C# Класс Pushover_plugin.WebhookForwardHandler

Manages the creation and operation of the webhook forwarder.
Наследование: IForwardDestinationHandler
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetListItems ( ) : List

Gets the list of DestinationListItems to display as choices when the user chooses 'Add Forward'.

GetSettingsPanel ( Growl.Destinations.DestinationBase db ) : Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel

Gets the settings panel associated with this forwarder.

This is called when a user is editing an existing forwarder.

GetSettingsPanel ( Growl.Destinations.DestinationListItem dbli ) : Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel

Gets the settings panel associated with this forwarder.

This is called when a user is adding a new forwarding destination.

Register ( ) : List

Registers the forwarder with Growl.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetIcon ( ) : System.Drawing.Image

Gets the icon associated with this forwarder.

Описание методов

GetListItems() публичный Метод

Gets the list of DestinationListItems to display as choices when the user chooses 'Add Forward'.
public GetListItems ( ) : List
Результат List

GetSettingsPanel() публичный Метод

Gets the settings panel associated with this forwarder.
This is called when a user is editing an existing forwarder.
public GetSettingsPanel ( Growl.Destinations.DestinationBase db ) : Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel
db Growl.Destinations.DestinationBase The of an exiting forwarder
Результат Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel

GetSettingsPanel() публичный Метод

Gets the settings panel associated with this forwarder.
This is called when a user is adding a new forwarding destination.
public GetSettingsPanel ( Growl.Destinations.DestinationListItem dbli ) : Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel
dbli Growl.Destinations.DestinationListItem The as selected by the user
Результат Growl.Destinations.DestinationSettingsPanel

Register() публичный Метод

Registers the forwarder with Growl.
public Register ( ) : List
Результат List