C# Класс RemObjects.InternetPack.Messages.Mime.Decode.StreamUtility

Utility to help reading bytes and strings of a Stream
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ReadLineAsAscii ( Stream stream ) : String

Read a line from the stream. ReadLineAsBytes for more documentation.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ReadLineAsBytes ( Stream stream ) : Byte[]

Read a line from the stream. A line is interpreted as all the bytes read until a CRLF or LF is encountered.
CRLF pair or LF is not included in the String.

Описание методов

ReadLineAsAscii() публичный статический Метод

Read a line from the stream. ReadLineAsBytes for more documentation.
If is
public static ReadLineAsAscii ( Stream stream ) : String
stream Stream The stream to read from
Результат String