C# Класс SFML.Audio.SoundBuffer

Storage for audio samples defining a sound
Наследование: SFML.System.ObjectBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SaveToFile ( string filename ) : bool

Save the sound buffer to an audio file. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.

SoundBuffer ( SoundBuffer copy ) : System

Construct a sound buffer from another sound buffer

SoundBuffer ( Stream stream ) : System

Construct a sound buffer from a custom stream. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.

SoundBuffer ( byte bytes ) : System

Construct a sound buffer from a file in memory. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.

SoundBuffer ( short samples, uint channelCount, uint sampleRate ) : System

Construct a sound buffer from an array of samples

SoundBuffer ( string filename ) : System

Construct a sound buffer from a file Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.

ToString ( ) : string

Provide a string describing the object

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Destroy ( bool disposing ) : void

Handle the destruction of the object

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
sfSoundBuffer_copy ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_createFromFile ( string Filename ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_createFromMemory ( IntPtr data, ulong size ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_createFromSamples ( short Samples, uint SampleCount, uint ChannelsCount, uint SampleRate ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_createFromStream ( IntPtr stream ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_destroy ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : void
sfSoundBuffer_getChannelCount ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : uint
sfSoundBuffer_getDuration ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : Time
sfSoundBuffer_getSampleCount ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : uint
sfSoundBuffer_getSampleRate ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : uint
sfSoundBuffer_getSamples ( IntPtr SoundBuffer ) : IntPtr
sfSoundBuffer_saveToFile ( IntPtr SoundBuffer, string Filename ) : bool

Описание методов

Destroy() защищенный Метод

Handle the destruction of the object
protected Destroy ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool Is the GC disposing the object, or is it an explicit call ?
Результат void

SaveToFile() публичный Метод

Save the sound buffer to an audio file. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.
public SaveToFile ( string filename ) : bool
filename string Path of the sound file to write
Результат bool

SoundBuffer() публичный Метод

Construct a sound buffer from another sound buffer
public SoundBuffer ( SoundBuffer copy ) : System
copy SoundBuffer Sound buffer to copy
Результат System

SoundBuffer() публичный Метод

Construct a sound buffer from a custom stream. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.
public SoundBuffer ( Stream stream ) : System
stream Stream Source stream to read from
Результат System

SoundBuffer() публичный Метод

Construct a sound buffer from a file in memory. Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.
public SoundBuffer ( byte bytes ) : System
bytes byte Byte array containing the file contents
Результат System

SoundBuffer() публичный Метод

Construct a sound buffer from an array of samples
public SoundBuffer ( short samples, uint channelCount, uint sampleRate ) : System
samples short Array of samples
channelCount uint Channel count
sampleRate uint Sample rate
Результат System

SoundBuffer() публичный Метод

Construct a sound buffer from a file Here is a complete list of all the supported audio formats: ogg, wav, flac, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5 pvf, htk, sds, avr, sd2, caf, wve, mpc2k, rf64.
public SoundBuffer ( string filename ) : System
filename string Path of the sound file to load
Результат System

ToString() публичный Метод

Provide a string describing the object
public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string