C# Класс RootPath45.AppHost

Create your ServiceStack web service application with a singleton AppHost.
Наследование: ServiceStack.AppHostBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AppHost ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of your ServiceStack application, with the specified name and assembly containing the services.

Configure ( Funq.Container container ) : void

Configure the container with the necessary routes for your ServiceStack application.

Описание методов

AppHost() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of your ServiceStack application, with the specified name and assembly containing the services.
public AppHost ( ) : System
Результат System

Configure() публичный Метод

Configure the container with the necessary routes for your ServiceStack application.
public Configure ( Funq.Container container ) : void
container Funq.Container The built-in IoC used with ServiceStack.
Результат void