C# Класс RemoteLedMatrix.Helpers.FirmataExtensions

Extensions to the firmata client to make sending large amounts of data easier
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SendPixelBlob ( this firmata, IEnumerable bytes ) : void

Sends a blob of pixel data to the client

SendPixelBlob ( this firmata, IEnumerable bytes, int inSetsOf ) : void

Sends a blob of pixel data to the client, broken up into arbitraily sized chunks

Описание методов

SendPixelBlob() публичный статический Метод

Sends a blob of pixel data to the client
public static SendPixelBlob ( this firmata, IEnumerable bytes ) : void
firmata this Firmata client to send the command to
bytes IEnumerable Pixel data to send
Результат void

SendPixelBlob() публичный статический Метод

Sends a blob of pixel data to the client, broken up into arbitraily sized chunks
public static SendPixelBlob ( this firmata, IEnumerable bytes, int inSetsOf ) : void
firmata this Firmata client to send the command to
bytes IEnumerable Pixel data to send
inSetsOf int How many bytes to send in a single firmata command
Результат void