C# Класс RiotNet.RiotClient

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateTournamentAsync ( long providerId, string name = null ) : Task

Creates a tournament. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

CreateTournamentCodeAsync ( long tournamentId, int count = null, List allowedSummonerIds = null, MapType mapType = MapType.SUMMONERS_RIFT, PickType pickType = PickType.TOURNAMENT_DRAFT, SpectatorType spectatorType = SpectatorType.ALL, int teamSize = 5, string metadata = null ) : Task>

Creates one or more tournament codes. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

CreateTournamentProviderAsync ( string url ) : Task

Registers the current client as a tournament provider. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

GetChallengerLeagueAsync ( RankedQueue type ) : Task

Gets the challenger league. This method uses the League API.

GetChampionByIdAsync ( long id ) : Task

Gets dynamic champion information for the specified champion. This method uses the Champion API.

GetChampionMasteriesAsync ( long playerId ) : Task>

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of all champions they have played. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.

GetChampionMasteryAsync ( long playerId, long championId ) : Task

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of a champion. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.

GetChampionMasteryScoreAsync ( long playerId ) : Task

Gets a summoner's champion mastery score (the sum of the champion levels of all champions for that summoner). This method uses the Champion Mastery API.

GetChampionMasteryTopChampionsAsync ( long playerId, int count = null ) : Task>

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of their most mastered champions. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.

GetChampionsAsync ( bool freeToPlay = false ) : Task>

Gets dynamic champion information for all champions. This method uses the Champion API.

GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the summoners are in, including the leages for the teams they are on. Only includes the league entry for the specified summoner(s). Data is mapped by summoner ID. This method uses the League API.

GetLeagueEntriesByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task

Gets the league information for all leagues that the teams are in. Only includes the league entry for the specified team(s). Data is mapped by team ID. This method uses the League API.

GetLeaguesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the summoners are in, including the leages for the teams they are on. Data is mapped by summoner ID. This method uses the League API.

GetLeaguesByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the teams are in. Data is mapped by team ID. This method uses the League API.

GetMasterLeagueAsync ( RankedQueue type ) : Task

Gets the master league. This method uses the League API.

GetMatchAsync ( long matchId, bool includeTimeline = false ) : Task

Gets the details of a match. This method uses the Match API.

GetMatchForTournamentAsync ( long matchId, string tournamentCode ) : Task

Gets the details of a match. This method uses the Match API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key.

GetMatchIdsByTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task>

Gets the list of match IDs for a tournament code. This method uses the Match API.

GetMatchListAsync ( long summonerId, long championIds = null, RankedQueue rankedQueues = null, Season seasons = null, DateTime beginTime = null, DateTime endTime = null, int beginIndex = null, int endIndex = null ) : Task

Gets the match list for a summoner. This method uses the Match List API.

GetRankedStatsAsync ( long summonerId, Season season = null ) : Task

Gets the ranked stats for a summoner. Includes ranked stats for Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. This method uses the Stats API.

GetShardStatusAsync ( ) : Task

Gets the status of the shard for the current region. This method uses the LoL Status API.

GetShardStatusAsync ( Region region ) : Task

Gets the status of the shard for the specified region. This method uses the LoL Status API.

GetShardsAsync ( ) : Task>

Gets the list of shards for all reagions. This method uses the LoL Status API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticChampionByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable champData = null ) : Task

Gets champion details by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the champData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticChampionsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, bool dataById = false, IEnumerable champListData = null ) : Task

Gets the details for all champions. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the champListData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticItemAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable itemData = null ) : Task

Gets an item by its ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the itemData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticItemsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable itemListData = null ) : Task

Gets a list of all available items. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the itemListData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticLanguageStringsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null ) : Task

Gets a list of available language strings. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticLanguagesAsync ( ) : Task>

Gets a list of available languages. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticMapsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null ) : Task

Gets a list of all maps. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticMasteriesAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable masteryListData = null ) : Task

