C# Класс P2PStateServer.SessionObject

Represents a stored session
Наследование: ISessionObject
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CompareExchangeIsInUse ( bool Value, bool Comparand ) : bool

Performs an atomic compare exchange on the IsInuse property

CopyFrom ( ISessionObject ObjectToCopy ) : void

Copies all data from one Session object to this one

CreateResponseInfo ( ) : ISessionResponseInfo

Initializes a new SessionResponseInfo object filled with information from this session

Lock ( ) : void

Locks a session

ResetTimeout ( ) : void

Resets the session timeout thus extending the lifespan of the session by the value of the session's timeout

SessionObject ( SetRequest Message ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SessionObject class

SessionObject ( SetTransferRequest Message ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SessionObject class

UnLock ( uint LockCookie ) : bool

Unlocks a locked session using the provided LockCookie value

The LockCookie value must match the session lock cookie value to perform the unlock

Описание методов

CompareExchangeIsInUse() публичный Метод

Performs an atomic compare exchange on the IsInuse property
public CompareExchangeIsInUse ( bool Value, bool Comparand ) : bool
Value bool The value to set IsInUse with if the compare matches
Comparand bool The value to compare IsInUse with
Результат bool

CopyFrom() публичный Метод

Copies all data from one Session object to this one
public CopyFrom ( ISessionObject ObjectToCopy ) : void
ObjectToCopy ISessionObject Session object to copy from
Результат void

CreateResponseInfo() публичный Метод

Initializes a new SessionResponseInfo object filled with information from this session
public CreateResponseInfo ( ) : ISessionResponseInfo
Результат ISessionResponseInfo

Lock() публичный Метод

Locks a session
public Lock ( ) : void
Результат void

ResetTimeout() публичный Метод

Resets the session timeout thus extending the lifespan of the session by the value of the session's timeout
public ResetTimeout ( ) : void
Результат void

SessionObject() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the SessionObject class
public SessionObject ( SetRequest Message ) : System
Message SetRequest The SetRequest Message to initialize fields from
Результат System

SessionObject() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the SessionObject class
public SessionObject ( SetTransferRequest Message ) : System
Message SetTransferRequest The SetTransferRequest Message to initialize fields from
Результат System

UnLock() публичный Метод

Unlocks a locked session using the provided LockCookie value
The LockCookie value must match the session lock cookie value to perform the unlock
public UnLock ( uint LockCookie ) : bool
LockCookie uint The Lock-Cookie value
Результат bool