C# Класс SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.SimpleRootSite

Base class for hosting a view in an application.
Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, IVwRootSite, IRootSite, IxCoreColleague, IEditingCallbacks, IReceiveSequentialMessages, IMessageFilter, IFWDisposable
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
m_Dpi Point
m_Zoom float
m_dxdLayoutWidth int
m_dyHeader int
m_editingHelper EditingHelper
m_fAllowLayout bool
m_fInLayout bool
m_fInPaint bool
m_fIsTextBox bool
m_fMakeRootWhenHandleIsCreated bool
m_fRefreshPending bool
m_fRootboxMade bool
m_fShowRangeSelAfterLostFocus bool
m_graphicsManager GraphicsManager
m_mediator Mediator
m_rootSiteEventHandler object
m_rootb IVwRootBox
m_styleSheet IVwStylesheet
m_wsPending int
m_wsf ILgWritingSystemFactory
s_vstrDrawErrMsgs List

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
CallInvalidateRect void
ContainingXWindow XCore.IxWindow
ConvertKeyValue int
DefaultWantBothEnds bool
IVwRootSite IVwGraphics
InitGraphics void
InitializeComponent void
LresultFromObject System.IntPtr
ModifyOverlay void
OnContextMenu void
Print void
SetupVc void
SubscribeToRootSiteEventHandlerEvents void
SwitchFocusHere void
UninitGraphics void
UpdateSelectionEnabledState void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AboutToDiscard ( ) : void

In DetailViews there are some root boxes which are created but (because scrolled out of view) never made visible. In certain circumstances, as their containers are disposed, something gets called that may cause calls to methods like OnLoad or OnHandleCreated. When we know a root site is about to become garbage, we want these methods to do as little as possible, both for performance and to prevent possible crashes as windows are created for (e.g.) objects that have been deleted.

AdjustPrintDialog ( System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog dlg ) : void

By default this does nothing. Override to, for example, enable the 'Selection' button. See XmlSeqView for an example.

AdjustScrollRange ( IVwRootBox prootb, int dxdSize, int dxdPosition, int dydSize, int dydPosition ) : bool

Adjust the scroll range when some lazy box got expanded. Needs to be done for both panes if we have more than one.

AllRootBoxes ( ) : List

Return the internal rootbox as a list, or an empty list.

BeginSequentialBlock ( ) : void

Begin a block of code which, even though it is not itself a message handler, should not be interrupted by other messages that need to be sequential. This may be called from within a message handler. EndSequentialBlock must be called without fail (use try...finally) at the end of the block that needs protection.

CastAsIVwRootSite ( ) : IVwRootSite

Allows the IRootSite to be cast as an IVwRootSite

ChangeOrMakeRoot ( int hvoRoot, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frag, IVwStylesheet styleSheet ) : void

This method is designed to be used by classes whose root object may be determined after the window's handle is created (when MakeRoot is normally called) and may be subsequently changed. It is passed the required arguments for SetRootObject, and if the root box already exists, all it does is call SetRootObject. If the root box does not already exist, it calls MakeRoot immediately, and arranges for the root box so created to be laid out, since it is possible that we have 'missed our chance' to have this happen when the window gets its initial OnSizeChanged message.

CheckDisposed ( ) : void

Throw if the IsDisposed property is true

ClientToScreen ( IVwRootBox prootb, System &pt ) : void

Member ClientToScreen

CloseRootBox ( ) : void

Subclasses should override CloseRootBox if something else is still using it after the window closes. In that case the subclass should do nothing.

ComplexKeyBehavior ( int chw, VwShiftStatus ss ) : EditingHelper.CkBehavior

Return an indication of the behavior of some of the special keys (arrows, home, end).

Physical behavior means that left arrow key goes to the left regardless of the direction of the text; logical behavior means that left arrow key always moves the IP one character (possibly plus diacritics, etc.) in the underlying text, in the direction that is to the left for text in the main paragraph direction. So, in a normal LTR paragraph, left arrow decrements the IP position; in an RTL paragraph, it increments it. Both produce a movement to the left in text whose direction matches the paragraph ("downstream" text). But where there is a segment of upstream text, logical behavior will jump almost to the other end of the segment and then move the 'wrong' way through it.

DoUpdates ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : void

Cause the immediate update of the display of the root box. This should cause all pending paint operations to be done immediately, at least for the screen area occupied by the root box. It is typically called after processing key strokes, to ensure that the updated text is displayed before trying to process any subsequent keystrokes.

EndSequentialBlock ( ) : void

See BeginSequentialBlock.

GetAndClearPendingWs ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int

If there is a pending writing system that should be applied to typing, return it; also clear the state so that subsequent typing will not have a pending writing system until something sets it again. (This is mainly used so that keyboard-change commands can be applied while the selection is a range.)

GetAvailWidth ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int

Get the width available for laying things out in the view. Return the layout width for the window, depending on whether or not there is a scroll bar. If there is no scroll bar, we pretend that there is, so we don't have to keep adjusting the width back and forth based on the toggling on and off of vertical and horizontal scroll bars and their interaction. The return result is in pixels. The only common reason to override this is to answer instead a very large integer, which has the effect of turning off line wrap, as everything apparently fits on a line. N.B. If it is necessary to override this, it is not advisable to use Int32.MaxValue for fear of overflow caused by VwSelection::InvalidateSel() adjustments.

GetGraphics ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwGraphics &pvg, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a graphics object in an appropriate state for drawing and measuring in the view. The calling method should pass the IVwGraphics back to ReleaseGraphics() before it returns. In particular, problems will arise if OnPaint() gets called before the ReleaseGraphics() method.

REVIEW JohnT(?): We probably need a better way to handle this. Most likely: make the VwGraphics object we cache a true COM object so its reference count is meaningful; have this method create a new one. Problem: a useable VwGraphics object has a device context that is linked to a particular window; if the window closes, the VwGraphics is not useable, whatever its reference count says. It may therefore be that we just need to allocate a copy in this method, leaving the member variable alone. Or, the current strategy may prove adequate.

GetMessageTargets ( ) : XCore.IxCoreColleague[]

Gets objects known to this site that can handle xCore command messages. For rootsite, the only such object it knows about is itself.

GetPrimarySelRect ( IVwSelection sel ) : Rect

Get the primary rectangle occupied by a selection (relative to the top left of the client rectangle).

GetSelectionAtPoint ( Point position, bool fInstall ) : IVwSelection

Get a selection at the indicated point (as in MouseEventArgs.Location). If fInstall is true make it the active selection.

GetSelectionAtViewPoint ( Point position, bool fInstall ) : IVwSelection

Get a selection at the indicated point.

GetTransformAtDst ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a transform for a given destination point...same for all points in this simple case.

GetTransformAtSrc ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void

Get a transform for a given layout point...same for all points in this simple case.

GetTsStringForClipboard ( IVwSelection vwsel ) : ITsString

If a particular rootsite needs to do something special for putting the current selection on the keyboard, implement this method to do it, and have it return the filled-in ITsString object. See LT-9475 for justification.

GetWritingSystemForHvo ( int hvo ) : int

Gets the writing system for the HVO. This could either be the vernacular or analysis writing system.

GoToEnd ( ) : void

Use this method instead of ScrollToEnd if you need to go to the end of the view programmatically (not in response to a Ctrl-End). The code for handling Ctrl-End uses CallOnExtendedKey() in OnKeyDown() to handle setting the IP.

HandleKeyboardChange ( IVwSelection vwsel, int wsMatch ) : void

When the user has selected a keyboard from the system tray, adjust the language of the selection to something that matches, if possible.

IPDistanceFromWindowTop ( IVwSelection sel ) : int

Finds the distance between the scroll position and the IP (i.e. the distance between the top of the window and the IP).

Init ( XCore mediator, System configurationParameters ) : void

Allows xCore-specific initialization. We don't need any.

InvalidateForLazyFix ( ) : void

Invalidate the pane because some lazy box expansion messed up the scroll position. Made a separate method so we can override.

InvalidateRect ( IVwRootBox root, int xsLeft, int ysTop, int xsWidth, int ysHeight ) : void

Invalidate rectangle

IsIgnoredKey ( KeyPressEventArgs e, Keys modifiers ) : bool

Checks input characters to see if they should be processsed. Static to allow function to be shared with PublicationControl.

IsOkToMakeLazy ( IVwRootBox prootb, int ydTop, int ydBottom ) : bool

Answer whether boxes in the specified range of destination coordinates may usefully be converted to lazy boxes. Should at least answer false if any part of the range is visible. The default implementation avoids converting stuff within about a screen's height of the visible part(s).

IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel ) : bool

Checks if selection is visible. For a range selection we check the end of the selection, for an IP the entire selection must be visible.

This version doesn't test the secondary part of the selection if the combined primary and secondary selection is higher or wider then the ClientRectangle.

IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel, bool fWantOneLineSpace ) : bool

Checks if selection is visible. For a range selection (that is not a picture) we check the end of the selection, otherwise the entire selection must be visible.

IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection vwsel, bool fWantOneLineSpace, bool fWantBothEnds ) : bool

Checks if selection is visible, according to the parameters.

This version doesn't test the secondary part of the selection if the combined primary and secondary selection is higher or wider then the ClientRectangle.

This method tests that the selection rectangle is inside of the client rectangle, but it doesn't test if the selection is actually enabled!

MakeRoot ( ) : void

Override this method in your subclass. It should make a root box and initialize it with appropriate data and view constructor, etc.

MapXTo ( int x, Rectangle rcSrc, Rectangle rcDst ) : int

Performs the same coordinate transformation as C++ UtilRect rcSrc.MapXTo(x, rcDst).

MapYTo ( int y, Rectangle rcSrc, Rectangle rcDst ) : int

Performs the same coordinate transformation as C++ UtilRect rcSrc.MapYTo(y, rcDst).

OnDisplayBestStyleName ( object commandObject, XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties &display ) : bool

Called (by xcore) to control display params of the Styles menu, e.g. whether it should be enabled

OnDisplayCombinedStylesList ( object parameter, XCore.UIListDisplayProperties &display ) : bool

Called when XCore wants to display something that relies on the list with the id "CombinedStylesList"

OnDisplayWritingSystemHvo ( object commandObject, XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties &display ) : bool

Called (by xcore) to control display params of the writing system menu, e.g. whether it should be enabled

OnFilePrint ( object args ) : bool

Handle Print command

OnInsertDiffPara ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse

see OnInsertDiffParas

OnInsertDiffParas ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, int cPara, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse

OnPrint ( object args ) : bool

This is equivalent. These two names accommodate two conventions for naming commands...xCore labels commands just with what they do, TE includes the menu name.

OnProblemDeletion ( IVwSelection sel, VwDelProbType dpt ) : VwDelProbResponse

The user has attempted to delete something which the system does not inherently know how to delete. The dpt argument indicates the type of problem.

OnPropertyChanged ( string name ) : void

Receives the xcore broadcast message "PropertyChanged"

OriginalOnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void

Required by interface, but not used, because we don't user the MessageSequencer to sequence OnPaint calls.

OriginalWndProc ( Message &msg ) : void

Processes Windows messages.

OverlayChanged ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwOverlay vo ) : void

When the state of the overlays changes, it propagates this to its site.

PostponedInvalidate ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Executed on the Application Idle queue, this method invalidates the whole view. It is used when we cannot properly complete a paint because we detect that it is a recursive call, to ensure that the window is eventually painted properly.

PreFilterMessage ( Message &m ) : bool

This is a major kludge to prevent a spurious WM_KEYUP for VK_CONTROL from interrupting a mouse click. If mouse button was pressed elsewhere causing this root site to loose focus, this message filter is installed to throw away the spurious WM_KEYUP for VK_CONTROL that happens as a result of switching to the default keyboard layout. See OnKillFocus for the corresponding code that installs this message filter.

PrePasteProcessing ( ) : void

Perform any processing needed immediately prior to a paste operation. This is very rarely implemented, but always called by EditingHelper.PasteClipboard.

PrintWithErrorHandling ( IPrintRootSite printRootSite, PrintDocument printDoc, Form parentForm ) : void

Helper method to allow for standard error reporting when something goes wrong during printing of the contents of a rootsite.

RefreshDisplay ( ) : bool

Refreshes the Display :)

ReleaseGraphics ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwGraphics pvg ) : void

Inform the container when done with the graphics object.

REVIEW JohnT(?): could we somehow have this handled by the Release method of the IVwGraphics? But that method does not know anything about the status or source of its hdc.

ReportDrawErrMsg ( Exception e ) : void

An error has occurred during drawing, and the component in which it occurred should have recorded a system error information object describing the problem

RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow ( IVwRootBox rootb, int ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SelLevInfo rgvsli, int tagTextProp, int cpropPrevious, int ich, int wsAlt, bool fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps selProps ) : void

If we need to make a selection, but we can't because edits haven't been updated in the view, this method requests creation of a selection after the unit of work is complete. Derived classes should implement this if they have any hope of supporting multi- paragraph editing.

RequestVisibleSelectionAtEndOfUow ( SelectionHelper helper ) : void

If we need to make a selection, but we can't because edits haven't been updated in the view, this method requests creation of a selection after the unit of work is complete. It will also scroll the selection into view. Derived classes should implement this if they have any hope of supporting multi- paragraph editing.

RootBoxSizeChanged ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : void

Notifies the site that the size of the root box changed; scroll ranges and/or window size may need to be updated. The standard response is to update the scroll range.

Review JohnT: might this also be the place to make sure the selection is still visible? Should we try to preserve the scroll position (at least the top left corner, say) even if the selection is not visible? Which should take priority?

ScreenToClient ( IVwRootBox prootb, System &pt ) : void

Member ScreenToClient

ScrollSelectionIntoView ( IVwSelection sel, VwScrollSelOpts scrollOption ) : bool

Scrolls the selection into view, positioning it as requested

ScrollSelectionToLocation ( IVwSelection sel, int dyPos ) : bool

Scroll the selection in to the given client position.

ScrollToEnd ( ) : void

Scroll to the bottom. This is somewhat tricky because after scrolling to the bottom of the range as we currently estimate it, expanding a closure may change things. GoToEnd

ScrollToTop ( ) : void

Scroll to the top

SelectAll ( ) : void

Make a selection that includes all the text.

SelectionChanged ( IVwRootBox rootb, IVwSelection vwselNew ) : void

Notifies the site that something about the selection has changed.

Don't you dare make this virtual!

SetAccessibleName ( string name ) : void

Set the accessible name that the root box will return for this root site.

ShowContextMenuAtIp ( IVwRootBox rootb ) : void

Show the context menu for the specified root box at the location of its selection (typically an IP).

SimpleRootSite ( ) : System

WasFocused ( ) : bool

Find out if this RootSite had Focus before being grabbed by some other entity (such as a Windows ComboBox)

get_MakeObjFromText ( string bstrText, IVwSelection _selDst, int &kodt ) : Guid

Needs a cache in order to provide a meaningful implementation. SimpleRootsite does not know how to handle GUIDs so just return an empty GUID which will cause the run to be deleted.

get_ScreenGraphics ( IVwRootBox _Root ) : IVwGraphics

Real drawing VG same as layout one for simple view.

get_SemiTagging ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : bool

Return true if this kind of window uses semi-tagging.

get_TextRepOfObj ( Guid &guid ) : string

Needs a cache in order to provide a meaningful implementation. SimpleRootsite should never have objects cut, copied, pasted.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Activate ( VwSelectionState vss ) : void

AdjustScrollRange1 ( int dxdSize, int dxdPosition, int dydSize, int dydPosition ) : bool

Adjust the scroll range when some lazy box got expanded. This is rather similar to SizeChanged, but is used when the size changed as a result of recomputing something that is invisible (typically about to become visible, but not currently on screen). Thus, the scroll bar range and possibly position need adjusting, but it isn't necessary to actually redraw anything except the scroll bar--unless the scroll position is forced to change, because we were in the process of scrolling to somewhere very close to the end, and the expansion was smaller than predicted, and the total range is now less than the current position.

The ScrollableControl.DisplayRectangle determines the scroll range. To set it, you have to set ScrollableControl.AutoScrollMinSize and do a PerformLayout.

CallMouseDblClk ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void

Call MouseDblClk on rootbox

CallMouseDown ( Point point, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void

Call MouseDown on the rootbox

CallMouseDownExtended ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void

Call MouseDownExtended on the rootbox

CallMouseMoveDrag ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void

Call MouseMoveDrag on the rootbox

CallMouseUp ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void

Call MouseUp on the rootbox

CheckForRecursivePaint ( ) : bool

Return true if a paint needs to be aborted because something like a paint or layout is already in progress. Arranges for a postponed paint if so.

CreateAccessibilityInstance ( ) : System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject

Return a wrapper around the COM IAccessible for the root box.

CreateEditingHelper ( ) : EditingHelper

Creates a new EditingHelper of the proper type.

CreateGraphicsManager ( ) : GraphicsManager

Creates the graphics manager.

We do this in a method for testing.

CreateOrientationManager ( ) : OrientationManager

The default creates a normal horizontal orientation manager. Override to create one of the other classes as needed.

CreateSelectionRestorer ( ) : SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.SelectionRestorer

Creates a new selection restorer.

Overriding this method to return null will keep the selection from being restored

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

DoContextMenu ( IVwSelection invSel, Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : bool

Overide this to provide a context menu for some subclass.

DoLayout ( ) : bool

Lay out your root box. If nothing significant has changed since the last layout, answer false; if it has, return true. Assumes that m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics is in a valid state (having a DC).

We assume that the VwGraphics object has already been setup for us

Draw ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void

Draw to the given clip rectangle.

