C# Класс PrimMesher.SculptMesh

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
coords List
faces List
normals List
uvs List
viewerFaces List

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddPos ( float x, float y, float z ) : void

Adds a value to each XYZ vertex coordinate in the mesh

AddRot ( PrimMesher.Quat q ) : void

Rotates the mesh

Copy ( ) : SculptMesh

Duplicates a SculptMesh object. All object properties are copied by value, including lists.

DumpRaw ( String path, String name, String title ) : void
Scale ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode ) : System
SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : System
SculptMesh ( List rows, SculptType sculptType, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : System
SculptMesh ( SculptMesh sm ) : System
SculptMesh ( float zMap, float xBegin, float xEnd, float yBegin, float yEnd, bool viewerMode ) : System

** Experimental ** May disappear from future versions ** not recommeneded for use in applications Construct a sculpt mesh from a 2D array of floats

SculptMesh ( string fileName, int sculptType, int lod, int viewerMode, int mirror, int invert ) : System
SculptMeshFromFile ( string fileName, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode ) : SculptMesh
_SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : void
_SculptMesh ( List rows, SculptType sculptType, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
bitmap2Coords ( Bitmap bitmap, int scale, bool mirror ) : List>

converts a bitmap to a list of lists of coords, while scaling the image. the scaling is done in floating point so as to allow for reduced vertex position quantization as the position will be averaged between pixel values. this routine will likely fail if the bitmap width and height are not powers of 2.

bitmap2CoordsSampled ( Bitmap bitmap, int scale, bool mirror ) : List>
calcVertexNormals ( SculptType sculptType, int xSize, int ySize ) : void

Описание методов

AddPos() публичный Метод

Adds a value to each XYZ vertex coordinate in the mesh
public AddPos ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
x float
y float
z float
Результат void

AddRot() публичный Метод

Rotates the mesh
public AddRot ( PrimMesher.Quat q ) : void
q PrimMesher.Quat
Результат void

Copy() публичный Метод

Duplicates a SculptMesh object. All object properties are copied by value, including lists.
public Copy ( ) : SculptMesh
Результат SculptMesh

DumpRaw() публичный Метод

public DumpRaw ( String path, String name, String title ) : void
path String
name String
title String
Результат void

Scale() публичный Метод

public Scale ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
x float
y float
z float
Результат void

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode ) : System
sculptBitmap System.Drawing.Bitmap
sculptType SculptType
lod int
viewerMode bool
Результат System

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : System
sculptBitmap System.Drawing.Bitmap
sculptType SculptType
lod int
viewerMode bool
mirror bool
invert bool
Результат System

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public SculptMesh ( List rows, SculptType sculptType, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : System
rows List
sculptType SculptType
viewerMode bool
mirror bool
invert bool
Результат System

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public SculptMesh ( SculptMesh sm ) : System
sm SculptMesh
Результат System

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

** Experimental ** May disappear from future versions ** not recommeneded for use in applications Construct a sculpt mesh from a 2D array of floats
public SculptMesh ( float zMap, float xBegin, float xEnd, float yBegin, float yEnd, bool viewerMode ) : System
zMap float
xBegin float
xEnd float
yBegin float
yEnd float
viewerMode bool
Результат System

SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public SculptMesh ( string fileName, int sculptType, int lod, int viewerMode, int mirror, int invert ) : System
fileName string
sculptType int
lod int
viewerMode int
mirror int
invert int
Результат System

SculptMeshFromFile() публичный Метод

public SculptMeshFromFile ( string fileName, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode ) : SculptMesh
fileName string
sculptType SculptType
lod int
viewerMode bool
Результат SculptMesh

_SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public _SculptMesh ( Bitmap sculptBitmap, SculptType sculptType, int lod, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : void
sculptBitmap System.Drawing.Bitmap
sculptType SculptType
lod int
viewerMode bool
mirror bool
invert bool
Результат void

_SculptMesh() публичный Метод

public _SculptMesh ( List rows, SculptType sculptType, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert ) : void
rows List
sculptType SculptType
viewerMode bool
mirror bool
invert bool
Результат void

Описание свойств

coords публичное свойство

public List coords
Результат List

faces публичное свойство

public List faces
Результат List

normals публичное свойство

public List normals
Результат List

uvs публичное свойство

public List uvs
Результат List

viewerFaces публичное свойство

public List viewerFaces
Результат List