C# Класс RootMotion.BipedReferences

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
eyes UnityEngine.Transform[]
head UnityEngine.Transform
leftCalf Transform
leftFoot Transform
leftForearm Transform
leftHand Transform
leftThigh Transform
leftUpperArm Transform
pelvis Transform
rightCalf Transform
rightFoot Transform
rightForearm Transform
rightHand Transform
rightThigh Transform
rightUpperArm Transform
root Transform
spine Transform[]

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AssignHumanoidReferences ( BipedReferences &references, Animator animator, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : void

Fills in BipedReferences using Animator.GetBoneTransform().

AutoDetectReferences ( BipedReferences &references, Transform root, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : bool

Automatically detects biped bones. Returns true if a valid biped has been referenced.

CheckSetupError ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool

Checks the setup for definite problems.

CheckSetupWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool

Checks the setup for possible problems.

DetectReferencesByNaming ( BipedReferences &references, Transform root, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : void

Detects the references based on naming and hierarchy.

IsEmpty ( bool includeRoot ) : bool

Gets a value indicating whether this BipedReferences is empty. If includeRoot is false, returns true(is empty) even if root Transform has been assigned.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddBoneToEyes ( Transform bone, BipedReferences &references, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : bool
AddBoneToHierarchy ( Transform &bones, Transform transform ) : void
AddBoneToSpine ( Transform bone, BipedReferences &references, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : bool
CheckEyesError ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
CheckEyesWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
CheckFacingAxisWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
CheckLimbError ( Transform bone1, Transform bone2, Transform bone3, bool log ) : bool
CheckLimbWarning ( Transform bone1, Transform bone2, Transform bone3, bool log ) : bool
CheckRootHeightWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
CheckSpineError ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
CheckSpineWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
DetectLimb ( RootMotion.BipedNaming boneType, RootMotion.BipedNaming boneSide, Transform &firstBone, Transform &secondBone, Transform &lastBone, Transform transforms ) : void
GetVerticalOffset ( Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Quaternion rotation ) : float
IsNeckBone ( Transform bone, Transform leftUpperArm ) : bool

Описание методов

AssignHumanoidReferences() публичный статический Метод

Fills in BipedReferences using Animator.GetBoneTransform().
public static AssignHumanoidReferences ( BipedReferences &references, Animator animator, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : void
references BipedReferences
animator UnityEngine.Animator
autoDetectParams AutoDetectParams
Результат void

AutoDetectReferences() публичный статический Метод

Automatically detects biped bones. Returns true if a valid biped has been referenced.
public static AutoDetectReferences ( BipedReferences &references, Transform root, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : bool
references BipedReferences
root UnityEngine.Transform
autoDetectParams AutoDetectParams
Результат bool

CheckSetupError() публичный статический Метод

Checks the setup for definite problems.
public static CheckSetupError ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
references BipedReferences
log bool
Результат bool

CheckSetupWarning() публичный статический Метод

Checks the setup for possible problems.
public static CheckSetupWarning ( BipedReferences references, bool log ) : bool
references BipedReferences
log bool
Результат bool

DetectReferencesByNaming() публичный статический Метод

Detects the references based on naming and hierarchy.
public static DetectReferencesByNaming ( BipedReferences &references, Transform root, AutoDetectParams autoDetectParams ) : void
references BipedReferences
root UnityEngine.Transform
autoDetectParams AutoDetectParams
Результат void

IsEmpty() публичный Метод

Gets a value indicating whether this BipedReferences is empty. If includeRoot is false, returns true(is empty) even if root Transform has been assigned.
public IsEmpty ( bool includeRoot ) : bool
includeRoot bool
Результат bool

Описание свойств

eyes публичное свойство

The eyes.
public Transform[],UnityEngine eyes
Результат UnityEngine.Transform[]

head публичное свойство

The head.
public Transform,UnityEngine head
Результат UnityEngine.Transform

leftCalf публичное свойство

The second bone of the left leg.
public Transform leftCalf
Результат Transform

leftFoot публичное свойство

The third bone of the left leg.
public Transform leftFoot
Результат Transform

leftForearm публичное свойство

The second bone of the left arm.
public Transform leftForearm
Результат Transform

leftHand публичное свойство

The third bone of the left arm.
public Transform leftHand
Результат Transform

leftThigh публичное свойство

The first bone of the left leg.
public Transform leftThigh
Результат Transform

leftUpperArm публичное свойство

The first bone of the left arm.
public Transform leftUpperArm
Результат Transform

pelvis публичное свойство

The pelvis (hip) bone.
public Transform pelvis
Результат Transform

rightCalf публичное свойство

The second bone of the right leg.
public Transform rightCalf
Результат Transform

rightFoot публичное свойство

The third bone of the right leg.
public Transform rightFoot
Результат Transform

rightForearm публичное свойство

The second bone of the right arm.
public Transform rightForearm
Результат Transform

rightHand публичное свойство

The third bone of the right arm.
public Transform rightHand
Результат Transform

rightThigh публичное свойство

The first bone of the right leg.
public Transform rightThigh
Результат Transform

rightUpperArm публичное свойство

The first bone of the right arm.
public Transform rightUpperArm
Результат Transform

root публичное свойство

The root transform is the parent of all the biped's bones and should be located at ground level.
public Transform root
Результат Transform

spine публичное свойство

The spine hierarchy. Should not contain any bone deeper in the hierarchy than the arms (neck or head).
public Transform[] spine
Результат Transform[]