C# Класс Plovr.Modules.InputHandler

Наследование: Handler
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
InputHandler ( HttpContext context ) : System
Run ( ) : void

When we run, we need to parse the URL for the specific file that's being requested. If the file that's being requested ends with a ".soy", then we pass it on to the SoyToJsSrcCompiler jar and show the results from that instead. Otherwise, it streams a file from the file system.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
GetIdFromUri ( ) : string

Override to get ID from the Uri path instead of from the query string. Returns the first path item after "/input/" as the id.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetFilePathFromUri ( string projectId ) : string

Get the path to file from base path. Returns full path after the current project id.

Описание методов

GetIdFromUri() защищенный Метод

Override to get ID from the Uri path instead of from the query string. Returns the first path item after "/input/" as the id.
protected GetIdFromUri ( ) : string
Результат string

InputHandler() публичный Метод

public InputHandler ( HttpContext context ) : System
context System.Web.HttpContext
Результат System

Run() публичный Метод

When we run, we need to parse the URL for the specific file that's being requested. If the file that's being requested ends with a ".soy", then we pass it on to the SoyToJsSrcCompiler jar and show the results from that instead. Otherwise, it streams a file from the file system.
public Run ( ) : void
Результат void