C# Класс Rock.Rest.Controllers.GroupsController

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Put ( int id, Group group ) : void

Puts the specified identifier.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetByGeoPoint ( int groupTypeId, DbGeography geoPoint, bool sortByDistance, double maxDistanceMiles, int geofenceGroupTypeId, System queryOptions ) : IQueryable

Gets a list of groups surrounding the specified geopoint of the specified GroupTypeid If geofenceGroupTypeId is specified, the list of GeoFence groups will be returned with the groups as child groups of that geofence group.

GetByLatLong ( int groupTypeId, double latitude, double longitude, bool sortByDistance = true, double maxDistanceMiles = null, int geofenceGroupTypeId = null, System queryOptions = null ) : IQueryable
GetByLocation ( int groupTypeId, int locationId, bool sortByDistance = true, double maxDistanceMiles = null, int geofenceGroupTypeId = null, System queryOptions = null ) : IQueryable
GetByLocation ( int geofenceGroupTypeId, int groupTypeId, int locationId, System queryOptions ) : IQueryable
GetChildMapInfo ( int groupId, string groupTypeIds = null, bool includeDescendants = false ) : IQueryable
GetChildren ( int id, int rootGroupId, bool limitToSecurityRoleGroups = false, string includedGroupTypeIds = "", string excludedGroupTypeIds = "", bool includeInactiveGroups = false, TreeViewItem countsType = TreeViewItem.GetCountsType.None ) : IQueryable
GetFamilies ( int personId ) : IQueryable
GetFamiliesByPersonNameSearch ( string searchString ) : IQueryable
GetFamiliesByPersonNameSearch ( string searchString, int maxResults = 20 ) : IQueryable
GetFamiliesMapInfo ( int groupId, int statusId ) : IQueryable
GetFamily ( int familyId ) : FamilySearchResult
GetGuestsForFamily ( int groupId ) : IQueryable
GetMapInfo ( int groupId ) : IQueryable
GetMapInfoWindow ( int groupId, int locationId, [ infoWindowDetails ) : InfoWindowResult
GetMemberMapInfo ( int groupId ) : IQueryable
SaveAddress ( int groupId, int locationTypeId, string street1 = "", string street2 = "", string city = "", string state = "", string postalCode = "", string country = "" ) : void

Описание методов

Put() публичный Метод

Puts the specified identifier.
public Put ( int id, Group group ) : void
id int The identifier.
group Group The group.
Результат void