Метод | Описание | |
CreateHash ( String input ) : System.Int64 |
Performs MD5 hash calculation of the given string
Метод | Описание | |
ASCII_To_Unicode ( String asciiString ) : String |
Turns back ASCII-encoded Unicodes into Unicodes.
EscapeControlCharsForXML ( String data ) : String |
Replaces character controls for XML compatibility
GenerateAnonUri ( ) : |
Generates a new Uri for a blank resource. It starts with "bnode:" and is a Guid.
GetDatatypeFromEnum ( RDFModelEnums datatype ) : String |
Gives the string representation of the given RDF/RDFS/XSD datatype
GetDatatypeFromString ( String datatypeString ) : RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes |
Parse the given string in order to give the corresponding RDF/RDFS/XSD datatype
GetGraphNamespaces ( RDFGraph graph ) : List |
Gets the list of namespaces used within the triples of the given graph
GetUriFromString ( String uriString ) : |
Gets the Uri corresponding to the given string
RebuildGraph ( RDFGraph graph ) : void |
Rebuild the metadata of the given graph
SelectTriples ( RDFGraph graph, |
Selects the triples corresponding to the given pattern from the given graph
Unicode_To_ASCII ( String unicodeString ) : String |
Turns Unicodes into ASCII-encoded Unicodes.
ValidateTypedLiteral ( |
Validates the value of the given typed literal against its datatype
public static CreateHash ( String input ) : System.Int64 | ||
input | String | |
Результат | System.Int64 |