C# Класс Rock.Field.Types.TextFieldType

Наследование: FieldType
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ConfigurationControls ( ) : List

Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field

ConfigurationKeys ( ) : List

Returns a list of the configuration keys

ConfigurationValues ( List controls ) : ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary

Gets the configuration value.

EditControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id ) : Control

Creates the control(s) necessary for prompting user for a new value

FilterCompareControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id, bool required, FilterMode filterMode ) : Control

Gets the filter compare control.

FormatValue ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed ) : string

Returns the field's current value(s)

FormatValueAsHtml ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed = false ) : string

Formats the value as HTML.

GetFilterCompareValue ( Control control, FilterMode filterMode ) : string

Gets the filter compare value.

GetFilterValues ( Control filterControl, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, FilterMode filterMode ) : List

Gets the filter values.

HasFilterControl ( ) : bool

Determines whether [has filter control].

SetConfigurationValues ( List controls, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : void

Sets the configuration value.

SortValue ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : object

Returns the value that should be used for sorting, using the most appropriate datatype

Описание методов

ConfigurationControls() публичный Метод

Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field
public ConfigurationControls ( ) : List
Результат List

ConfigurationKeys() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the configuration keys
public ConfigurationKeys ( ) : List
Результат List

ConfigurationValues() публичный Метод

Gets the configuration value.
public ConfigurationValues ( List controls ) : ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
controls List The controls.
Результат ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary

EditControl() публичный Метод

Creates the control(s) necessary for prompting user for a new value
public EditControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id ) : Control
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
id string The id.
Результат System.Web.UI.Control

FilterCompareControl() публичный Метод

Gets the filter compare control.
public FilterCompareControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id, bool required, FilterMode filterMode ) : Control
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
id string The identifier.
required bool if set to true [required].
filterMode FilterMode The filter mode.
Результат System.Web.UI.Control

FormatValue() публичный Метод

Returns the field's current value(s)
public FormatValue ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed ) : string
parentControl System.Web.UI.Control The parent control.
value string Information about the value
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
condensed bool Flag indicating if the value should be condensed (i.e. for use in a grid column)
Результат string

FormatValueAsHtml() публичный Метод

Formats the value as HTML.
public FormatValueAsHtml ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed = false ) : string
parentControl System.Web.UI.Control The parent control.
value string The value.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
condensed bool if set to true [condensed].
Результат string

GetFilterCompareValue() публичный Метод

Gets the filter compare value.
public GetFilterCompareValue ( Control control, FilterMode filterMode ) : string
control System.Web.UI.Control The control.
filterMode FilterMode The filter mode.
Результат string

GetFilterValues() публичный Метод

Gets the filter values.
public GetFilterValues ( Control filterControl, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, FilterMode filterMode ) : List
filterControl System.Web.UI.Control The filter control.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
filterMode FilterMode The filter mode.
Результат List

HasFilterControl() публичный Метод

Determines whether [has filter control].
public HasFilterControl ( ) : bool
Результат bool

SetConfigurationValues() публичный Метод

Sets the configuration value.
public SetConfigurationValues ( List controls, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : void
controls List
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
Результат void

SortValue() публичный Метод

Returns the value that should be used for sorting, using the most appropriate datatype
public SortValue ( Control parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : object
parentControl System.Web.UI.Control The parent control.
value string The value.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
Результат object