C# Класс Org.Openengsb.XLinkCSharpClient.XLink.OpenEngSBConnectionManager

Manages the connect/disconnect to the OpenEngSB and the registration/deregistration to XLink.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
connectToOpenEngSbWithXLink ( ) : void

Creates/Registers the connector at the OpenEngSB and registers the connector to XLink

createXLink ( WorkingDirectoryFile file ) : string

Creates a XLink to the given WorkingDirectoryFile and copies it to the clipboard. Aborts the creation if no connection to the OpenEngSB is established.

disconnect ( ) : void

Unregisters the connector from XLink and removes it from the OpenEngSB

getInstance ( ) : OpenEngSBConnectionManager

Returns the Connectors only instance.

initInstance ( String xlinkBaseUrl, String domainId, String programname, String hostIp, string classNameOfOpenEngSBModel, String openengsbContext ) : void

Initializes the Connectors only instance.

isConnected ( ) : bool
listOtherLocalInstalledSoftwareTools ( ) : void

List the other local software tools, currently using xlink.

setCurrentlyInstalledTools ( OOSourceCodeDomain newArryOfInstalledTools ) : void

Redefines the array with currently installed local software tools.

setCurrentlyInstalledTools ( OpenEngSBCore newArryOfInstalledTools ) : void

Redefines the array with currently installed local software tools.

triggerLocalSwitch ( String programname, String viewId, String filename ) : void

Triggers the local switching functionality for the given program, using the given viewId ontop of the defined file.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
OpenEngSBConnectionManager ( String xlinkServerURL, String domainId, String programname, String hostIp, string classNameOfOpenEngSBModel, String openengsbContext ) : System
convertBetweenDLLTypes ( OOSourceCodeDomain newArryOfInstalledTools ) : OpenEngSBCore.XLinkConnector[]

The DomainConnector and the OpenEngSBCore origin from different DLLs but they both contain the type XLinkConnector. This method converts between themm.

convertWorkingDirectoryFileToJSON ( WorkingDirectoryFile file ) : string

Converts a WorkingDirectoryFile instance to a OOCLass instance and serializes it to String, with JSON

findCurrentlyInstalledToolToName ( String programname ) : OpenEngSBCore.XLinkConnector

Returns the XLinkConnector entry to the given programname or null

findViewToCurrentlyInstalledTool ( OpenEngSBCore otherLocalTool, string viewId ) : OpenEngSBCore.XLinkConnectorView

Returns the XLinkConnectorView entry to the given XLinkConnector and viewId or null

initModelViewRelation ( ) : ModelToViewsTuple[]

Creates the Array of Model/View relations, offered by the Tool, for XLink

outputLine ( string line ) : void

Описание методов

connectToOpenEngSbWithXLink() публичный Метод

Creates/Registers the connector at the OpenEngSB and registers the connector to XLink
public connectToOpenEngSbWithXLink ( ) : void
Результат void

createXLink() публичный Метод

Creates a XLink to the given WorkingDirectoryFile and copies it to the clipboard. Aborts the creation if no connection to the OpenEngSB is established.
public createXLink ( WorkingDirectoryFile file ) : string
file Org.Openengsb.XLinkCSharpClient.Model.WorkingDirectoryFile
Результат string

disconnect() публичный Метод

Unregisters the connector from XLink and removes it from the OpenEngSB
public disconnect ( ) : void
Результат void

getInstance() публичный статический Метод

Returns the Connectors only instance.
public static getInstance ( ) : OpenEngSBConnectionManager
Результат OpenEngSBConnectionManager

initInstance() публичный статический Метод

Initializes the Connectors only instance.
public static initInstance ( String xlinkBaseUrl, String domainId, String programname, String hostIp, string classNameOfOpenEngSBModel, String openengsbContext ) : void
xlinkBaseUrl String Link to OpenEngSB server
domainId String
programname String
hostIp String IP of the local host
classNameOfOpenEngSBModel string
openengsbContext String
Результат void

isConnected() публичный Метод

public isConnected ( ) : bool
Результат bool

listOtherLocalInstalledSoftwareTools() публичный Метод

List the other local software tools, currently using xlink.
public listOtherLocalInstalledSoftwareTools ( ) : void
Результат void

setCurrentlyInstalledTools() публичный Метод

Redefines the array with currently installed local software tools.
public setCurrentlyInstalledTools ( OOSourceCodeDomain newArryOfInstalledTools ) : void
newArryOfInstalledTools OOSourceCodeDomain
Результат void

setCurrentlyInstalledTools() публичный Метод

Redefines the array with currently installed local software tools.
public setCurrentlyInstalledTools ( OpenEngSBCore newArryOfInstalledTools ) : void
newArryOfInstalledTools OpenEngSBCore
Результат void

triggerLocalSwitch() публичный Метод

Triggers the local switching functionality for the given program, using the given viewId ontop of the defined file.
public triggerLocalSwitch ( String programname, String viewId, String filename ) : void
programname String
viewId String
filename String
Результат void