C# Класс Rock.Communication.Medium.Email

Наследование: MediumComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetControl ( bool useSimpleMode ) : MediumControl

Gets the control.

GetHtmlPreview ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication, Person person ) : string

Gets the HTML preview.

GetMessageDetails ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication ) : string

Gets the read-only message details.

ProcessHtmlBody ( Rock communication, Rock globalAttributes, object>.Dictionary mergeObjects, Person currentPersonOverride = null ) : string

Processes the HTML body.

ProcessTextBody ( Rock communication, Rock globalAttributes, object>.Dictionary mergeObjects, Person currentPersonOverride = null ) : string

Processes the text body.

Send ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication ) : void

Sends the specified communication.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AppendAttachmentData ( StringBuilder sb, string value ) : void
AppendMediumData ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication, StringBuilder sb, string key ) : void
AppendMediumData ( StringBuilder sb, string key, string value ) : void

Описание методов

GetControl() публичный Метод

Gets the control.
public GetControl ( bool useSimpleMode ) : MediumControl
useSimpleMode bool if set to true [use simple mode].
Результат Rock.Web.UI.Controls.Communication.MediumControl

GetHtmlPreview() публичный Метод

Gets the HTML preview.
public GetHtmlPreview ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication, Person person ) : string
communication System.ComponentModel.Model The communication.
person Person The person.
Результат string

GetMessageDetails() публичный Метод

Gets the read-only message details.
public GetMessageDetails ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication ) : string
communication System.ComponentModel.Model The communication.
Результат string

ProcessHtmlBody() публичный статический Метод

Processes the HTML body.
public static ProcessHtmlBody ( Rock communication, Rock globalAttributes, object>.Dictionary mergeObjects, Person currentPersonOverride = null ) : string
communication Rock The communication.
globalAttributes Rock The global attributes.
mergeObjects object>.Dictionary The merge objects.
currentPersonOverride Person The current person override.
Результат string

ProcessTextBody() публичный статический Метод

Processes the text body.
public static ProcessTextBody ( Rock communication, Rock globalAttributes, object>.Dictionary mergeObjects, Person currentPersonOverride = null ) : string
communication Rock The communication.
globalAttributes Rock The global attributes.
mergeObjects object>.Dictionary The merge objects.
currentPersonOverride Person The current person override.
Результат string

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified communication.
public Send ( System.ComponentModel.Model communication ) : void
communication System.ComponentModel.Model The communication.
Результат void