C# Класс PredatorCV.Sources.Camera

Наследование: Emgu.Util.UnmanagedObject, IDuplexCapture, ICapture, ISource
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Camera ( ) : System

Create a capture using the default camera

Camera ( String fileName ) : System

Create a capture from file or a video stream

Camera ( int camIndex ) : System

Create a capture using the specific camera

DuplexQueryFrame ( ) : void

Query a frame duplexly over WCF

DuplexQuerySmallFrame ( ) : void

Query a small frame duplexly over WCF

GetCaptureProperty ( CAP_PROP index ) : double

Obtain the capture property

QueryFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image

Capture a Bgr image frame

QueryFrame ( int destX, int destY, int cx, int cy ) : byte>.Image
QueryGrayFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image

Capture a Gray image frame

QuerySmallFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image

Capture a Bgr image frame that is half width and half height. Mainly used by WCF when sending image to remote locations in a bandwidth conservative scenario

Internally, this is a cvQueryFrame operation follow by a cvPyrDown

SetCaptureProperty ( CAP_PROP property, double value ) : void

Sets the specified property of video capturing

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
DisposeObject ( ) : void

Release the resource for this capture

Описание методов

Camera() публичный Метод

Create a capture using the default camera
public Camera ( ) : System
Результат System

Camera() публичный Метод

Create a capture from file or a video stream
public Camera ( String fileName ) : System
fileName String The name of a file, or an url pointed to a stream.
Результат System

Camera() публичный Метод

Create a capture using the specific camera
public Camera ( int camIndex ) : System
camIndex int The index of the camera to create capture from, starting from 0
Результат System

DisposeObject() защищенный Метод

Release the resource for this capture
protected DisposeObject ( ) : void
Результат void

DuplexQueryFrame() публичный Метод

Query a frame duplexly over WCF
public DuplexQueryFrame ( ) : void
Результат void

DuplexQuerySmallFrame() публичный Метод

Query a small frame duplexly over WCF
public DuplexQuerySmallFrame ( ) : void
Результат void

GetCaptureProperty() публичный Метод

Obtain the capture property
public GetCaptureProperty ( CAP_PROP index ) : double
index CAP_PROP The index for the property
Результат double

QueryFrame() публичный Метод

Capture a Bgr image frame
public QueryFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image
Результат Byte>.Image

QueryFrame() публичный Метод

public QueryFrame ( int destX, int destY, int cx, int cy ) : byte>.Image
destX int
destY int
cx int
cy int
Результат byte>.Image

QueryGrayFrame() публичный Метод

Capture a Gray image frame
public QueryGrayFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image
Результат Byte>.Image

QuerySmallFrame() публичный Метод

Capture a Bgr image frame that is half width and half height. Mainly used by WCF when sending image to remote locations in a bandwidth conservative scenario
Internally, this is a cvQueryFrame operation follow by a cvPyrDown
public QuerySmallFrame ( ) : Byte>.Image
Результат Byte>.Image

SetCaptureProperty() публичный Метод

Sets the specified property of video capturing
public SetCaptureProperty ( CAP_PROP property, double value ) : void
property CAP_PROP Property identifier
value double Value of the property
Результат void