C# Класс PlayFab.ClientModels.StartGameRequest

Наследование: PlayFabModelBase
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
BuildVersion string
CharacterId string
CustomCommandLineData string
GameMode string
Region Region
StatisticName string

Описание свойств

BuildVersion публичное свойство

version information for the build of the game server which is to be started
public string BuildVersion
Результат string

CharacterId публичное свойство

character to use for stats based matching. Leave null to use account stats
public string CharacterId
Результат string

CustomCommandLineData публичное свойство

custom command line argument when starting game server process
public string CustomCommandLineData
Результат string

GameMode публичное свойство

the title-defined game mode this server is to be running (defaults to 0 if there is only one mode)
public string GameMode
Результат string

Region публичное свойство

the region to associate this server with for match filtering
public Region Region
Результат Region

StatisticName публичное свойство

player statistic for others to use in finding this game. May be null for no stat-based matching
public string StatisticName
Результат string