Gets the details for all masteries. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the masteryListData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticMasteryByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable masteryData = null ) : Task

Gets mastery details by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the masteryData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticRealmAsync ( ) : Task

Gets the realm data. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticRuneByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable runeData = null ) : Task

Gets a rune by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the runeData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticRunesAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable runeListData = null ) : Task

Gets a list of all available runes. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the runeListData parameter to specify which properties you want.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticSummonerSpellByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable spellData = null ) : Task

Gets summoner spell details by ID.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStaticSummonerSpellsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, bool dataById = false, IEnumerable spellListData = null ) : Task

Gets the details for all summoner spells. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

GetStatsSummaryAsync ( long summonerId, Season season = null ) : Task

Gets aggregated stats for a summoner. This method uses the Stats API.

GetSummonerBySummonerIdAsync ( long summonerId ) : Task

Gets the summoner information for the specified summoner. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonerBySummonerNameAsync ( string summonerName ) : Task

Gets the summoner information for the specified summoner. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonerMasteriesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : MasteryPages>>.Task

Gets the mastery pages for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonerNamesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : String>>.Task

Gets the summoner name for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonerRunesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : RunePages>>.Task

Gets the rune pages for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonersBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : Summoner>>.Task

Gets the summoner information for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetSummonersBySummonerNamesAsync ( ) : Summoner>>.Task

Gets the summoner information for each summoner whose summoner name is in summonerNames. This method uses the Summoner API.

GetTeamsBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task

Gets, for every summoner in summonerIds, the teams that summoner is on. This method uses the Team API.

GetTeamsByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : Team>>.Task

Gets the team corresponding to each team ID. This method uses the Team API.

GetTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task

Gets the details of a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

GetTournamentCodeLobbyEventsAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task>

Gets the events that happened in the lobby of atournament code game. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

GetVersionsAsync ( ) : Task>

Gets the list of available game versions. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.

Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.

UpdateTournamentCodeAsync ( TournamentCode tournamentCode ) : Task

Saves changes to a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

UpdateTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode, List allowedSummonerIds = null, MapType mapType = MapType.SUMMONERS_RIFT, PickType pickType = PickType.TOURNAMENT_DRAFT, SpectatorType spectatorType = SpectatorType.ALL ) : Task

Saves changes to a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CorrectPropertyNameCase ( string propertyName, Type type, Type listType = null ) : string
CreateDataParam ( IEnumerable propertyNames, Type type, Type listType = null ) : string
GetStandardQueryParameters ( string locale, string version ) : object>.Dictionary

Описание методов

CreateTournamentAsync() публичный Метод

Creates a tournament. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public CreateTournamentAsync ( long providerId, string name = null ) : Task
providerId long The providerId obtained from .
name string The optional name of the tournament.
Результат Task

CreateTournamentCodeAsync() публичный Метод

Creates one or more tournament codes. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public CreateTournamentCodeAsync ( long tournamentId, int count = null, List allowedSummonerIds = null, MapType mapType = MapType.SUMMONERS_RIFT, PickType pickType = PickType.TOURNAMENT_DRAFT, SpectatorType spectatorType = SpectatorType.ALL, int teamSize = 5, string metadata = null ) : Task>
tournamentId long The tournament ID obtained from .
count int The number of codes to create (max 1000).
allowedSummonerIds List Optional list of participants in order to validate the players eligible to join the lobby.
mapType MapType The map type of the game. Note that is not allowed.
pickType PickType The pick type of the game.
spectatorType SpectatorType The spectator type of the game.
teamSize int The team size of the game. Valid values are 1-5.
metadata string Optional string that may contain any data in any format, if specified at all. Used to denote any custom information about the game.
Результат Task>

CreateTournamentProviderAsync() публичный Метод

Registers the current client as a tournament provider. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public CreateTournamentProviderAsync ( string url ) : Task
url string The provider's callback URL to which tournament game results in this region should be posted.
Результат Task

GetChallengerLeagueAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the challenger league. This method uses the League API.
public GetChallengerLeagueAsync ( RankedQueue type ) : Task
type RankedQueue The queue type.
Результат Task

GetChampionByIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets dynamic champion information for the specified champion. This method uses the Champion API.
public GetChampionByIdAsync ( long id ) : Task
id long The champion id.
Результат Task

GetChampionMasteriesAsync() публичный Метод

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of all champions they have played. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.
public GetChampionMasteriesAsync ( long playerId ) : Task>
playerId long The summoner ID.
Результат Task>

GetChampionMasteryAsync() публичный Метод

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of a champion. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.
public GetChampionMasteryAsync ( long playerId, long championId ) : Task
playerId long The summoner ID.
championId long The champion ID.
Результат Task

GetChampionMasteryScoreAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a summoner's champion mastery score (the sum of the champion levels of all champions for that summoner). This method uses the Champion Mastery API.
public GetChampionMasteryScoreAsync ( long playerId ) : Task
playerId long The summoner ID.
Результат Task

GetChampionMasteryTopChampionsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets information about a summoner's mastery of their most mastered champions. This method uses the Champion Mastery API.
public GetChampionMasteryTopChampionsAsync ( long playerId, int count = null ) : Task>
playerId long The summoner ID.
count int The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 3.
Результат Task>

GetChampionsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets dynamic champion information for all champions. This method uses the Champion API.
public GetChampionsAsync ( bool freeToPlay = false ) : Task>
freeToPlay bool True if only requesting free to play champion information. Default is false.
Результат Task>

GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the summoners are in, including the leages for the teams they are on. Only includes the league entry for the specified summoner(s). Data is mapped by summoner ID. This method uses the League API.
public GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task
Результат List>>.Task

GetLeagueEntriesByTeamIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the league information for all leagues that the teams are in. Only includes the league entry for the specified team(s). Data is mapped by team ID. This method uses the League API.
public GetLeagueEntriesByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task
Результат List>>.Task

GetLeaguesBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the summoners are in, including the leages for the teams they are on. Data is mapped by summoner ID. This method uses the League API.
public GetLeaguesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task
Результат List>>.Task

GetLeaguesByTeamIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the full league information for all leagues that the teams are in. Data is mapped by team ID. This method uses the League API.
public GetLeaguesByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task
Результат List>>.Task

GetMasterLeagueAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the master league. This method uses the League API.
public GetMasterLeagueAsync ( RankedQueue type ) : Task
type RankedQueue The queue type.
Результат Task

GetMatchAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details of a match. This method uses the Match API.
public GetMatchAsync ( long matchId, bool includeTimeline = false ) : Task
matchId long The ID of the match.
includeTimeline bool Whether or not to include the match timeline data.
Результат Task

GetMatchForTournamentAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details of a match. This method uses the Match API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key.
public GetMatchForTournamentAsync ( long matchId, string tournamentCode ) : Task
matchId long The ID of the match.
tournamentCode string The tournament code.
Результат Task

GetMatchIdsByTournamentCodeAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the list of match IDs for a tournament code. This method uses the Match API.
public GetMatchIdsByTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task>
tournamentCode string The tournament code.
Результат Task>

GetMatchListAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the match list for a summoner. This method uses the Match List API.
public GetMatchListAsync ( long summonerId, long championIds = null, RankedQueue rankedQueues = null, Season seasons = null, DateTime beginTime = null, DateTime endTime = null, int beginIndex = null, int endIndex = null ) : Task
summonerId long The summoner's summoner IDs.
championIds long Only get games where the summoner played one of these champions.
rankedQueues RankedQueue Only get games from these ranked queues.
seasons Season Only get games from these seasons.
beginTime DateTime Only get games played after this time.
endTime DateTime Only get games played before this time.
beginIndex int The begin index to use for fetching games.
endIndex int The end index to use for fetching games. The maximum allowed difference between beginIndex and endIndex is 20; if it is larger than 20, endIndex will be modified to satisfy this restriction.
Результат Task

GetRankedStatsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the ranked stats for a summoner. Includes ranked stats for Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. This method uses the Stats API.
public GetRankedStatsAsync ( long summonerId, Season season = null ) : Task
summonerId long The summoner's summoner IDs.
season Season The season to get ranked stats for. If unspecified, stats for the current season are returned.
Результат Task

GetShardStatusAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the status of the shard for the current region. This method uses the LoL Status API.
public GetShardStatusAsync ( ) : Task
Результат Task

GetShardStatusAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the status of the shard for the specified region. This method uses the LoL Status API.
public GetShardStatusAsync ( Region region ) : Task
region Region The region for the shard.
Результат Task

GetShardsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the list of shards for all reagions. This method uses the LoL Status API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetShardsAsync ( ) : Task>
Результат Task>

GetStaticChampionByIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets champion details by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the champData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticChampionByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable champData = null ) : Task
id int The champion ID.
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. A list of valid versions can be obtained from .
champData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the object. Only id, name, key, and title are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticChampionsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details for all champions. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the champListData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticChampionsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, bool dataById = false, IEnumerable champListData = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
dataById bool If true, the returned data map will use the champions' IDs as the keys. If false, the returned data map will use the champions' keys instead.
champListData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the or objects. Only type, version, data, id, name, key, and title are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticItemAsync() публичный Метод

Gets an item by its ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the itemData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticItemAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable itemData = null ) : Task
id int The item ID.
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
itemData IEnumerable
Результат Task

GetStaticItemsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a list of all available items. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the itemListData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticItemsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable itemListData = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
itemListData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the or objects. Only id, name, type, version, basic, data, plaintext, group, and description are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticLanguageStringsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a list of available language strings. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticLanguageStringsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
Результат Task

GetStaticLanguagesAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a list of available languages. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticLanguagesAsync ( ) : Task>
Результат Task>

GetStaticMapsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a list of all maps. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticMapsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
Результат Task

GetStaticMasteriesAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details for all masteries. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the masteryListData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticMasteriesAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable masteryListData = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
masteryListData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the or objects. Only type, version, data, id, name, and description are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticMasteryByIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets mastery details by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the masteryData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticMasteryByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable masteryData = null ) : Task
id int The mastery ID.
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. A list of valid versions can be obtained from .
masteryData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the object. Only id, name, description are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticRealmAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the realm data. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticRealmAsync ( ) : Task
Результат Task

GetStaticRuneByIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a rune by ID. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the runeData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticRuneByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable runeData = null ) : Task
id int The rune ID.
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. A list of valid versions can be obtained from .
runeData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the object. Only id, name, rune, and description are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticRunesAsync() публичный Метод

Gets a list of all available runes. This method uses the LoL Static Data API. NOTE: Most properties are not returned by default! Use the runeListData parameter to specify which properties you want.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticRunesAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable runeListData = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
runeListData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the or objects. Only type, version, data, id, name, rune, and description are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticSummonerSpellByIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets summoner spell details by ID.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticSummonerSpellByIdAsync ( int id, string locale = null, string version = null, IEnumerable spellData = null ) : Task
id int The summoner spell ID.
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. A list of valid versions can be obtained from .
spellData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the object. Only id, key, name, description, and summonerLevel are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStaticSummonerSpellsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details for all summoner spells. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetStaticSummonerSpellsAsync ( string locale = null, string version = null, bool dataById = false, IEnumerable spellListData = null ) : Task
locale string Locale code for returned data (e.g., en_US, es_ES). If not specified, the default locale for the region is used.
version string The game version for returned data. If not specified, the latest version for the region is used. List of valid versions can be obtained from .
dataById bool If true, the returned data map will use the spells' IDs as the keys. If false, the returned data map will use the spells' keys instead.
spellListData IEnumerable Tags to return additional data. Valid tags are any property of the or objects. Only type, version, data, id, key, name, description, and summonerLevel are returned by default if this parameter isn't specified. To return all additional data, use the tag 'all'.
Результат Task