OPTIMIZE JohnT: pass clip rect to VwGraphics and make use of it.

EnsureDefaultSelection ( ) : void

Makes a default selection if no selection currently exists in our RootBox.

EnsureDefaultSelection ( bool fMakeSelInEditable ) : void

Makes a default selection if no selection currently exists in our RootBox.

FillInStylesComboList ( XCore.UIListDisplayProperties display, IVwStylesheet stylesheet ) : void

Fill in the list of style names.

GetCoordRects ( Rectangle &rcSrcRoot, Rectangle &rcDstRoot ) : void

Construct coord transformation rectangles. Height and width are dots per inch. src origin is 0, dest origin is controlled by scrolling.

GetExternalLinkSel ( bool &fFoundLinkStyle, IVwSelection &vwselParam, string &strbFile, Point pt ) : bool

This function returns a selection that includes the entire LinkedFile link at the current insertion point. It doesn't actually make the selection active. If the return value is false, none of the paramters should be looked at. If pfFoundLinkStyle is true, ppvwsel will contain the entire LinkedFiles Link string and pbstrFile will contain the filename the LinkedFiles link is pointing to. If pfFoundLinkStyle is false, the selection will still be valid, but it couldn't find any LinkedFiles link at the current insertion point. If ppt is not NULL, it will look for an LinkedFiles Link at that point. Otherwise, the current insertion point will be used.

GetNonFocusedSelectionState ( Control windowGainingFocus ) : VwSelectionState

Unless overridden, this will return a value indicating that range selections should be hidden.

GetPossibleWritingSystemsToSelectByInputLanguage ( ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf ) : int[]

get the writing systems we should consider as candidates to be selected whent the user makes an external choice of keyboard. overridden in root site to use only active ones.

GetPrintInfo ( int &hvo, IVwViewConstructor &vc, int &frag, IVwStylesheet &ss ) : void

Default is to print the exact same thing as displayed in the view, but subclasses (e.g., ConstChartBody) can override.

GetScrollOffsets ( int &dxd, int &dyd ) : void

Returns the scroll position. Values are positive.

GetShiftStatus ( ) : VwShiftStatus

Returns the ShiftStatus that shows if Ctrl and/or Shift keys were pressed

GoToPageBottom ( bool fIsShiftPressed ) : void

Position the insertion point at the page bottom

GoToPageTop ( bool fIsShiftPressed ) : void

Position the insertion point at the page top

HandleContextMenuFromKeyboard ( IVwSelection vwsel, Point center ) : bool

The user has chosen a keyboard combination which requests a context menu. Handle it, given the active selection and a point around the center of it.

IsInputChar ( char charCode ) : bool

This also helps us handle all input keys...the documentation doesn't make very clear the distinction between this and IsInputKey, but failing to override this one can cause typing in the view to invoke buttons in the parent form. If you want to remove this, make sure it doesn't mess up windows that contain both views and buttons, such as the LexText interlinear view.

IsInputChar gets called while processing WM_CHAR or WM_SYSCHAR.

IsInputKey ( Keys keyData ) : bool

Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. Default implementation always returns true because we want to handle all keys!

IsInputKey gets called while processing WM_KEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYDOWN.

MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel ) : bool

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary.

Note: subclasses for which scrolling is disabled should override. If sel is null, make the current selection visible.

MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel, bool fWantOneLineSpace ) : bool

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary. If fWantOneLineSpace is true we make sure that at least 1 line is visible above and below the selection. By default ranges (that are not pictures) are allowed to be only partly visible.

MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection vwsel, bool fWantOneLineSpace, bool fWantBothEnds, bool fForcePrepareToDraw ) : bool

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary. If fWantOneLineSpace is true we make sure that at least 1 line is visible above and below the selection.

Note: subclasses for which scrolling is disabled should override. If the selection is invalid, return false.

MoveChildWindows ( ) : void

This hook provides an opportunity for subclasses to move child windows. For example, InterlinDocChild moves its Sandbox window to correspond to the position of the selected word in the text. It may be important to do this before updating the scroll range...for example, Windows forms may not allow the scroll range to be less than enough to show the whole of the (old position of) the child window.

OnDoubleClick ( EventArgs e ) : void

Process mouse double click

OnEditSelectAll ( object args ) : bool

Handle the Edit/Select All menu command.

OnEditingHelperCreated ( ) : void

Called when the editing helper is created.

OnGotFocus ( EventArgs e ) : void

View is getting focus: Activate the rootbox and set the appropriate keyboard

OnHandleCreated ( EventArgs e ) : void

The window is first being created.

OnHandleDestroyed ( EventArgs e ) : void

Do cleaning up when handle gets destroyed

Formerly AfVwRootSite::OnReleasePtr()

OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void

User pressed a key.

OnKeyPress ( KeyPressEventArgs e ) : void

Handles OnKeyPress. Passes most things to EditingHelper.OnKeyPress

OnKeyUp ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Clean up after page scrolling.

OnKillFocus ( Control newWindow, bool fIsChildWindow ) : void

Called when the focus is lost to another window.

OnLayout ( LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void

Recompute the layout

OnLayoutSizeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Required method to implement the LayoutSizeChanged event.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void

OnMouseDown ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Process left or right mouse button down

OnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Process mouse move

OnMouseMoveSetCursor ( Point mousePos ) : void

Allow clients to override cursor type during OnMouseMove.

OnMouseUp ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Process mouse button up event

OnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void

Call Draw() which does all the real painting

OnPaintBackground ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void

Ignore the PaintBackground event because we do it ourself (in the views code).

OnRightMouseUp ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : bool

Process right mouse button up (typically show a context menu). Was mouse Down in an earlier life, but we concluded that the usual convention is context menu on mouse up. There may be vestiges.

OnSetFocus ( Message m ) : void

We intercept WM_SETFOCUS in our WndProc and call this because we need the information about the previous focus window, which .NET does not provide.

OnSizeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Size changed. Ensure that the selection is still visible.

OnTimer ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Flash the insertion point.

OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

When we go visible and we are waiting to refresh the display (do a rebuild) then call RefreshDisplay()

PixelToView ( Point pt ) : Point

Adjust a point to view coords from device coords. This is the translation from a point obtained from a windows message like WM_LBUTTONDOWN to a point that can be passed to the root box. Currently it does nothing, as any conversion is handled by the source and destination rectangles passed to the mouse routines. It is retained for possible future use.

PrepareToDraw ( Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : VwPrepDrawResult

Wraps PrepareToDraw calls so as to suppress attempts to paint or any similar re-entrant call we might make while getting ready to do it.

ProcessCmdKey ( Message &msg, Keys keyData ) : bool

Override to provide default handling of Context manu key.

SaveSelectionInfo ( Rectangle rcIdeal, int ydTop ) : void

Save some selection location information if needed.

ScrollDown ( int dy ) : void

Scroll by the specified amount (positive is down, that is, added to the scroll offset). If this would exceed the scroll range, move as far as possible. Update both actual display and scroll bar position. (Can also scroll up, if dy is negative. Name is just to indicate positive direction.)

SelectionRectangle ( IVwSelection vwsel, Rectangle &rcIdeal, bool &fEndBeforeAnchor ) : void

Gets the rectangle of the selection. If it is a split selection we combine the two rectangles.

SetupPrintHelp ( PrintDialog dlg ) : void

If help is available for the print dialog, set ShowHelp to true, and add an event handler that can display some help. See DraftView in TeDll for an example.

UpdateScrollRange ( int dxdRange, int dxdPos, int dydRange, int dydPos ) : bool

Update the scroll range with the new range and position.

UpdateScrollRange ( ) : void

Update your scroll range to reflect current conditions.

WndProc ( Message &m ) : void

Override the WndProc to handle WM_GETOBJECT so we can return the IAccessible implementation from the root box, rather than wrapping it as an AccessibleObject in .NET style. This is important because the test harness wants to be able to get back to the root box. There are a couple of other messages we must handle at this level as well. This override is now delegated through the message sequencer; see OriginalWndProc.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CallInvalidateRect ( Rectangle rect, bool fErase ) : void

Some situations lead to invalidating very large rectangles. Something seems to go wrong if they are way bigger than the client rectangle. Finding the intersection makes it more reliable.

ContainingXWindow ( ) : XCore.IxWindow
ConvertKeyValue ( int keyValue ) : int

Allow the orientation manager to convert arrow key codes.

DefaultWantBothEnds ( IVwSelection vwsel ) : bool
IVwRootSite ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : IVwGraphics

Get a graphics object in an appropriate state for drawing and measuring in the view. The calling method should pass the IVwGraphics back to ReleaseGraphics() before it returns. In particular, problems will arise if OnPaint() gets called before the ReleaseGraphics() method.

InitGraphics ( ) : void

Make sure the graphics object has a DC. If it already has, increment a count, so we know when to really free the DC.

InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

LresultFromObject ( System.Guid &riid, IntPtr wParam, [ pAcc ) : IntPtr
ModifyOverlay ( bool fApplyTag, IVwOverlay pvo, int itag ) : void
OnContextMenu ( Point pt ) : void
Print ( PrintDocument pd ) : void
SetupVc ( ) : void

This is called in Layout to notify the VC of anything it needs to know.

SubscribeToRootSiteEventHandlerEvents ( ) : void

Creates the root site event handler.

SwitchFocusHere ( ) : void
UninitGraphics ( ) : void

Uninitialize the graphics object by releasing the DC.

UpdateSelectionEnabledState ( Control newWindow ) : void

Updates the state of the selection (enabled/disabled).

Описание методов

AboutToDiscard() публичный Метод

In DetailViews there are some root boxes which are created but (because scrolled out of view) never made visible. In certain circumstances, as their containers are disposed, something gets called that may cause calls to methods like OnLoad or OnHandleCreated. When we know a root site is about to become garbage, we want these methods to do as little as possible, both for performance and to prevent possible crashes as windows are created for (e.g.) objects that have been deleted.
public AboutToDiscard ( ) : void
Результат void

Activate() защищенный Метод

protected Activate ( VwSelectionState vss ) : void
vss VwSelectionState
Результат void

AdjustPrintDialog() публичный Метод

By default this does nothing. Override to, for example, enable the 'Selection' button. See XmlSeqView for an example.
public AdjustPrintDialog ( System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog dlg ) : void
dlg System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog
Результат void

AdjustScrollRange() публичный Метод

Adjust the scroll range when some lazy box got expanded. Needs to be done for both panes if we have more than one.
public AdjustScrollRange ( IVwRootBox prootb, int dxdSize, int dxdPosition, int dydSize, int dydPosition ) : bool
prootb IVwRootBox
dxdSize int
dxdPosition int
dydSize int
dydPosition int
Результат bool

AdjustScrollRange1() защищенный Метод

Adjust the scroll range when some lazy box got expanded. This is rather similar to SizeChanged, but is used when the size changed as a result of recomputing something that is invisible (typically about to become visible, but not currently on screen). Thus, the scroll bar range and possibly position need adjusting, but it isn't necessary to actually redraw anything except the scroll bar--unless the scroll position is forced to change, because we were in the process of scrolling to somewhere very close to the end, and the expansion was smaller than predicted, and the total range is now less than the current position.
The ScrollableControl.DisplayRectangle determines the scroll range. To set it, you have to set ScrollableControl.AutoScrollMinSize and do a PerformLayout.
protected AdjustScrollRange1 ( int dxdSize, int dxdPosition, int dydSize, int dydPosition ) : bool
dxdSize int
dxdPosition int
dydSize int The change (positive means larger) in the overall size of the /// root box
dydPosition int The position where the change happened. In general it may be /// assumed that if this change is above the thumb position, everything that changed /// is above it, and it needs to be increased by dydSize; otherwise, everything is below /// the screen, and no change to the thumb position is needed.
Результат bool

AllRootBoxes() публичный Метод

Return the internal rootbox as a list, or an empty list.
public AllRootBoxes ( ) : List
Результат List

BeginSequentialBlock() публичный Метод

Begin a block of code which, even though it is not itself a message handler, should not be interrupted by other messages that need to be sequential. This may be called from within a message handler. EndSequentialBlock must be called without fail (use try...finally) at the end of the block that needs protection.
public BeginSequentialBlock ( ) : void
Результат void

CallMouseDblClk() защищенный Метод

Call MouseDblClk on rootbox
protected CallMouseDblClk ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void
pt Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

CallMouseDown() защищенный Метод

Call MouseDown on the rootbox
protected CallMouseDown ( Point point, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void
point Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

CallMouseDownExtended() защищенный Метод

Call MouseDownExtended on the rootbox
protected CallMouseDownExtended ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void
pt Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

CallMouseMoveDrag() защищенный Метод

Call MouseMoveDrag on the rootbox
protected CallMouseMoveDrag ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void
pt Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

CallMouseUp() защищенный Метод

Call MouseUp on the rootbox
protected CallMouseUp ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : void
pt Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

CastAsIVwRootSite() публичный Метод

Allows the IRootSite to be cast as an IVwRootSite
public CastAsIVwRootSite ( ) : IVwRootSite
Результат IVwRootSite

ChangeOrMakeRoot() публичный Метод

This method is designed to be used by classes whose root object may be determined after the window's handle is created (when MakeRoot is normally called) and may be subsequently changed. It is passed the required arguments for SetRootObject, and if the root box already exists, all it does is call SetRootObject. If the root box does not already exist, it calls MakeRoot immediately, and arranges for the root box so created to be laid out, since it is possible that we have 'missed our chance' to have this happen when the window gets its initial OnSizeChanged message.
public ChangeOrMakeRoot ( int hvoRoot, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frag, IVwStylesheet styleSheet ) : void
hvoRoot int
vc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
styleSheet IVwStylesheet
Результат void

CheckDisposed() публичный Метод

Throw if the IsDisposed property is true
public CheckDisposed ( ) : void
Результат void

CheckForRecursivePaint() защищенный Метод

Return true if a paint needs to be aborted because something like a paint or layout is already in progress. Arranges for a postponed paint if so.
protected CheckForRecursivePaint ( ) : bool
Результат bool

ClientToScreen() публичный Метод

Member ClientToScreen
public ClientToScreen ( IVwRootBox prootb, System &pt ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
pt System Point to convert
Результат void

CloseRootBox() публичный Метод

Subclasses should override CloseRootBox if something else is still using it after the window closes. In that case the subclass should do nothing.
public CloseRootBox ( ) : void
Результат void

ComplexKeyBehavior() публичный Метод

Return an indication of the behavior of some of the special keys (arrows, home, end).
Physical behavior means that left arrow key goes to the left regardless of the direction of the text; logical behavior means that left arrow key always moves the IP one character (possibly plus diacritics, etc.) in the underlying text, in the direction that is to the left for text in the main paragraph direction. So, in a normal LTR paragraph, left arrow decrements the IP position; in an RTL paragraph, it increments it. Both produce a movement to the left in text whose direction matches the paragraph ("downstream" text). But where there is a segment of upstream text, logical behavior will jump almost to the other end of the segment and then move the 'wrong' way through it.
public ComplexKeyBehavior ( int chw, VwShiftStatus ss ) : EditingHelper.CkBehavior
chw int Key value
ss VwShiftStatus Shift status
Результат EditingHelper.CkBehavior

CreateAccessibilityInstance() защищенный Метод

Return a wrapper around the COM IAccessible for the root box.
protected CreateAccessibilityInstance ( ) : System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject
Результат System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject

CreateEditingHelper() защищенный Метод

Creates a new EditingHelper of the proper type.
protected CreateEditingHelper ( ) : EditingHelper
Результат EditingHelper

CreateGraphicsManager() защищенный Метод

Creates the graphics manager.
We do this in a method for testing.
protected CreateGraphicsManager ( ) : GraphicsManager
Результат GraphicsManager

CreateOrientationManager() защищенный Метод

The default creates a normal horizontal orientation manager. Override to create one of the other classes as needed.
protected CreateOrientationManager ( ) : OrientationManager
Результат OrientationManager

CreateSelectionRestorer() защищенный Метод

Creates a new selection restorer.
Overriding this method to return null will keep the selection from being restored
protected CreateSelectionRestorer ( ) : SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.SelectionRestorer
Результат SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.SelectionRestorer

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

DoContextMenu() защищенный Метод

Overide this to provide a context menu for some subclass.
protected DoContextMenu ( IVwSelection invSel, Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : bool
invSel IVwSelection
pt Point
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат bool

DoLayout() защищенный Метод

Lay out your root box. If nothing significant has changed since the last layout, answer false; if it has, return true. Assumes that m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics is in a valid state (having a DC).
We assume that the VwGraphics object has already been setup for us
protected DoLayout ( ) : bool
Результат bool

DoUpdates() публичный Метод

Cause the immediate update of the display of the root box. This should cause all pending paint operations to be done immediately, at least for the screen area occupied by the root box. It is typically called after processing key strokes, to ensure that the updated text is displayed before trying to process any subsequent keystrokes.
public DoUpdates ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
Результат void

Draw() защищенный Метод

Draw to the given clip rectangle.
OPTIMIZE JohnT: pass clip rect to VwGraphics and make use of it.
protected Draw ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void
e PaintEventArgs
Результат void

EndSequentialBlock() публичный Метод

See BeginSequentialBlock.
public EndSequentialBlock ( ) : void
Результат void

EnsureDefaultSelection() защищенный Метод

Makes a default selection if no selection currently exists in our RootBox.
protected EnsureDefaultSelection ( ) : void
Результат void

EnsureDefaultSelection() защищенный Метод

Makes a default selection if no selection currently exists in our RootBox.
protected EnsureDefaultSelection ( bool fMakeSelInEditable ) : void
fMakeSelInEditable bool if true, first try selecting in editable position.
Результат void

