C# Класс PlayFab.ClientModels.LoginWithSteamRequest

Наследование: PlayFabModelBase
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
CreateAccount bool?
InfoRequestParameters GetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams
SteamTicket string
TitleId string

Описание свойств

CreateAccount публичное свойство

Automatically create a PlayFab account if one is not currently linked to this Steam account.
public bool? CreateAccount
Результат bool?

InfoRequestParameters публичное свойство

Flags for which pieces of info to return for the user.
public GetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams,PlayFab.ClientModels InfoRequestParameters
Результат GetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams

SteamTicket публичное свойство

Authentication token for the user, returned as a byte array from Steam, and converted to a string (for example, the byte 0x08 should become "08").
public string SteamTicket
Результат string

TitleId публичное свойство

Unique identifier for the title, found in the Settings > Game Properties section of the PlayFab developer site when a title has been selected.
public string TitleId
Результат string