C# Класс QuantumConcepts.Formats.StereoLithography.Normal

A simple XYZ representation of a normal (Vertex).
Наследование: Vertex
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FromVertex ( Vertex vertex ) : Normal

Converts the vertex to a normal.

This does nothing more than copy the X, Y and Z coordinates of the vertex into a new Normal instance.

Invert ( ) : void

Flips the normal so it faces the opposite direction.

Normal ( ) : System

Creates a new, empty Normal.

Normal ( float x, float y, float z ) : System

Creates a new Normal using the provided coordinates.

Read ( BinaryReader reader ) : Normal

Reads a single Normal from the reader.

Read ( StreamReader reader ) : Normal

Reads a single Normal from the reader.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns the string representation of this Normal.

Описание методов

FromVertex() публичный статический Метод

Converts the vertex to a normal.
This does nothing more than copy the X, Y and Z coordinates of the vertex into a new Normal instance.
public static FromVertex ( Vertex vertex ) : Normal
vertex Vertex The to be converted into a .
Результат Normal

Invert() публичный Метод

Flips the normal so it faces the opposite direction.
public Invert ( ) : void
Результат void

Normal() публичный Метод

Creates a new, empty Normal.
public Normal ( ) : System
Результат System

Normal() публичный Метод

Creates a new Normal using the provided coordinates.
public Normal ( float x, float y, float z ) : System
x float
y float
z float
Результат System

Read() публичный статический Метод

Reads a single Normal from the reader.
public static Read ( BinaryReader reader ) : Normal
reader System.IO.BinaryReader The reader which contains a to be read at the current position
Результат Normal

Read() публичный статический Метод

Reads a single Normal from the reader.
public static Read ( StreamReader reader ) : Normal
reader System.IO.StreamReader The reader which contains a to be read at the current position
Результат Normal

ToString() публичный Метод

Returns the string representation of this Normal.
public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string