FillInStylesComboList() защищенный Метод

Fill in the list of style names.
protected FillInStylesComboList ( XCore.UIListDisplayProperties display, IVwStylesheet stylesheet ) : void
display XCore.UIListDisplayProperties
stylesheet IVwStylesheet
Результат void

GetAndClearPendingWs() публичный Метод

If there is a pending writing system that should be applied to typing, return it; also clear the state so that subsequent typing will not have a pending writing system until something sets it again. (This is mainly used so that keyboard-change commands can be applied while the selection is a range.)
public GetAndClearPendingWs ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int
prootb IVwRootBox
Результат int

GetAvailWidth() публичный Метод

Get the width available for laying things out in the view. Return the layout width for the window, depending on whether or not there is a scroll bar. If there is no scroll bar, we pretend that there is, so we don't have to keep adjusting the width back and forth based on the toggling on and off of vertical and horizontal scroll bars and their interaction. The return result is in pixels. The only common reason to override this is to answer instead a very large integer, which has the effect of turning off line wrap, as everything apparently fits on a line. N.B. If it is necessary to override this, it is not advisable to use Int32.MaxValue for fear of overflow caused by VwSelection::InvalidateSel() adjustments.
public GetAvailWidth ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : int
prootb IVwRootBox
Результат int

GetCoordRects() защищенный Метод

Construct coord transformation rectangles. Height and width are dots per inch. src origin is 0, dest origin is controlled by scrolling.
protected GetCoordRects ( Rectangle &rcSrcRoot, Rectangle &rcDstRoot ) : void
rcSrcRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDstRoot System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат void

GetExternalLinkSel() защищенный Метод

This function returns a selection that includes the entire LinkedFile link at the current insertion point. It doesn't actually make the selection active. If the return value is false, none of the paramters should be looked at. If pfFoundLinkStyle is true, ppvwsel will contain the entire LinkedFiles Link string and pbstrFile will contain the filename the LinkedFiles link is pointing to. If pfFoundLinkStyle is false, the selection will still be valid, but it couldn't find any LinkedFiles link at the current insertion point. If ppt is not NULL, it will look for an LinkedFiles Link at that point. Otherwise, the current insertion point will be used.
protected GetExternalLinkSel ( bool &fFoundLinkStyle, IVwSelection &vwselParam, string &strbFile, Point pt ) : bool
fFoundLinkStyle bool
vwselParam IVwSelection
strbFile string
pt Point
Результат bool

GetGraphics() публичный Метод

Get a graphics object in an appropriate state for drawing and measuring in the view. The calling method should pass the IVwGraphics back to ReleaseGraphics() before it returns. In particular, problems will arise if OnPaint() gets called before the ReleaseGraphics() method.
REVIEW JohnT(?): We probably need a better way to handle this. Most likely: make the VwGraphics object we cache a true COM object so its reference count is meaningful; have this method create a new one. Problem: a useable VwGraphics object has a device context that is linked to a particular window; if the window closes, the VwGraphics is not useable, whatever its reference count says. It may therefore be that we just need to allocate a copy in this method, leaving the member variable alone. Or, the current strategy may prove adequate.
public GetGraphics ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwGraphics &pvg, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
pvg IVwGraphics
rcSrcRoot Rect
rcDstRoot Rect
Результат void

GetMessageTargets() публичный Метод

Gets objects known to this site that can handle xCore command messages. For rootsite, the only such object it knows about is itself.
public GetMessageTargets ( ) : XCore.IxCoreColleague[]
Результат XCore.IxCoreColleague[]

GetNonFocusedSelectionState() защищенный Метод

Unless overridden, this will return a value indicating that range selections should be hidden.
protected GetNonFocusedSelectionState ( Control windowGainingFocus ) : VwSelectionState
windowGainingFocus System.Windows.Forms.Control
Результат VwSelectionState

GetPossibleWritingSystemsToSelectByInputLanguage() защищенный Метод

get the writing systems we should consider as candidates to be selected whent the user makes an external choice of keyboard. overridden in root site to use only active ones.
protected GetPossibleWritingSystemsToSelectByInputLanguage ( ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf ) : int[]
wsf ILgWritingSystemFactory
Результат int[]

GetPrimarySelRect() публичный Метод

Get the primary rectangle occupied by a selection (relative to the top left of the client rectangle).
public GetPrimarySelRect ( IVwSelection sel ) : Rect
sel IVwSelection
Результат Rect

GetPrintInfo() защищенный Метод

Default is to print the exact same thing as displayed in the view, but subclasses (e.g., ConstChartBody) can override.
protected GetPrintInfo ( int &hvo, IVwViewConstructor &vc, int &frag, IVwStylesheet &ss ) : void
hvo int
vc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
ss IVwStylesheet
Результат void

GetScrollOffsets() защищенный Метод

Returns the scroll position. Values are positive.
protected GetScrollOffsets ( int &dxd, int &dyd ) : void
dxd int
dyd int
Результат void

GetSelectionAtPoint() публичный Метод

Get a selection at the indicated point (as in MouseEventArgs.Location). If fInstall is true make it the active selection.
public GetSelectionAtPoint ( Point position, bool fInstall ) : IVwSelection
position Point
fInstall bool
Результат IVwSelection

GetSelectionAtViewPoint() публичный Метод

Get a selection at the indicated point.
public GetSelectionAtViewPoint ( Point position, bool fInstall ) : IVwSelection
position Point Point where the selection is to be made
fInstall bool Indicates whether or not to "install" the seleciton
Результат IVwSelection

GetShiftStatus() защищенный Метод

Returns the ShiftStatus that shows if Ctrl and/or Shift keys were pressed
protected GetShiftStatus ( ) : VwShiftStatus
Результат VwShiftStatus

GetTransformAtDst() публичный Метод

Get a transform for a given destination point...same for all points in this simple case.
public GetTransformAtDst ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void
root IVwRootBox
pt Point
rcSrcRoot Rect
rcDstRoot Rect
Результат void

GetTransformAtSrc() публичный Метод

Get a transform for a given layout point...same for all points in this simple case.
public GetTransformAtSrc ( IVwRootBox root, Point pt, Rect &rcSrcRoot, Rect &rcDstRoot ) : void
root IVwRootBox
pt Point
rcSrcRoot Rect
rcDstRoot Rect
Результат void

GetTsStringForClipboard() публичный Метод

If a particular rootsite needs to do something special for putting the current selection on the keyboard, implement this method to do it, and have it return the filled-in ITsString object. See LT-9475 for justification.
public GetTsStringForClipboard ( IVwSelection vwsel ) : ITsString
vwsel IVwSelection
Результат ITsString

GetWritingSystemForHvo() публичный Метод

Gets the writing system for the HVO. This could either be the vernacular or analysis writing system.
public GetWritingSystemForHvo ( int hvo ) : int
hvo int HVO
Результат int

GoToEnd() публичный Метод

Use this method instead of ScrollToEnd if you need to go to the end of the view programmatically (not in response to a Ctrl-End). The code for handling Ctrl-End uses CallOnExtendedKey() in OnKeyDown() to handle setting the IP.
public GoToEnd ( ) : void
Результат void

GoToPageBottom() защищенный Метод

Position the insertion point at the page bottom
protected GoToPageBottom ( bool fIsShiftPressed ) : void
fIsShiftPressed bool True if the shift key is pressed and selection is /// desired
Результат void

GoToPageTop() защищенный Метод

Position the insertion point at the page top
protected GoToPageTop ( bool fIsShiftPressed ) : void
fIsShiftPressed bool True if the shift key is pressed and selection is /// desired
Результат void

HandleContextMenuFromKeyboard() защищенный Метод

The user has chosen a keyboard combination which requests a context menu. Handle it, given the active selection and a point around the center of it.
protected HandleContextMenuFromKeyboard ( IVwSelection vwsel, Point center ) : bool
vwsel IVwSelection
center Point
Результат bool

HandleKeyboardChange() публичный Метод

When the user has selected a keyboard from the system tray, adjust the language of the selection to something that matches, if possible.
public HandleKeyboardChange ( IVwSelection vwsel, int wsMatch ) : void
vwsel IVwSelection Selection
wsMatch int Writing system determined from keyboard change
Результат void

IPDistanceFromWindowTop() публичный Метод

Finds the distance between the scroll position and the IP (i.e. the distance between the top of the window and the IP).
public IPDistanceFromWindowTop ( IVwSelection sel ) : int
sel IVwSelection The selection used to get the IP's location. If /// this value is null, the rootsite's current selection will be used.
Результат int

Init() публичный Метод

Allows xCore-specific initialization. We don't need any.
public Init ( XCore mediator, System configurationParameters ) : void
mediator XCore The mediator
configurationParameters System Not used
Результат void

InvalidateForLazyFix() публичный Метод

Invalidate the pane because some lazy box expansion messed up the scroll position. Made a separate method so we can override.
public InvalidateForLazyFix ( ) : void
Результат void

