C# Класс PdfRpt.ColumnsItemsTemplates.ImageFilePathField

Displaying current cell's data as an Image. It's assumed that this data point to the physical image's path on the disk.
Наследование: IColumnItemsTemplate
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CellRendered ( PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position, PdfContentByte canvases, PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes attributes ) : void

This method is called at the end of the cell's rendering.

ImageFilePathField ( ) : System

Displaying current cell's data as an Image. It's assumed that this data point to the physical image's path on the disk.

ImageFilePathField ( string defaultImageFilePath, bool fitImages, bool cacheImages = true ) : System

Displaying current cell's data as an Image. It's assumed that this data point to the physical image's path on the disk.

RenderingCell ( PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes attributes ) : PdfPCell

Custom cell's content template as a PdfPCell

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
getImage ( PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes attributes ) : Image

Описание методов

CellRendered() публичный Метод

This method is called at the end of the cell's rendering.
public CellRendered ( PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position, PdfContentByte canvases, PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes attributes ) : void
cell iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell The current cell
position iTextSharp.text.Rectangle The coordinates of the cell
canvases iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte An array of PdfContentByte to add text or graphics
attributes PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes Current cell's custom attributes
Результат void

ImageFilePathField() публичный Метод

Displaying current cell's data as an Image. It's assumed that this data point to the physical image's path on the disk.
public ImageFilePathField ( ) : System
Результат System

ImageFilePathField() публичный Метод

Displaying current cell's data as an Image. It's assumed that this data point to the physical image's path on the disk.
public ImageFilePathField ( string defaultImageFilePath, bool fitImages, bool cacheImages = true ) : System
defaultImageFilePath string Default image will be used in case of missing images
fitImages bool Set fitImages to true to fit the image to the cell
cacheImages bool If true, the image bytes will be added to the PDF only once, not per each new instance. Therefore the result won't be a bloated PDF file. Choose this option if there are many similar images in your data source.
Результат System

RenderingCell() публичный Метод

Custom cell's content template as a PdfPCell
public RenderingCell ( PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes attributes ) : PdfPCell
attributes PdfRpt.Core.Contracts.CellAttributes
Результат iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell