C# Класс SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.UNSQuestionsDialog

Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.Form
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
ApplyFilter void
ApplyFilter void
ClearBiblicalTermsPane void
FindTermRenderingInUse SubstringDescriptor
GetScrRefOfRow SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.BCVRef
GoToReference void
InsertOrAddQuestion void
KeyTermBestRenderingsChanged void
KeyTermRenderingSelected void
LoadAnswerAndComment void
LoadKeyTermsPane void
LoadTranslations void
LookupTerm void
OnKeyTermsFilterChange void
OnKeyTermsFilterChecked void
PopulateAnswerOrCommentLabel void
ProcessReceivedMessage void
QuestionCoversRef bool
Reload void
Reload void
RememberCurrentSelection void
ResizeKeyTermPaneColumns void
Save void
Save void
SendScrReference void
SortByColumn void
UNSQuestionsDialog System
UNSQuestionsDialog_Activated void
UNSQuestionsDialog_HelpButtonClicked void
UNSQuestionsDialog_Resize void
UpdateCountsAndFilterStatus void
WriteCssStyleInfo void
biblicalTermsRenderingSelectionRulesToolStripMenuItem_Click void
btnSendScrReferences_CheckStateChanged void
closeToolStripMenuItem_Click void
dataGridContextMenu_Opening void
dataGridUns_CellClick void
dataGridUns_CellContentClick void
dataGridUns_CellDoubleClick void
dataGridUns_CellEndEdit void
dataGridUns_CellEnter void
dataGridUns_CellLeave void
dataGridUns_CellMouseDown void
dataGridUns_CellValueNeeded void
dataGridUns_CellValuePushed void
dataGridUns_ColumnHeaderMouseClick void
dataGridUns_EditingControlShowing void
dataGridUns_Resize void
dataGridUns_RowContextMenuStripNeeded void
dataGridUns_RowEnter void
dataGridUns_RowLeave void
dataGridUns_RowPrePaint void
m_biblicalTermsPane_Resize void
m_hSplitter_SplitterMoving void
m_helper_TranslationsChanged void
m_pnlAnswersAndComments_VisibleChanged void
mnuAutoSave_CheckedChanged void
mnuCopy_Click void
mnuEditQuestion_Click void
mnuGenerateTemplate_Click void
mnuHelpAbout_Click void
mnuIncludeOrExcludeQuestion_Click void
mnuMatchWholeWords_CheckChanged void
mnuPaste_Click void
mnuReferenceRange_Click void
mnuViewAnswersColumn_CheckedChanged void
mnuViewBiblicalTermsPane_CheckedChanged void
mnuViewDebugInfo_CheckedChanged void
mnuViewToolbar_CheckedChanged void
phraseSubstitutionsToolStripMenuItem_Click void
reloadToolStripMenuItem_Click void
txtControl_KeyDown void
txtControl_PreviewKeyDown void
txtFilterByPart_Enter void
txtFilterByPart_Leave void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
UNSQuestionsDialog ( string projectName, IEnumerable keyTerms, Font vernFont, string VernIcuLocale, bool fVernIsRtoL, string sDefaultLcfFolder, SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.ComprehensionCheckingSettings settings, string appName, SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference startRef, SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference endRef, Action selectKeyboard, System.Action helpDelegate, Action lookupTermDelegate ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the UNSQuestionsDialog class.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
OnClosing ( System e ) : void

Raises the E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Closing event.

WndProc ( Message &msg ) : void

Processes Windows messages.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ApplyFilter ( ) : void
ApplyFilter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Applies the filter.

ClearBiblicalTermsPane ( ) : void

Clears the biblical terms pane.

FindTermRenderingInUse ( ITermRenderingInfo renderingInfo, int rowIndex ) : SubstringDescriptor

Finds the term rendering (from the known ones in the renderingInfo) in use in the current translation.

GetScrRefOfRow ( int iRow ) : SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.BCVRef
GoToReference ( SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference reference ) : void
InsertOrAddQuestion ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
KeyTermBestRenderingsChanged ( ) : void

Need to invalidate any columns that might be showing key term renderings.

KeyTermRenderingSelected ( TermRenderingCtrl sender ) : void
LoadAnswerAndComment ( int rowIndex ) : void

Loads the answer and comment labels for the given row.

LoadKeyTermsPane ( int rowIndex ) : void
LoadTranslations ( SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.TxlSplashScreen splashScreen ) : void

Loads the translations.

LookupTerm ( IEnumerable terms ) : void
OnKeyTermsFilterChange ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Called when one of the Key Term filtering sub-menus is clicked.

OnKeyTermsFilterChecked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Called when one of the Key Term filtering sub-menus is checked.

PopulateAnswerOrCommentLabel ( IEnumerable details, Label label, Label contents, string sLabelMultiple ) : void

Populates the answer or comment label.

