C# Класс Rock.PayFlowPro.Gateway

Наследование: Rock.Financial.GatewayComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddScheduledPayment ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentSchedule schedule, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialScheduledTransaction

Adds the scheduled payment.

Authorize ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction

Authorizes the specified payment info.

CancelScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool

Cancels the scheduled payment.

Charge ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction

Charges the specified payment info.

Credit ( FinancialTransaction origTransaction, decimal amount, string comment, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction

Credits (Refunds) the specified transaction.

GetPayments ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate, string &errorMessage ) : List

Gets the payments that have been processed for any scheduled transactions

GetReferenceNumber ( FinancialScheduledTransaction scheduledTransaction, string &errorMessage ) : string

Gets an optional reference identifier needed to process future transaction from saved account.

GetReferenceNumber ( FinancialTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : string

Gets an optional reference identifier needed to process future transaction from saved account.

GetScheduledPaymentStatus ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool

Gets the scheduled payment status.

ReactivateScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool

Reactivates the scheduled payment.

SupportsSavedAccount ( DefinedValueCache currencyType ) : bool

Returnes a boolean value indicating if 'Saved Account' functionality is supported for the given currency type.

UpdateScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : bool

Updates the scheduled payment.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetConnection ( FinancialGateway financialGateway ) : PayflowConnectionData
GetDate ( string date ) : DateTime?
GetFinancialGateway ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, int financialGatewayId ) : FinancialGateway
GetFinancialGateway ( FinancialScheduledTransaction scheduledTransaction ) : FinancialGateway
GetFinancialGateway ( FinancialTransaction transaction ) : FinancialGateway
GetGatewayUrl ( FinancialGateway financialGateway ) : string
GetInvoice ( PaymentInfo paymentInfo ) : Invoice
GetRecurring ( FinancialScheduledTransaction schedule ) : RecurringInfo
GetRecurring ( PaymentSchedule schedule ) : RecurringInfo
GetTender ( PaymentInfo paymentInfo ) : BaseTender
GetUserInfo ( FinancialGateway financialGateway ) : UserInfo
SetPayPeriod ( RecurringInfo recurringInfo, DefinedValueCache transactionFrequencyValue ) : void

Описание методов

AddScheduledPayment() публичный Метод

Adds the scheduled payment.
public AddScheduledPayment ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentSchedule schedule, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialScheduledTransaction
financialGateway FinancialGateway
schedule Rock.Financial.PaymentSchedule The schedule.
paymentInfo Rock.Financial.PaymentInfo The payment info.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат FinancialScheduledTransaction

Authorize() публичный Метод

Authorizes the specified payment info.
public Authorize ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction
financialGateway FinancialGateway
paymentInfo Rock.Financial.PaymentInfo The payment info.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат FinancialTransaction

CancelScheduledPayment() публичный Метод

Cancels the scheduled payment.
public CancelScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool
transaction FinancialScheduledTransaction The transaction.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат bool

Charge() публичный Метод

Charges the specified payment info.
public Charge ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction
financialGateway FinancialGateway
paymentInfo Rock.Financial.PaymentInfo The payment info.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат FinancialTransaction

Credit() публичный Метод

Credits (Refunds) the specified transaction.
public Credit ( FinancialTransaction origTransaction, decimal amount, string comment, string &errorMessage ) : FinancialTransaction
origTransaction FinancialTransaction The original transaction.
amount decimal The amount.
comment string The comment.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат FinancialTransaction

GetPayments() публичный Метод

Gets the payments that have been processed for any scheduled transactions
public GetPayments ( FinancialGateway financialGateway, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate, string &errorMessage ) : List
financialGateway FinancialGateway
startDate System.DateTime The start date.
endDate System.DateTime The end date.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат List

GetReferenceNumber() публичный Метод

Gets an optional reference identifier needed to process future transaction from saved account.
public GetReferenceNumber ( FinancialScheduledTransaction scheduledTransaction, string &errorMessage ) : string
scheduledTransaction FinancialScheduledTransaction The scheduled transaction.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат string

GetReferenceNumber() публичный Метод

Gets an optional reference identifier needed to process future transaction from saved account.
public GetReferenceNumber ( FinancialTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : string
transaction FinancialTransaction The transaction.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат string

GetScheduledPaymentStatus() публичный Метод

Gets the scheduled payment status.
public GetScheduledPaymentStatus ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool
transaction FinancialScheduledTransaction The transaction.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат bool

ReactivateScheduledPayment() публичный Метод

Reactivates the scheduled payment.
public ReactivateScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, string &errorMessage ) : bool
transaction FinancialScheduledTransaction The transaction.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат bool

SupportsSavedAccount() публичный Метод

Returnes a boolean value indicating if 'Saved Account' functionality is supported for the given currency type.
public SupportsSavedAccount ( DefinedValueCache currencyType ) : bool
currencyType DefinedValueCache Type of the currency.
Результат bool

UpdateScheduledPayment() публичный Метод

Updates the scheduled payment.
public UpdateScheduledPayment ( FinancialScheduledTransaction transaction, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, string &errorMessage ) : bool
transaction FinancialScheduledTransaction The transaction.
paymentInfo Rock.Financial.PaymentInfo The payment info.
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат bool