C# Класс P2PStateServer.Diags

Provides methods and properties for tracking messages, errors, processing time, deadlocks and other issues that may occur in the state server
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Метод Описание
Assert ( bool Condition, string Message, string DetailMessage ) : void
DetectDeadLock ( object Object, int Iterations ) : void
Fail ( string Message ) : void
GetFormattedTime ( System.DateTime Time ) : string
LogApplicationError ( string Error, Exception ex ) : void
LogConnectingPeer ( string Peer ) : void
LogConnectingSessionTransferPeer ( string Peer ) : void
LogContentionDetected ( string Resource, string Activity ) : void
LogDisconnectingPeer ( string Peer ) : void
LogDisconnectingSocket ( string Socket, bool IsFromPeer, string Reason ) : void
LogErrorConnectingPeer ( ) : void
LogForwardingNetworkQuery ( string Resource ) : void
LogIgnoredMessage ( ServiceMessage Msg, string Reason ) : void
LogMessageContentCipherError ( ServiceMessage Msg, Exception ex ) : void
LogMessageError ( ServiceMessage Msg, Exception ex ) : void
LogMessageProtectedError ( ServiceMessage Msg ) : void
LogMessageUnprotectedError ( ServiceMessage Msg ) : void
LogNetworkQueryTimeout ( string Resource ) : void
LogNetworkTransferredResource ( string Resource ) : void
LogNewMessage ( ServiceMessage Msg ) : void
LogNewPeerConnection ( System socket ) : void
LogNewSession ( string key, ISessionObject Session ) : void
LogNewWebServerConnection ( System socket ) : void
LogPeerAuthenticationFailed ( string Reason, string Peer ) : void
LogQueryingNetwork ( string Resource ) : void
LogRebroadcastingNetworkQuery ( string Resource ) : void
LogReply ( ServiceMessage Msg, ResponseData Response ) : void
LogSend ( ServiceSocket socket, ResponseData Response ) : void
LogSessionAlreadyExists ( string key ) : void
LogSessionDeleted ( string key ) : void
LogSessionExpired ( string key ) : void
LogSessionExported ( string key ) : void
LogSessionExporting ( string key, ISessionObject Session ) : void
LogSessionIsLocked ( string key ) : void
LogSessionNotFound ( string key ) : void
LogSessionRead ( string key, ISessionObject Session ) : void
LogShuttingdownMessage ( ) : void
LogSocketException ( Exception ex ) : void
LogStartingUpMessage ( ) : void
LogTransferFailed ( string Resource, string Reason ) : void
LogTransferSuccess ( string Resource ) : void
LogTransferringSession ( string Resource, string Peer ) : void
LogUpdatedSession ( string key, ISessionObject Session ) : void
ResetDeadLockCounter ( ) : void
TagMessage ( ServiceMessage Msg ) : void