C# Класс Plasma.ServiceJob

Наследование: Kimono.KJob, IDisposable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Destination ( ) : string
Dispose ( ) : void
OperationName ( ) : string
Parameters ( ) : QVariant>.Dictionary
Result ( ) : Qyoto.QVariant Returns the result of the operation The result will be invalid if the job has not completed yet, or if the job does not have a meaningful result. Note that this should not be used to find out whether the operation was successful. Instead, you should check the value of error().
ServiceJob ( string destination, string operation, QVariant>.Dictionary parameters ) : System
ServiceJob ( string destination, string operation, QVariant>.Dictionary parameters, QObject parent ) : System Default constructor @arg destination the subject that the job is acting on @arg operation the action that the job is performing on the destination @arg parameters the parameters of the action @arg parent the parent object for this service

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateProxy ( ) : void
ServiceJob ( Type dummy ) : System
SetResult ( Qyoto.QVariant result ) : void Sets the result for an operation.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Start ( ) : void

Описание методов

CreateProxy() защищенный Метод

protected CreateProxy ( ) : void
Результат void

Destination() публичный Метод

public Destination ( ) : string
Результат string

Dispose() публичный Метод

public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

OperationName() публичный Метод

public OperationName ( ) : string
Результат string

Parameters() публичный Метод

public Parameters ( ) : QVariant>.Dictionary
Результат QVariant>.Dictionary

Result() публичный Метод

Returns the result of the operation The result will be invalid if the job has not completed yet, or if the job does not have a meaningful result. Note that this should not be used to find out whether the operation was successful. Instead, you should check the value of error().
public Result ( ) : Qyoto.QVariant
Результат Qyoto.QVariant

ServiceJob() защищенный Метод

protected ServiceJob ( Type dummy ) : System
dummy System.Type
Результат System

ServiceJob() публичный Метод

public ServiceJob ( string destination, string operation, QVariant>.Dictionary parameters ) : System
destination string
operation string
parameters QVariant>.Dictionary
Результат System

ServiceJob() публичный Метод

Default constructor @arg destination the subject that the job is acting on @arg operation the action that the job is performing on the destination @arg parameters the parameters of the action @arg parent the parent object for this service
public ServiceJob ( string destination, string operation, QVariant>.Dictionary parameters, QObject parent ) : System
destination string
operation string
parameters QVariant>.Dictionary
parent Qyoto.QObject
Результат System

SetResult() защищенный Метод

Sets the result for an operation.
protected SetResult ( Qyoto.QVariant result ) : void
result Qyoto.QVariant
Результат void