GetStatsSummaryAsync() публичный Метод

Gets aggregated stats for a summoner. This method uses the Stats API.
public GetStatsSummaryAsync ( long summonerId, Season season = null ) : Task
summonerId long The summoner's summoner IDs.
season Season The season to get stats for. If unspecified, stats for the current season are returned.
Результат Task

GetSummonerBySummonerIdAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the summoner information for the specified summoner. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonerBySummonerIdAsync ( long summonerId ) : Task
summonerId long The summoner ID.
Результат Task

GetSummonerBySummonerNameAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the summoner information for the specified summoner. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonerBySummonerNameAsync ( string summonerName ) : Task
summonerName string The summoner name.
Результат Task

GetSummonerMasteriesBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the mastery pages for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonerMasteriesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : MasteryPages>>.Task
Результат MasteryPages>>.Task

GetSummonerNamesBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the summoner name for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonerNamesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : String>>.Task
Результат String>>.Task

GetSummonerRunesBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the rune pages for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonerRunesBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : RunePages>>.Task
Результат RunePages>>.Task

GetSummonersBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the summoner information for each summoner whose summoner ID is in summonerIds. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonersBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : Summoner>>.Task
Результат Summoner>>.Task

GetSummonersBySummonerNamesAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the summoner information for each summoner whose summoner name is in summonerNames. This method uses the Summoner API.
public GetSummonersBySummonerNamesAsync ( ) : Summoner>>.Task
Результат Summoner>>.Task

GetTeamsBySummonerIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets, for every summoner in summonerIds, the teams that summoner is on. This method uses the Team API.
public GetTeamsBySummonerIdsAsync ( ) : List>>.Task
Результат List>>.Task

GetTeamsByTeamIdsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the team corresponding to each team ID. This method uses the Team API.
public GetTeamsByTeamIdsAsync ( ) : Team>>.Task
Результат Team>>.Task

GetTournamentCodeAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the details of a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public GetTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task
tournamentCode string The tournament code obtained from .
Результат Task

GetTournamentCodeLobbyEventsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the events that happened in the lobby of atournament code game. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public GetTournamentCodeLobbyEventsAsync ( string tournamentCode ) : Task>
tournamentCode string The tournament code obtained from .
Результат Task>

GetVersionsAsync() публичный Метод

Gets the list of available game versions. This method uses the LoL Static Data API.
Calls to this method will not count toward your API rate limit.
public GetVersionsAsync ( ) : Task>
Результат Task>

UpdateTournamentCodeAsync() публичный Метод

Saves changes to a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public UpdateTournamentCodeAsync ( TournamentCode tournamentCode ) : Task
tournamentCode TournamentCode The tournament code to update. Only the Code, Participants, MapType, PickType, and SpectatorType proerties are used.
Результат Task

UpdateTournamentCodeAsync() публичный Метод

Saves changes to a tournament code. This method uses the Tournament API. This endpoint is only accessible if you have a tournament API key. IMPORTANT: if you are using an interim API key, you must set RiotClientSettings.UseTournamentStub to true before calling this method.
public UpdateTournamentCodeAsync ( string tournamentCode, List allowedSummonerIds = null, MapType mapType = MapType.SUMMONERS_RIFT, PickType pickType = PickType.TOURNAMENT_DRAFT, SpectatorType spectatorType = SpectatorType.ALL ) : Task
tournamentCode string The tournament code obtained from .
allowedSummonerIds List Optional list of participants in order to validate the players eligible to join the lobby.
mapType MapType The map type of the game.
pickType PickType The pick type of the game.
spectatorType SpectatorType The spectator type of the game.
Результат Task