C# Класс Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.CatalogueCombineable

ICombineToMakeCommand for an object of type Catalogue
Наследование: ICombineToMakeCommand
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CatalogueCombineable ( Catalogue catalogue ) : System.Linq
GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor ( IBasicActivateItems activator, CohortAggregateContainer cohortAggregateContainer, bool importMandatoryFilters = true, string caller = null ) : Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable

Creates a new AggregateConfiguration based on the Catalogue and returns it as an AggregateConfigurationCombineable, you should only use this method during EXECUTE as you do not want to be randomly creating these as the user waves an object around over the user interface trying to decide where to drop it.

GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor ( IBasicActivateItems activator, CohortIdentificationConfiguration cic, bool importMandatoryFilters = true, string caller = null ) : Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable
GetSqlString ( ) : string

Описание методов

CatalogueCombineable() публичный Метод

public CatalogueCombineable ( Catalogue catalogue ) : System.Linq
catalogue Catalogue
Результат System.Linq

GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor() публичный Метод

Creates a new AggregateConfiguration based on the Catalogue and returns it as an AggregateConfigurationCombineable, you should only use this method during EXECUTE as you do not want to be randomly creating these as the user waves an object around over the user interface trying to decide where to drop it.
public GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor ( IBasicActivateItems activator, CohortAggregateContainer cohortAggregateContainer, bool importMandatoryFilters = true, string caller = null ) : Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable
activator IBasicActivateItems
cohortAggregateContainer CohortAggregateContainer
importMandatoryFilters bool
caller string
Результат Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable

GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor() публичный Метод

public GenerateAggregateConfigurationFor ( IBasicActivateItems activator, CohortIdentificationConfiguration cic, bool importMandatoryFilters = true, string caller = null ) : Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable
activator IBasicActivateItems
cic CohortIdentificationConfiguration
importMandatoryFilters bool
caller string
Результат Rdmp.Core.CommandExecution.Combining.AggregateConfigurationCombineable

GetSqlString() публичный Метод

public GetSqlString ( ) : string
Результат string