ProcessReceivedMessage ( SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference reference ) : void
QuestionCoversRef ( int iRow, SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference reference ) : bool
Reload ( bool fForceSave ) : void

Reloads the data grid view and attempts to re-select the same cell of the same question as was previously selected.

Reload ( bool fForceSave, SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.QuestionKey key, int fallBackRow ) : void
RememberCurrentSelection ( ) : void
ResizeKeyTermPaneColumns ( ) : void
Save ( bool fForce ) : void
Save ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Saves the UNS Translation data.

SendScrReference ( int iRow ) : void

Sends the start reference for the given row as a Santa-Fe "focus" message.

SortByColumn ( int iClickedCol, bool sortAscending ) : void
UNSQuestionsDialog ( ) : System
UNSQuestionsDialog_Activated ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
UNSQuestionsDialog_HelpButtonClicked ( object sender, System e ) : void

Handles the HelpButtonClicked event of the UNSQuestionsDialog control.

UNSQuestionsDialog_Resize ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Resize event of the main window.

UpdateCountsAndFilterStatus ( ) : void

Updates the counts and filter status.

WriteCssStyleInfo ( StreamWriter sw, Color questionGroupHeadingsClr, Color englishQuestionClr, Color englishAnswerClr, Color commentClr, int cBlankLines, bool fNumberQuestions ) : void

Writes the CSS style info.

biblicalTermsRenderingSelectionRulesToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the biblicalTermsRenderingSelectionRulesToolStripMenuItem control.

btnSendScrReferences_CheckStateChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
closeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the closeToolStripMenuItem control.

dataGridContextMenu_Opening ( object sender, System e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellContentClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellDoubleClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CellDoubleClick event of the dataGridUns control.

dataGridUns_CellEndEdit ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CellEndEdit event of the dataGridUns control.

dataGridUns_CellEnter ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellLeave ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellMouseDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellValueNeeded ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_CellValuePushed ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_ColumnHeaderMouseClick ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_EditingControlShowing ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the EditingControlShowing event of the m_dataGridView control.

dataGridUns_Resize ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_RowContextMenuStripNeeded ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowContextMenuStripNeededEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_RowEnter ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void
dataGridUns_RowLeave ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the RowLeave event of the dataGridUns control. Resets the row height to the standard height.

dataGridUns_RowPrePaint ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e ) : void
m_biblicalTermsPane_Resize ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Resize event of the m_biblicalTermsPane control.

m_hSplitter_SplitterMoving ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the SplitterMoving event of the m_hSplitter control.

m_helper_TranslationsChanged ( ) : void

Refreshes the data grid when the translations change.

m_pnlAnswersAndComments_VisibleChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuAutoSave_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CheckedChanged event of the mnuAutoSave control.

mnuCopy_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuEditQuestion_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the mnuEditQuestion control.

mnuGenerateTemplate_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuHelpAbout_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the aboutTransceleratorToolStripMenuItem control.

mnuIncludeOrExcludeQuestion_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the mnuIncludeQuestion or mnuExcludeQuestion control.

mnuMatchWholeWords_CheckChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CheckChanged event of the mnuMatchWholeWords control.

mnuPaste_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuReferenceRange_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the mnuReferenceRange control.

mnuViewAnswersColumn_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuViewBiblicalTermsPane_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuViewDebugInfo_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
mnuViewToolbar_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CheckedChanged event of the mnuViewToolbar control.

phraseSubstitutionsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
reloadToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Click event of the reloadToolStripMenuItem control.

txtControl_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the KeyDown event of the dataGridUns control.

txtControl_PreviewKeyDown ( object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the PreviewKeyDown event of the txtControl control.

txtFilterByPart_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the Enter event of the txtFilterByPart control.

txtFilterByPart_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Filtering is done, so

Описание методов

OnClosing() защищенный Метод

Raises the E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Closing event.
protected OnClosing ( System e ) : void
e System
Результат void

UNSQuestionsDialog() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the UNSQuestionsDialog class.
public UNSQuestionsDialog ( string projectName, IEnumerable keyTerms, Font vernFont, string VernIcuLocale, bool fVernIsRtoL, string sDefaultLcfFolder, SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.ComprehensionCheckingSettings settings, string appName, SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference startRef, SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference endRef, Action selectKeyboard, System.Action helpDelegate, Action lookupTermDelegate ) : System
projectName string
keyTerms IEnumerable
vernFont System.Drawing.Font
VernIcuLocale string
fVernIsRtoL bool
sDefaultLcfFolder string
settings SILUBS.PhraseTranslationHelper.ComprehensionCheckingSettings
appName string
startRef SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference
endRef SILUBS.SharedScrUtils.ScrReference
selectKeyboard Action
helpDelegate System.Action
lookupTermDelegate Action
Результат System

WndProc() защищенный Метод

Processes Windows messages.
protected WndProc ( Message &msg ) : void
msg System.Windows.Forms.Message The Windows Message to process.
Результат void