InvalidateRect() публичный Метод

Invalidate rectangle
public InvalidateRect ( IVwRootBox root, int xsLeft, int ysTop, int xsWidth, int ysHeight ) : void
root IVwRootBox The sender
xsLeft int Relative to top left of root box
ysTop int
xsWidth int
ysHeight int
Результат void

IsIgnoredKey() публичный статический Метод

Checks input characters to see if they should be processsed. Static to allow function to be shared with PublicationControl.
public static IsIgnoredKey ( KeyPressEventArgs e, Keys modifiers ) : bool
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs
modifiers Keys Control.ModifierKeys
Результат bool

IsInputChar() защищенный Метод

This also helps us handle all input keys...the documentation doesn't make very clear the distinction between this and IsInputKey, but failing to override this one can cause typing in the view to invoke buttons in the parent form. If you want to remove this, make sure it doesn't mess up windows that contain both views and buttons, such as the LexText interlinear view.
IsInputChar gets called while processing WM_CHAR or WM_SYSCHAR.
protected IsInputChar ( char charCode ) : bool
charCode char The character to test.
Результат bool

IsInputKey() защищенный Метод

Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. Default implementation always returns true because we want to handle all keys!
IsInputKey gets called while processing WM_KEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
protected IsInputKey ( Keys keyData ) : bool
keyData Keys One of the values.
Результат bool

IsOkToMakeLazy() публичный Метод

Answer whether boxes in the specified range of destination coordinates may usefully be converted to lazy boxes. Should at least answer false if any part of the range is visible. The default implementation avoids converting stuff within about a screen's height of the visible part(s).
public IsOkToMakeLazy ( IVwRootBox prootb, int ydTop, int ydBottom ) : bool
prootb IVwRootBox
ydTop int
ydBottom int
Результат bool

IsSelectionVisible() публичный Метод

Checks if selection is visible. For a range selection we check the end of the selection, for an IP the entire selection must be visible.
This version doesn't test the secondary part of the selection if the combined primary and secondary selection is higher or wider then the ClientRectangle.
public IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel ) : bool
sel IVwSelection The selection
Результат bool

IsSelectionVisible() публичный Метод

Checks if selection is visible. For a range selection (that is not a picture) we check the end of the selection, otherwise the entire selection must be visible.
public IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel, bool fWantOneLineSpace ) : bool
sel IVwSelection
fWantOneLineSpace bool
Результат bool

IsSelectionVisible() публичный Метод

Checks if selection is visible, according to the parameters.

This version doesn't test the secondary part of the selection if the combined primary and secondary selection is higher or wider then the ClientRectangle.

This method tests that the selection rectangle is inside of the client rectangle, but it doesn't test if the selection is actually enabled!

public IsSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection vwsel, bool fWantOneLineSpace, bool fWantBothEnds ) : bool
vwsel IVwSelection The selection
fWantOneLineSpace bool True if we want at least 1 extra line above or /// below the selection to be considered visible, false otherwise
fWantBothEnds bool true if both ends must be visible; otherwise, it's /// good enough if the end is.
Результат bool

MakeRoot() публичный Метод

Override this method in your subclass. It should make a root box and initialize it with appropriate data and view constructor, etc.
public MakeRoot ( ) : void
Результат void

MakeSelectionVisible() защищенный Метод

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary.
Note: subclasses for which scrolling is disabled should override. If sel is null, make the current selection visible.
protected MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel ) : bool
sel IVwSelection Selection
Результат bool

MakeSelectionVisible() защищенный Метод

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary. If fWantOneLineSpace is true we make sure that at least 1 line is visible above and below the selection. By default ranges (that are not pictures) are allowed to be only partly visible.
protected MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection sel, bool fWantOneLineSpace ) : bool
sel IVwSelection The sel.
fWantOneLineSpace bool if set to true [f want one line space].
Результат bool

MakeSelectionVisible() защищенный Метод

Scroll to make the selection visible. In general, scroll the minimum distance to make it entirely visible. If the selection is higher than the window, scroll the minimum distance to make it fill the window. If the window is too small to show both primary and secondary, show primary. If fWantOneLineSpace is true we make sure that at least 1 line is visible above and below the selection.
Note: subclasses for which scrolling is disabled should override. If the selection is invalid, return false.
protected MakeSelectionVisible ( IVwSelection vwsel, bool fWantOneLineSpace, bool fWantBothEnds, bool fForcePrepareToDraw ) : bool
vwsel IVwSelection Selection
fWantOneLineSpace bool True if we want at least 1 extra line above or /// below the selection, false otherwise
fWantBothEnds bool if true, we want to be able to see both ends of /// the selection, if possible; if it is too large, align top to top.
fForcePrepareToDraw bool Pass this as true when the selection was made under program /// control, not from a click. It indicates that even though the selection may be initially /// visible, there might be lazy boxes on screen; and when we come to paint, expanding them /// might make the selection no longer visible. Therefore we should not skip the full /// process just because the selection is already visible.
Результат bool

MapXTo() публичный статический Метод

Performs the same coordinate transformation as C++ UtilRect rcSrc.MapXTo(x, rcDst).
public static MapXTo ( int x, Rectangle rcSrc, Rectangle rcDst ) : int
x int
rcSrc System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDst System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат int

MapYTo() публичный статический Метод

Performs the same coordinate transformation as C++ UtilRect rcSrc.MapYTo(y, rcDst).
public static MapYTo ( int y, Rectangle rcSrc, Rectangle rcDst ) : int
y int
rcSrc System.Drawing.Rectangle
rcDst System.Drawing.Rectangle
Результат int

MoveChildWindows() защищенный Метод

This hook provides an opportunity for subclasses to move child windows. For example, InterlinDocChild moves its Sandbox window to correspond to the position of the selected word in the text. It may be important to do this before updating the scroll range...for example, Windows forms may not allow the scroll range to be less than enough to show the whole of the (old position of) the child window.
protected MoveChildWindows ( ) : void
Результат void

OnDisplayBestStyleName() публичный Метод

Called (by xcore) to control display params of the Styles menu, e.g. whether it should be enabled
public OnDisplayBestStyleName ( object commandObject, XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties &display ) : bool
commandObject object
display XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties
Результат bool

OnDisplayCombinedStylesList() публичный Метод

Called when XCore wants to display something that relies on the list with the id "CombinedStylesList"
public OnDisplayCombinedStylesList ( object parameter, XCore.UIListDisplayProperties &display ) : bool
parameter object
display XCore.UIListDisplayProperties
Результат bool

OnDisplayWritingSystemHvo() публичный Метод

Called (by xcore) to control display params of the writing system menu, e.g. whether it should be enabled
public OnDisplayWritingSystemHvo ( object commandObject, XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties &display ) : bool
commandObject object
display XCore.UIItemDisplayProperties
Результат bool

OnDoubleClick() защищенный Метод

Process mouse double click
protected OnDoubleClick ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnEditSelectAll() защищенный Метод

Handle the Edit/Select All menu command.
protected OnEditSelectAll ( object args ) : bool
args object The arguments
Результат bool

OnEditingHelperCreated() защищенный Метод

Called when the editing helper is created.
protected OnEditingHelperCreated ( ) : void
Результат void

OnFilePrint() публичный Метод

Handle Print command
public OnFilePrint ( object args ) : bool
args object ignored
Результат bool

OnGotFocus() защищенный Метод

View is getting focus: Activate the rootbox and set the appropriate keyboard
protected OnGotFocus ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnHandleCreated() защищенный Метод

The window is first being created.
protected OnHandleCreated ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnHandleDestroyed() защищенный Метод

Do cleaning up when handle gets destroyed
Formerly AfVwRootSite::OnReleasePtr()
protected OnHandleDestroyed ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnInsertDiffPara() публичный Метод

see OnInsertDiffParas
public OnInsertDiffPara ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse
prootb IVwRootBox
ttpDest ITsTextProps
ttpSrc ITsTextProps
tssParas ITsString
tssTrailing ITsString
Результат VwInsertDiffParaResponse

OnInsertDiffParas() публичный Метод

public OnInsertDiffParas ( IVwRootBox prootb, ITsTextProps ttpDest, int cPara, ITsTextProps ttpSrc, ITsString tssParas, ITsString tssTrailing ) : VwInsertDiffParaResponse
prootb IVwRootBox
ttpDest ITsTextProps
cPara int
ttpSrc ITsTextProps
tssParas ITsString
tssTrailing ITsString
Результат VwInsertDiffParaResponse

OnKeyDown() защищенный Метод

User pressed a key.
protected OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void
e KeyEventArgs
Результат void

OnKeyPress() защищенный Метод

Handles OnKeyPress. Passes most things to EditingHelper.OnKeyPress
protected OnKeyPress ( KeyPressEventArgs e ) : void
e KeyPressEventArgs
Результат void

OnKeyUp() защищенный Метод

Clean up after page scrolling.
protected OnKeyUp ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void
e KeyEventArgs
Результат void

