C# Класс Rhino.Commonjs.Module.Provider.ModuleSource

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetBase ( ) : Uri

Returns the base URI from which this module source was loaded, or null if it was loaded from an absolute URI.

Returns the base URI from which this module source was loaded, or null if it was loaded from an absolute URI.

GetReader ( ) : TextReader

Returns the reader returning the source text of the module.

Returns the reader returning the source text of the module. Note that subsequent calls to this method return the same object, thus it is not possible to read the source twice.

GetSecurityDomain ( ) : object

Returns the object representing the security domain for the module's source.

Returns the object representing the security domain for the module's source.

GetUri ( ) : Uri

Returns the URI of the module source text.

Returns the URI of the module source text.

GetValidator ( ) : object

Returns the validator that can be used for subsequent cache validation of the source text.

Returns the validator that can be used for subsequent cache validation of the source text.

ModuleSource ( TextReader reader, object securityDomain, Uri uri, Uri @base, object validator ) : System

Creates a new module source.

Creates a new module source.

Описание методов

GetBase() публичный Метод

Returns the base URI from which this module source was loaded, or null if it was loaded from an absolute URI.
Returns the base URI from which this module source was loaded, or null if it was loaded from an absolute URI.
public GetBase ( ) : Uri
Результат System.Uri

GetReader() публичный Метод

Returns the reader returning the source text of the module.
Returns the reader returning the source text of the module. Note that subsequent calls to this method return the same object, thus it is not possible to read the source twice.
public GetReader ( ) : TextReader
Результат System.IO.TextReader

GetSecurityDomain() публичный Метод

Returns the object representing the security domain for the module's source.
Returns the object representing the security domain for the module's source.
public GetSecurityDomain ( ) : object
Результат object

GetUri() публичный Метод

Returns the URI of the module source text.
Returns the URI of the module source text.
public GetUri ( ) : Uri
Результат System.Uri

GetValidator() публичный Метод

Returns the validator that can be used for subsequent cache validation of the source text.
Returns the validator that can be used for subsequent cache validation of the source text.
public GetValidator ( ) : object
Результат object

ModuleSource() публичный Метод

Creates a new module source.
Creates a new module source.
public ModuleSource ( TextReader reader, object securityDomain, Uri uri, Uri @base, object validator ) : System
reader System.IO.TextReader the reader returning the source text of the module.
securityDomain object /// the object representing the security domain for /// the module's source (passed to Rhino script compiler). ///
uri System.Uri the URI of the module's source text
@base System.Uri
validator object /// a validator that can be used for subsequent cache /// validation of the source text. ///
Результат System