generate the link url for the specified PagerItem.
public GenerateLink ( PagerItemGenerationContext context ) : string
context PagerItemGenerationContext The generation context.
Результат string

HandleUriCore() защищенный абстрактный Метод

The core method for handling the current uri.
Most URI handling method requirest the URI be absolute format, however in the view page relative URI is recommended. The currentUri argument in this method has been handled and is ensured to be absolute. The generator will correctly recover it to the original format after handling.
protected abstract HandleUriCore ( [ currentUri, [ context ) : string
currentUri [ The URL to handle, this URL is ensured in absolute mode.
context [ The generation context.
Результат string