C# Класс SANTA.Datatype.ImageData

A structure that holds all information about a particular target image.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
ammunitionNotes String
bitmap System.Drawing.Bitmap
caliber CaliberUnit
caliberValue double
dateTimeFired System.DateTime
dateTimeProcessed System.DateTime
distance int
distanceUnits UnitsOfMeasure
lotNumber String
origFilename String
points IList
projectileMassGrains int
rangeLocation String
regionOfInterest ROI
reportFilename String
scale Scale
serialNumber String
shooterFName String
shooterLName String
shotsFired int
targetID int
tempDetails String[]
temperature System.Temperature
weaponName String
weaponNotes String

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GenerateTestData ( ) : ImageData

Generates test data for an image.

ImageData ( ) : System

Constructs a blank ImageData object.

ImageData ( String origFilename, String reportFilename, System.DateTime dateTimeFired, String shooterLName, String shooterFName, String rangeLocation, UnitsOfMeasure distanceUnits, int distance, Temperature temperature, String weaponName, String serialNumber, String weaponNotes, CaliberUnit caliber, double caliberValue, String lotNumber, int projectileMassGrains, String ammunitionNotes, Scale scale, int shotsFired, IList points ) : System

Constructs an ImageData object with given parameters.

ImageData ( String origFilename, String reportFilename, System.DateTime dateTimeFired, String shooterLName, String shooterFName, String rangeLocation, UnitsOfMeasure distanceUnits, int distance, Temperature temperature, String weaponName, String serialNumber, String weaponNotes, CaliberUnit caliber, double caliberValue, String lotNumber, int projectileMassGrains, String ammunitionNotes, Scale scale, int shotsFired, IList points, ROI roi ) : System

Constructs an ImageData object with given parameters.

Описание методов

GenerateTestData() публичный статический Метод

Generates test data for an image.
public static GenerateTestData ( ) : ImageData
Результат ImageData

ImageData() публичный Метод

Constructs a blank ImageData object.
public ImageData ( ) : System
Результат System

ImageData() публичный Метод

Constructs an ImageData object with given parameters.
public ImageData ( String origFilename, String reportFilename, System.DateTime dateTimeFired, String shooterLName, String shooterFName, String rangeLocation, UnitsOfMeasure distanceUnits, int distance, Temperature temperature, String weaponName, String serialNumber, String weaponNotes, CaliberUnit caliber, double caliberValue, String lotNumber, int projectileMassGrains, String ammunitionNotes, Scale scale, int shotsFired, IList points ) : System
origFilename String The filename of the image.
reportFilename String The filename where the Excel report is stored.
dateTimeFired System.DateTime The date and time the target was fired upon.
shooterLName String The shooter's last name.
shooterFName String The shooter's first name.
rangeLocation String The location of the range.
distanceUnits UnitsOfMeasure The units that the distance to target is measured in.
distance int The distance to the target.
temperature System.Temperature The temperature on the range.
weaponName String The name of the weapon.
serialNumber String The serial number of the weapon.
weaponNotes String Notes on the weapon.
caliber CaliberUnit The units of caliber of the ammunition used.
caliberValue double The caliber of the ammunition used.
lotNumber String The lot number of the ammunition.
projectileMassGrains int The projectile mass in units of grains.
ammunitionNotes String Notes on the ammunition.
scale Scale The scale information for the target.
shotsFired int The number of shots fired.
points IList A list of points where bullet holes are located.
Результат System

ImageData() публичный Метод

Constructs an ImageData object with given parameters.
public ImageData ( String origFilename, String reportFilename, System.DateTime dateTimeFired, String shooterLName, String shooterFName, String rangeLocation, UnitsOfMeasure distanceUnits, int distance, Temperature temperature, String weaponName, String serialNumber, String weaponNotes, CaliberUnit caliber, double caliberValue, String lotNumber, int projectileMassGrains, String ammunitionNotes, Scale scale, int shotsFired, IList points, ROI roi ) : System
origFilename String The filename of the image.
reportFilename String The filename where the Excel report is stored.
dateTimeFired System.DateTime The date and time the target was fired upon.
shooterLName String The shooter's last name.
shooterFName String The shooter's first name.
rangeLocation String The location of the range.
distanceUnits UnitsOfMeasure The units that the distance to target is measured in.
distance int The distance to the target.
temperature System.Temperature The temperature on the range.
weaponName String The name of the weapon.
serialNumber String The serial number of the weapon.
weaponNotes String Notes on the weapon.
caliber CaliberUnit The units of caliber of the ammunition used.
caliberValue double The caliber of the ammunition used.
lotNumber String The lot number of the ammunition.
projectileMassGrains int The projectile mass in units of grains.
ammunitionNotes String Notes on the ammunition.
scale Scale The scale information for the target.
shotsFired int The number of shots fired.
points IList A list of points where bullet holes are located.
roi ROI The region of interest for the target.
Результат System

Описание свойств

ammunitionNotes публичное свойство

Notes on the ammunition.
public String ammunitionNotes
Результат String

bitmap публичное свойство

The bitmap image of the target.
public Bitmap,System.Drawing bitmap
Результат System.Drawing.Bitmap

caliber публичное свойство

The units of caliber of the ammunition used.
public CaliberUnit caliber
Результат CaliberUnit

caliberValue публичное свойство

The caliber of the ammunition used.
public double caliberValue
Результат double

dateTimeFired публичное свойство

The date and time the target was fired upon.
public DateTime,System dateTimeFired
Результат System.DateTime

dateTimeProcessed публичное свойство

The date and time the target was prcoessed by the system.
public DateTime,System dateTimeProcessed
Результат System.DateTime

distance публичное свойство

The distance to the target.
public int distance
Результат int

distanceUnits публичное свойство

The units that the distance to target is measured in.
public UnitsOfMeasure distanceUnits
Результат UnitsOfMeasure

lotNumber публичное свойство

The lot number of the ammunition.
public String lotNumber
Результат String

origFilename публичное свойство

The filename of the image.
public String origFilename
Результат String

points публичное свойство

A list of points where bullet holes are located.
public IList points
Результат IList

projectileMassGrains публичное свойство

The projectile mass in units of grains.
public int projectileMassGrains
Результат int

rangeLocation публичное свойство

The location of the range.
public String rangeLocation
Результат String

regionOfInterest публичное свойство

The region of interest for the target.
public ROI regionOfInterest
Результат ROI

reportFilename публичное свойство

The filename where the Excel report is stored.
public String reportFilename
Результат String

scale публичное свойство

The scale information for the target.
public Scale scale
Результат Scale

serialNumber публичное свойство

The serial number of the weapon.
public String serialNumber
Результат String

shooterFName публичное свойство

The shooter's first name.
public String shooterFName
Результат String

shooterLName публичное свойство

The shooter's last name.
public String shooterLName
Результат String

shotsFired публичное свойство

The number of shots fired.
public int shotsFired
Результат int

targetID публичное свойство

The database's target ID.
public int targetID
Результат int

tempDetails публичное статическое свойство

Visible temperature descriptions corresponding to Temperature values.
public static String[] tempDetails
Результат String[]

temperature публичное свойство

The temperature on the range.
public Temperature,System temperature
Результат System.Temperature

weaponName публичное свойство

The name of the weapon.
public String weaponName
Результат String

weaponNotes публичное свойство

Notes on the weapon.
public String weaponNotes
Результат String