C# Класс Pilgrim.Providers.Dialect

Defines the implementations specific details for a particular database.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Default ( object defaultValue ) : string
GetAndMapColumnProperties ( Column column ) : ColumnPropertiesMapper
GetColumnMapper ( Column column ) : ColumnPropertiesMapper
GetTypeName ( DbType type ) : string

Get the name of the database type associated with the given

GetTypeName ( DbType type, int length ) : string

Get the name of the database type associated with the given

GetTypeName ( DbType type, int length, int precision, int scale ) : string

Get the name of the database type associated with the given

NewProviderForDialect ( string invariantProvider, string connectionString ) : ITransformationProvider
Quote ( string value ) : string
RegisterProperty ( ColumnProperty property, string sql ) : void
SqlForProperty ( ColumnProperty property ) : string

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Dialect ( ) : System
RegisterColumnType ( DbType code, int capacity, string name ) : void

Subclasses register a typename for the given type code and maximum column length. $l in the type name will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate)

RegisterColumnType ( DbType code, string name ) : void

Suclasses register a typename for the given type code. $l in the typename will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate).

Описание методов

Default() публичный Метод

public Default ( object defaultValue ) : string
defaultValue object
Результат string

Dialect() защищенный Метод

protected Dialect ( ) : System
Результат System

GetAndMapColumnProperties() публичный Метод

public GetAndMapColumnProperties ( Column column ) : ColumnPropertiesMapper
column Column
Результат ColumnPropertiesMapper

GetColumnMapper() публичный Метод

public GetColumnMapper ( Column column ) : ColumnPropertiesMapper
column Column
Результат ColumnPropertiesMapper

GetTypeName() публичный Метод

Get the name of the database type associated with the given
public GetTypeName ( DbType type ) : string
type DbType The DbType
Результат string

GetTypeName() публичный Метод

Get the name of the database type associated with the given
public GetTypeName ( DbType type, int length ) : string
type DbType The DbType
length int
Результат string

GetTypeName() публичный Метод

Get the name of the database type associated with the given
public GetTypeName ( DbType type, int length, int precision, int scale ) : string
type DbType The DbType
length int
precision int
scale int
Результат string

NewProviderForDialect() публичный Метод

public NewProviderForDialect ( string invariantProvider, string connectionString ) : ITransformationProvider
invariantProvider string
connectionString string
Результат ITransformationProvider

Quote() публичный Метод

public Quote ( string value ) : string
value string
Результат string

RegisterColumnType() защищенный Метод

Subclasses register a typename for the given type code and maximum column length. $l in the type name will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate)
protected RegisterColumnType ( DbType code, int capacity, string name ) : void
code DbType The typecode
capacity int Maximum length of database type
name string The database type name
Результат void

RegisterColumnType() защищенный Метод

Suclasses register a typename for the given type code. $l in the typename will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate).
protected RegisterColumnType ( DbType code, string name ) : void
code DbType The typecode
name string The database type name
Результат void

RegisterProperty() публичный Метод

public RegisterProperty ( ColumnProperty property, string sql ) : void
property ColumnProperty
sql string
Результат void

SqlForProperty() публичный Метод

public SqlForProperty ( ColumnProperty property ) : string
property ColumnProperty
Результат string