C# Класс PlayFab.MatchmakerModels.StartGameRequest

Наследование: PlayFabRequestCommon
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Build string
CustomCommandLineData string
ExternalMatchmakerEventEndpoint string
GameMode string
Region Region

Описание свойств

Build публичное свойство

Unique identifier of the previously uploaded build executable which is to be started.
public string Build
Результат string

CustomCommandLineData публичное свойство

Custom command line argument when starting game server process.
public string CustomCommandLineData
Результат string

ExternalMatchmakerEventEndpoint публичное свойство

HTTP endpoint URL for receiving game status events, if using an external matchmaker. When the game ends, PlayFab will make a POST request to this URL with the X-SecretKey header set to the value of the game's secret and an application/json body of { "EventName": "game_ended", "GameID": "" }.
public string ExternalMatchmakerEventEndpoint
Результат string

GameMode публичное свойство

Game mode for this Game Server Instance.
public string GameMode
Результат string

Region публичное свойство

Region with which to associate the server, for filtering.
public Region Region
Результат Region