C# Класс Recurity.Blitzableiter.SWF.EncodedU32

This class offers access to the EncodedU32 format of the SWF specification. It defines an unsigned Iteger as a sequence of 1 to 5 bytes. The most significant bit of a byte indicates if the next byte is also part of the value. The byte are ordered low to high.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Decode ( byte data ) : ulong

Decodes the byte representation of an ulong value to the ulong value itself

Encode ( ulong value ) : byte[]

Encodes a value of type ulong to a byte array.

EncodedSizeOf ( ulong value ) : int

Calculates the number of bytes used to encode a ulong value

Read ( Stream source ) : byte[]

Reads an encoded ulong from a given stream

Write ( ulong value, Stream target ) : void

Writes an encoded ulong value to a given Stream

Описание методов

Decode() публичный статический Метод

Decodes the byte representation of an ulong value to the ulong value itself
public static Decode ( byte data ) : ulong
data byte byte representation
Результат ulong

Encode() публичный статический Метод

Encodes a value of type ulong to a byte array.
public static Encode ( ulong value ) : byte[]
value ulong Value to convert
Результат byte[]

EncodedSizeOf() публичный статический Метод

Calculates the number of bytes used to encode a ulong value
public static EncodedSizeOf ( ulong value ) : int
value ulong value to calculate the size of
Результат int

Read() публичный статический Метод

Reads an encoded ulong from a given stream
public static Read ( Stream source ) : byte[]
source Stream Stream to read the value from
Результат byte[]

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes an encoded ulong value to a given Stream
public static Write ( ulong value, Stream target ) : void
value ulong Value to write
target Stream Stream to write the value to
Результат void