OnKillFocus() защищенный Метод

Called when the focus is lost to another window.
protected OnKillFocus ( Control newWindow, bool fIsChildWindow ) : void
newWindow Control The new window. Might be null.
fIsChildWindow bool true if the is /// a child window of the current application.
Результат void

OnLayout() защищенный Метод

Recompute the layout
protected OnLayout ( LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void
levent LayoutEventArgs
Результат void

OnLayoutSizeChanged() защищенный Метод

Required method to implement the LayoutSizeChanged event.
protected OnLayoutSizeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnLoad() защищенный Метод

protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseDown() защищенный Метод

Process left or right mouse button down
protected OnMouseDown ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseMove() защищенный Метод

Process mouse move
protected OnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnMouseMoveSetCursor() защищенный Метод

Allow clients to override cursor type during OnMouseMove.
protected OnMouseMoveSetCursor ( Point mousePos ) : void
mousePos Point
Результат void

OnMouseUp() защищенный Метод

Process mouse button up event
protected OnMouseUp ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
e MouseEventArgs
Результат void

OnPaint() защищенный Метод

Call Draw() which does all the real painting
protected OnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void
e PaintEventArgs
Результат void

OnPaintBackground() защищенный Метод

Ignore the PaintBackground event because we do it ourself (in the views code).
protected OnPaintBackground ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void
e PaintEventArgs
Результат void

OnPrint() публичный Метод

This is equivalent. These two names accommodate two conventions for naming commands...xCore labels commands just with what they do, TE includes the menu name.
public OnPrint ( object args ) : bool
args object
Результат bool

OnProblemDeletion() публичный Метод

The user has attempted to delete something which the system does not inherently know how to delete. The dpt argument indicates the type of problem.
public OnProblemDeletion ( IVwSelection sel, VwDelProbType dpt ) : VwDelProbResponse
sel IVwSelection The selection
dpt VwDelProbType Problem type
Результат VwDelProbResponse

OnPropertyChanged() публичный Метод

Receives the xcore broadcast message "PropertyChanged"
public OnPropertyChanged ( string name ) : void
name string
Результат void

OnRightMouseUp() защищенный Метод

Process right mouse button up (typically show a context menu). Was mouse Down in an earlier life, but we concluded that the usual convention is context menu on mouse up. There may be vestiges.
protected OnRightMouseUp ( Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : bool
pt Point
rcSrcRoot Rectangle
rcDstRoot Rectangle
Результат bool

OnSetFocus() защищенный Метод

We intercept WM_SETFOCUS in our WndProc and call this because we need the information about the previous focus window, which .NET does not provide.
protected OnSetFocus ( Message m ) : void
m Message
Результат void

OnSizeChanged() защищенный Метод

Size changed. Ensure that the selection is still visible.
protected OnSizeChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnTimer() защищенный Метод

Flash the insertion point.
protected OnTimer ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e EventArgs
Результат void

OnVisibleChanged() защищенный Метод

When we go visible and we are waiting to refresh the display (do a rebuild) then call RefreshDisplay()
protected OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Результат void

OriginalOnPaint() публичный Метод

Required by interface, but not used, because we don't user the MessageSequencer to sequence OnPaint calls.
public OriginalOnPaint ( PaintEventArgs e ) : void
e PaintEventArgs
Результат void

OriginalWndProc() публичный Метод

Processes Windows messages.
public OriginalWndProc ( Message &msg ) : void
msg Message The Windows Message to process.
Результат void

OverlayChanged() публичный Метод

When the state of the overlays changes, it propagates this to its site.
public OverlayChanged ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwOverlay vo ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
vo IVwOverlay
Результат void

PixelToView() защищенный Метод

Adjust a point to view coords from device coords. This is the translation from a point obtained from a windows message like WM_LBUTTONDOWN to a point that can be passed to the root box. Currently it does nothing, as any conversion is handled by the source and destination rectangles passed to the mouse routines. It is retained for possible future use.
protected PixelToView ( Point pt ) : Point
pt Point
Результат Point

PostponedInvalidate() публичный Метод

Executed on the Application Idle queue, this method invalidates the whole view. It is used when we cannot properly complete a paint because we detect that it is a recursive call, to ensure that the window is eventually painted properly.
public PostponedInvalidate ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e EventArgs
Результат void

PreFilterMessage() публичный Метод

This is a major kludge to prevent a spurious WM_KEYUP for VK_CONTROL from interrupting a mouse click. If mouse button was pressed elsewhere causing this root site to loose focus, this message filter is installed to throw away the spurious WM_KEYUP for VK_CONTROL that happens as a result of switching to the default keyboard layout. See OnKillFocus for the corresponding code that installs this message filter.
public PreFilterMessage ( Message &m ) : bool
m Message The message to be dispatched. You cannot modify this message.
Результат bool

PrePasteProcessing() публичный Метод

Perform any processing needed immediately prior to a paste operation. This is very rarely implemented, but always called by EditingHelper.PasteClipboard.
public PrePasteProcessing ( ) : void
Результат void

PrepareToDraw() защищенный Метод

Wraps PrepareToDraw calls so as to suppress attempts to paint or any similar re-entrant call we might make while getting ready to do it.
protected PrepareToDraw ( Rectangle rcSrcRoot, Rectangle rcDstRoot ) : VwPrepDrawResult
rcSrcRoot Rectangle
rcDstRoot Rectangle
Результат VwPrepDrawResult

PrintWithErrorHandling() публичный статический Метод

Helper method to allow for standard error reporting when something goes wrong during printing of the contents of a rootsite.
public static PrintWithErrorHandling ( IPrintRootSite printRootSite, PrintDocument printDoc, Form parentForm ) : void
printRootSite IPrintRootSite The actual rootsite responsible for printing
printDoc PrintDocument The document to print
parentForm Form Used if something goes wrong and a message box needs to be /// shown
Результат void

ProcessCmdKey() защищенный Метод

Override to provide default handling of Context manu key.
protected ProcessCmdKey ( Message &msg, Keys keyData ) : bool
msg Message
keyData Keys
Результат bool

RefreshDisplay() публичный Метод

Refreshes the Display :)
public RefreshDisplay ( ) : bool
Результат bool

ReleaseGraphics() публичный Метод

Inform the container when done with the graphics object.
REVIEW JohnT(?): could we somehow have this handled by the Release method of the IVwGraphics? But that method does not know anything about the status or source of its hdc.
public ReleaseGraphics ( IVwRootBox prootb, IVwGraphics pvg ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
pvg IVwGraphics
Результат void

ReportDrawErrMsg() публичный статический Метод

An error has occurred during drawing, and the component in which it occurred should have recorded a system error information object describing the problem
public static ReportDrawErrMsg ( Exception e ) : void
e Exception
Результат void

RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow() публичный Метод

If we need to make a selection, but we can't because edits haven't been updated in the view, this method requests creation of a selection after the unit of work is complete. Derived classes should implement this if they have any hope of supporting multi- paragraph editing.
public RequestSelectionAtEndOfUow ( IVwRootBox rootb, int ihvoRoot, int cvlsi, SelLevInfo rgvsli, int tagTextProp, int cpropPrevious, int ich, int wsAlt, bool fAssocPrev, ITsTextProps selProps ) : void
rootb IVwRootBox The rootbox
ihvoRoot int Index of root element
cvlsi int count of levels
rgvsli SelLevInfo levels
tagTextProp int tag or flid of property containing the text (TsString)
cpropPrevious int number of previous occurrences of the text property
ich int character offset into the text
wsAlt int The id of the writing system for the selection.
fAssocPrev bool Flag indicating whether to associate the insertion point /// with the preceding character or the following character
selProps ITsTextProps The selection properties.
Результат void

RequestVisibleSelectionAtEndOfUow() публичный Метод

If we need to make a selection, but we can't because edits haven't been updated in the view, this method requests creation of a selection after the unit of work is complete. It will also scroll the selection into view. Derived classes should implement this if they have any hope of supporting multi- paragraph editing.
public RequestVisibleSelectionAtEndOfUow ( SelectionHelper helper ) : void
helper SelectionHelper The selection to restore
Результат void

RootBoxSizeChanged() публичный Метод

Notifies the site that the size of the root box changed; scroll ranges and/or window size may need to be updated. The standard response is to update the scroll range.
Review JohnT: might this also be the place to make sure the selection is still visible? Should we try to preserve the scroll position (at least the top left corner, say) even if the selection is not visible? Which should take priority?
public RootBoxSizeChanged ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
Результат void

SaveSelectionInfo() защищенный Метод

Save some selection location information if needed.
protected SaveSelectionInfo ( Rectangle rcIdeal, int ydTop ) : void
rcIdeal Rectangle
ydTop int
Результат void

ScreenToClient() публичный Метод

Member ScreenToClient
public ScreenToClient ( IVwRootBox prootb, System &pt ) : void
prootb IVwRootBox
pt System Pont to convert
Результат void

ScrollDown() защищенный Метод

Scroll by the specified amount (positive is down, that is, added to the scroll offset). If this would exceed the scroll range, move as far as possible. Update both actual display and scroll bar position. (Can also scroll up, if dy is negative. Name is just to indicate positive direction.)
protected ScrollDown ( int dy ) : void
dy int
Результат void

ScrollSelectionIntoView() публичный Метод

Scrolls the selection into view, positioning it as requested
public ScrollSelectionIntoView ( IVwSelection sel, VwScrollSelOpts scrollOption ) : bool
sel IVwSelection The selection, or null to use the current selection
scrollOption VwScrollSelOpts The VwScrollSelOpts specification.
Результат bool

ScrollSelectionToLocation() публичный Метод

Scroll the selection in to the given client position.
public ScrollSelectionToLocation ( IVwSelection sel, int dyPos ) : bool
sel IVwSelection The selection
dyPos int Position from top of client window where sel should be scrolled
Результат bool

ScrollToEnd() публичный Метод

Scroll to the bottom. This is somewhat tricky because after scrolling to the bottom of the range as we currently estimate it, expanding a closure may change things. GoToEnd
public ScrollToEnd ( ) : void
Результат void

ScrollToTop() публичный Метод

Scroll to the top
public ScrollToTop ( ) : void
Результат void

SelectAll() публичный Метод

Make a selection that includes all the text.
public SelectAll ( ) : void
Результат void

SelectionChanged() публичный Метод

Notifies the site that something about the selection has changed.
Don't you dare make this virtual!
public SelectionChanged ( IVwRootBox rootb, IVwSelection vwselNew ) : void
rootb IVwRootBox The rootbox whose selection changed
vwselNew IVwSelection The new selection
Результат void

SelectionRectangle() защищенный Метод

Gets the rectangle of the selection. If it is a split selection we combine the two rectangles.
protected SelectionRectangle ( IVwSelection vwsel, Rectangle &rcIdeal, bool &fEndBeforeAnchor ) : void
vwsel IVwSelection Selection
rcIdeal Rectangle Contains the rectangle of the selection on return
fEndBeforeAnchor bool [Out] true if the end is before the anchor, /// otherwise false.
Результат void

SetAccessibleName() публичный Метод

Set the accessible name that the root box will return for this root site.
public SetAccessibleName ( string name ) : void
name string
Результат void

SetupPrintHelp() защищенный Метод

If help is available for the print dialog, set ShowHelp to true, and add an event handler that can display some help. See DraftView in TeDll for an example.
protected SetupPrintHelp ( PrintDialog dlg ) : void
dlg PrintDialog
Результат void

ShowContextMenuAtIp() публичный Метод

Show the context menu for the specified root box at the location of its selection (typically an IP).
public ShowContextMenuAtIp ( IVwRootBox rootb ) : void
rootb IVwRootBox
Результат void

SimpleRootSite() публичный Метод

public SimpleRootSite ( ) : System
Результат System

UpdateScrollRange() защищенный Метод

Update the scroll range with the new range and position.
protected UpdateScrollRange ( int dxdRange, int dxdPos, int dydRange, int dydPos ) : bool
dxdRange int The new horizontal scroll range
dxdPos int The new horizontal scroll position
dydRange int The new vertical scroll range
dydPos int The new vertical scroll position
Результат bool

UpdateScrollRange() защищенный Метод

Update your scroll range to reflect current conditions.
protected UpdateScrollRange ( ) : void
Результат void

WasFocused() публичный Метод

Find out if this RootSite had Focus before being grabbed by some other entity (such as a Windows ComboBox)
public WasFocused ( ) : bool
Результат bool

WndProc() защищенный Метод

Override the WndProc to handle WM_GETOBJECT so we can return the IAccessible implementation from the root box, rather than wrapping it as an AccessibleObject in .NET style. This is important because the test harness wants to be able to get back to the root box. There are a couple of other messages we must handle at this level as well. This override is now delegated through the message sequencer; see OriginalWndProc.
protected WndProc ( Message &m ) : void
m Message
Результат void

get_MakeObjFromText() публичный Метод

Needs a cache in order to provide a meaningful implementation. SimpleRootsite does not know how to handle GUIDs so just return an empty GUID which will cause the run to be deleted.
public get_MakeObjFromText ( string bstrText, IVwSelection _selDst, int &kodt ) : Guid
bstrText string Text representation of object
_selDst IVwSelection Provided for information in case it's needed to generate /// the new object (E.g., footnotes might need it to generate the proper sequence /// letter)
kodt int The object data type to use for embedding the new object ///
Результат Guid

get_ScreenGraphics() публичный Метод

Real drawing VG same as layout one for simple view.
public get_ScreenGraphics ( IVwRootBox _Root ) : IVwGraphics
_Root IVwRootBox
Результат IVwGraphics

get_SemiTagging() публичный Метод

Return true if this kind of window uses semi-tagging.
public get_SemiTagging ( IVwRootBox prootb ) : bool
prootb IVwRootBox
Результат bool

get_TextRepOfObj() публичный Метод

Needs a cache in order to provide a meaningful implementation. SimpleRootsite should never have objects cut, copied, pasted.
public get_TextRepOfObj ( Guid &guid ) : string
guid Guid
Результат string

Описание свойств

m_Dpi защищенное свойство

Contains horizontal and vertical dpi
protected Point m_Dpi
Результат Point

m_Zoom защищенное свойство

The zoom ratio
protected float m_Zoom
Результат float

m_dxdLayoutWidth защищенное свойство

The width returned by GetAvailWidth() when the root box was last laid out, or a large negative number if it has never been successfully laid out.
protected int m_dxdLayoutWidth
Результат int

m_dyHeader защищенное свойство

height of an optional fixed header at the top of the client window.
protected int m_dyHeader
Результат int

m_editingHelper защищенное свойство

handler for typing and other edit requests
protected EditingHelper m_editingHelper
Результат EditingHelper

m_fAllowLayout защищенное свойство

True to allow layouts to take place, false otherwise (We use this instead of SuspendLayout because SuspendLayout didn't work)
protected bool m_fAllowLayout
Результат bool

m_fInLayout защищенное свойство

This is set true during processing of the OnLayout message. This is used to deal with re-entrant Window messages.
protected bool m_fInLayout
Результат bool

m_fInPaint защищенное свойство

This is set true during processing of the OnPaint message. It serves to suppress certain behavior that ought not to happen during a paint. For example, when this root site is part of a group, and expanding lazy boxes changes the scroll range, we change the AutoScrollMinSize of the RootSiteGroup. This causes a Layout() of the RootSiteGroup, which among other things sends an OnSizeChanged to the original root site, which tries to make the selection visible, and can produce a recursive call to OnPaint.
protected bool m_fInPaint
Результат bool

m_fIsTextBox защищенное свойство

True if this is a "text box" (or "combo box"); false otherwise
protected bool m_fIsTextBox
Результат bool

m_fMakeRootWhenHandleIsCreated защищенное свойство

This tells the rootsite whether to attempt to construct the rootbox automatically when the window handle is created. For simple views, this is generally desirable, but views which are part of synchronously scrolling groups usually have their root objects set explicitly at the same time as the other views in their group.
protected bool m_fMakeRootWhenHandleIsCreated
Результат bool

m_fRefreshPending защищенное свойство

True if we are waiting to do a refresh on the view (will be done when the view becomes visible); false otherwise
protected bool m_fRefreshPending
Результат bool

m_fRootboxMade защищенное свойство

True if MakeRoot was called
protected bool m_fRootboxMade
Результат bool

m_fShowRangeSelAfterLostFocus защищенное свойство

True to show range selections when focus is lost; false otherwise
protected bool m_fShowRangeSelAfterLostFocus
Результат bool

m_graphicsManager защищенное свойство

Manages the VwGraphics creation and useage
protected GraphicsManager m_graphicsManager
Результат GraphicsManager

m_mediator защищенное свойство

The mediator provided by XCoreColleague.Init. Not (currently) used by the root site, but saved and made accessible for clients.
protected Mediator m_mediator
Результат Mediator

m_rootSiteEventHandler защищенное свойство

The keyboarding rootsite event handler
protected object m_rootSiteEventHandler
Результат object

m_rootb защищенное свойство

The root box
protected IVwRootBox m_rootb
Результат IVwRootBox

m_styleSheet защищенное свойство

The style sheet
protected IVwStylesheet m_styleSheet
Результат IVwStylesheet

m_wsPending защищенное свойство

See WsPending.
protected int m_wsPending
Результат int

m_wsf защищенное свойство

A writing system factory used to interpret data in the view. Subclasses of SimpleRootSite should set this before doing much with the root site. The RootSite subclass can obtain one automatically from its FdoCache.
protected ILgWritingSystemFactory m_wsf
Результат ILgWritingSystemFactory

s_vstrDrawErrMsgs защищенное статическое свойство

list of drawing err messages that have been shown to the user
protected static List s_vstrDrawErrMsgs
Результат List